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This might be one reason for lack of communication and no progress from the association. One side wants to keep this and the other wants no part of it. One of the many issues we have to agree on before any proposal from either side will occur. Thank you Bobby Gless for screwing us out of our 401K match.
This ASSocicaiton is nothing more than a grand experiment that will ultimately fail as "a house divided against itself cannot stand". The IAM has been "damaged goods" ever since the bloody USair/America West merger, i.e. IAM/IBT feud, and American with the TWU/
AMFA fight. This can affect USair and AA pensioners. It won't get any better for us but it will certainly get worse if your association screws with it. DON'T!
The right thing to do is have a single union represent a single work group. One union, one voice. I keep saying this because if anyone is really paying attention to what is happening with the association and the negotiators we are not getting anything accomplished for the best interest of the dues paying menbers. It's all about what the unions and the AFL-CIO wants in their pockets. The really sad issue is that for the employees of both companies who live in a democratic society where elections are common place in every level of government we never had a democratic vote on the association. Now look at the infighting between both unions. This is not how unions are suppose to be conducting business in the middle of negotiations.
1AA said:
The right thing to do is have a single union represent a single work group. One union, one voice. I keep saying this because if anyone is really paying attention to what is happening with the association and the negotiators we are not getting anything accomplished for the best interest of the dues paying menbers. It's all about what the unions and the AFL-CIO wants in their pockets. The really sad issue is that for the employees of both companies who live in a democratic society where elections are common place in every level of government we never had a democratic vote on the association. Now look at the infighting between both unions. This is not how unions are suppose to be conducting business in the middle of negotiations.
Unless we all missed something here we are NOT in current negotiations since AA has not opened announced that, nor has the Assoc.
Having one union represent the ground workers is not what the present work force wants.
Stores/ramp/facilities/utility/simm techs want one thing, or another, some of a/c maintenance wants one thing or another as well.  Most just don't care at all. Most are just fed up with the TWU and the Non union attitude here at AA.
IGM and I made so much $$$ last yr attitudes have just run rampart here.  Poor TWU Leadership over all the yrs and the scamming brought this. Everyone here at AA is at fault.
And I will assume over at US with the IAM it's the same.
Have not heard what was said or what the plan is for the title 2 guys here at AA, but when they attempt to merge the two seniority list per the McKaskill bond I think the Utility/Facility/automotive guys will have their own list seperate from the title 1 guys. You should ask GP at local 591 that question.

If this is true who are the paticipants and why haven't we been asked for input and been told what each side has in plan.
Are they going to give us its a secret and what we want will come out during negotiations and we don't want to give the company any idea early? 
The TWU has in in the past been sworn to say nothing and my question has been who do they work for US the membership or AA.?
Gary Peterson is your rep at the Association.
Overspeed said:
Gary Peterson is your rep at the Association.
"YES" I get that part but he won't be in the actual room that has been for the Intl reps only. He will discuss what the team brings out for them to debate/discuss.  What participation the IAM/TWU assoc. will allow the membership to have we will see.  
Who from the IAM and TWU will be in there? Do you know that?
"YES" I get that part but he won't be in the actual room that has been for the Intl reps only. He will discuss what the team brings out for them to debate/discuss.  What participation the IAM/TWU assoc. will allow the membership to have we will see.  
Who from the IAM and TWU will be in there? Do you know that?
I believe that is Sean Doyle since he heads up M&R for the TWU
1AA said:
The right thing to do is have a single union represent a single work group. One union, one voice. I keep saying this because if anyone is really paying attention to what is happening with the association and the negotiators we are not getting anything accomplished for the best interest of the dues paying members. It's all about what the unions and the AFL-CIO wants in their pockets. The really sad issue is that for the employees of both companies who live in a democratic society where elections are common place in every level of government we never had a democratic vote on the association. Now look at the infighting between both unions. This is not how unions are suppose to be conducting business in the middle of negotiations.
Overspeed said:
I believe that is Sean Doyle since he heads up M&R for the TWU
With all your vast knowledge of the TWU from the past why hasn't the TWU come out and said these are the negotiators who will be in the room with the company? Why hasn't this association put out the same information.
Having anywhere from 12-19 guys assigned to the team how was that determined and what input if any are we the members from both US/AA
going to have or are we going to operate status quoe?
Are they going to decide what is best for your family and all the other families under this new joint association?
before it all gets started are we as members going to be able to submitt
proposals then have those counted and then revoted on as the importance to the membership? How many of the IAM leaders who will be in the actual room are from maintenance?
What is the total number of association members in each division?
Just asking so myself and all the others from maintenance will know our importance in this process.
With all your vast knowledge of the TWU from the past why hasn't the TWU come out and said these are the negotiators who will be in the room with the company? Why hasn't this association put out the same information.
Having anywhere from 12-19 guys assigned to the team how was that determined and what input if any are we the members from both US/AA
going to have or are we going to operate status quoe?
Are they going to decide what is best for your family and all the other families under this new joint association?
before it all gets started are we as members going to be able to submitt
proposals then have those counted and then revoted on as the importance to the membership? How many of the IAM leaders who will be in the actual room are from maintenance?
What is the total number of association members in each division?
Just asking so myself and all the others from maintenance will know our importance in this process.
Why you haven't been informed that Sean Doyle heads up the TWU M&R group I don't know. The TWU system states he is to follow the direction of the negotiating committee.
As far as us sendin in proposals I am completely unfamiliar with the JCBA process. The TWU CBA has not reached it's amendable date so I am thinking this is a merging of agreement with some enhancements. I would ask your MIA reps for more details.
1AA said:
The right thing to do is have a single union represent a single work group. One union, one voice. I keep saying this because if anyone is really paying attention to what is happening with the association and the negotiators we are not getting anything accomplished for the best interest of the dues paying menbers. It's all about what the unions and the AFL-CIO wants in their pockets. The really sad issue is that for the employees of both companies who live in a democratic society where elections are common place in every level of government we never had a democratic vote on the association. Now look at the infighting between both unions. This is not how unions are suppose to be conducting business in the middle of negotiations.
This confirms what I said would happen by going with these two industrial unions merged.  Too many different ways of doing things.  These two are the two most different contracts out there.  With so many different issues at hand, and with the IAM taking the leads first, I am pretty sure the IAM will do secret nego (behind closed doors) and leave the membership completely in the dark till , BAM, all of a sudden there is a TA about 3-5 years from now.  It will take some time guys, it won't be a year or two with all the differences.  If they come out with something sooner then you guys need to prepare yourselves for yet another seell out from the association.   I am sad to hear all of you are still kept in the dark about all this, especially OS as he was the closest one on hear connected to the TWU.  Saddened but not at all surprised.  So, how long has it been since the association was announced and still no nego has taken place as of yet,  pathetic I say...
You would think that if The Association was working for the best interest of the members when the CEO is offering 7% above "competition" wages and swearing no give backs in work rules you would think they would at least give him a call.
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