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Overspeed said:
Is he the spokesperson for the Association? Will the company acknowledge him? Didn't the IAM write a letter to the NMB saying GP speaks for himself and local but not all TWU members. Is there a way for him to make a motion to have the Association request the AA proposal or does GP sit staring at the phone just woncdering why Dougie won't make the first move and call?
If he isn't speaking for them,
He should be
This is the right move.
So GP speaks for 591 or himself and the IAM wrote a letter to the NMB about it. This is exactly why we are not even close on issues. One wants control over the other. Was the association a really good idea? We need to wake up and look at what is happening to both sides since the association was formed. How can we agree on anything? What a mess and we as members are getting a royal screwing. This is something that needs to be taken seriously.
Agree...there are a bunch folks around these parts exhibiting way too much confidence in the Association. I'm here to say we are no closer to a industry leading contract because of the Association. In another year when the economy tanks and we still have the IAM and TWU bickering causing us thousands of dollars in pay and benefits, will we then get a voice. Doubt it!
Wow this is worse than I thought.  I figured they were still dividing the spoils and fighting over who is TWU and who is IAM.  You know?  like "We'll trade you Boston for Philly."  Or something like that.  
You 8 posters crack me up. It's one thing to voice an opinion on what you want to see in negotiations, but its another when you use the  " i heard, she said, he said " theory. How about you come on here and say. " I sat in negotiations this morning and this is whats going on ". You can't and thats why the 2nd/3rd person rumor mill. 
mike33 said:
You 8 posters crack me up. It's one thing to voice an opinion on what you want to see in negotiations, but its another when you use the  " i heard, she said, he said " theory. How about you come on here and say. " I sat in negotiations this morning and this is whats going on ". You can't and thats why the 2nd/3rd person rumor mill.
Thats because we can not sit in negotiations with the TWU. We can talk directly to our VP's and other officers. You crack me up on how you don't know anything on how the twu operates.
1AA said:
So GP speaks for 591 or himself and the IAM wrote a letter to the NMB about it. This is exactly why we are not even close on issues. One wants control over the other. Was the association a really good idea? We need to wake up and look at what is happening to both sides since the association was formed. How can we agree on anything? What a mess and we as members are getting a royal screwing. This is something that needs to be taken seriously.
Letter from Association about GP letter to NMB. Read paragraph two.
"Mr. Peterson's letter only represents his own personal views, and nothing more."
It just shows how we have to somehow work together. Very difficult. It's almost like AA offering the same proposal to Delta, Alaska and us. It just won't work unless we are all on the same page or AA will differentiate their proposals to fit each airline's work rules. Sounds crazy but that is what we currently have with the association. I always said ONE UNION, ONE VOICE. That would be the better for all the members. Unfortunately that is not going to happen anytime soon if at all.
1AA said:
It just shows how we have to somehow work together. Very difficult. It's almost like AA offering the same proposal to Delta, Alaska and us. It just won't work unless we are all on the same page or AA will differentiate their proposals to fit each airline's work rules. Sounds crazy but that is what we currently have with the association. I always said ONE UNION, ONE VOICE. That would be the better for all the members. Unfortunately that is not going to happen anytime soon if at all.
So who is that? who is the spokesperson for the Association?
I have to agree with 1AA.  The bickering and the back and forth will continue for a long, long time to come.  3 Years?  Are you kidding?  I believe you guys are looking at more like 5+ years.  ALL the airlines are dragging their feet at negotiations with ALL the groups while the airline fully enjoys their profits in the mean time.  I too along with 1AA have warned you guys about the back and forth and all disagreements that will come to light between the TWU and IAM butting heads on which work rules they will agree to go with.  The nightmare is just beginning and it will get worse and longer to hammer out with 2 different groups trying to negotiate one of the 2 groups rules into one contract---told you so----
Overspeed said:
So who is that? who is the spokesperson for the Association?
Very good question. The spokesman for the association might not be just one person. It might not be anyone from either side. It might be someone from the AFL-CIO or maybe the AFL-CIO themselves. You have to ask who created and pushed for the association? Was it one person's mastermind for financial gain or preservation? The association is like a self running computer and no one person can alter it's programming left by someone who no longer is in charge. It's a mess. Again it should have been ONE UNION, ONE VOICE.
DFW Town Hall, Parker says no paying for the raises with work rules, Delta +7 on top of whatever the Association comes up with and expects the Association to be ready soon.
At least that's how I interpreted his answer.

MetalMover said:
This is why there should have never been an ASSociation!
Never has there been a More True statement.
There have been many AMFA drives and even a IBT card drive and each time we the TOTAL Group did not sign enough cards either way to rid ourselves of the TWU.
We have as a group said give them one more chance. Well we are stuck now with this association and the Leaders at the Locals we all as a group do/don't like. It's NOT the base nor the Line guys or even the IAM guys it's us ALL.
Many here have shown us all the pitfalls of the TWU, what we have given up or lost over all the yrs and still the TWU is still here. Some here support the TWU we all have our own choices to make. Like it or NOT it is what it is. No one really wants to get involved let the other guy doit. That seems to be what has gone on here at AA and throughout the industry as a whole.
That is why we have the same guys in office ALL the Time. This has been on many threads here on this forum, MAKE A CHANGE TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. We can not get a straight answer on many subject we all have been speculating on putting in our bits and pieces of info.
Isn't time the TWU and the IAM or the new Association put out true info and tell us what is happening and why they are letting AA do what they are doing, since they are supposed to WORK for US, Not the other way around.
Many are not happy with the $1.63 we got, some say it's something, better than $0.00.
What about the Prefund money, what about the stock, is AA going to keep the IAMNPF
we can say it is but the Leaders of the Assoc./TWU/IAM have not said a word. AA is just changing things and we just take it here at AA and from talking to US air mechanics its the same way there.
Just be prepared to be disappointed again, lets hope DP will give us another buy out before the Layoffs come so the older guys can depart saving jobs so that we as a Group don't have to give up anymore to AA and suffer yrs to come under a subpar contract.
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