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Yup your right. AMFA is not pro AMT as the Association is. The association was suppose to be a voted issue. That didn't happen. Our mid term wage adjustment was not properly calculated and done a month earlier. We have no say on nothing and yet the association is here for our best interest. Thank goodness they are pro AMT. Hate to think what a class and craft union with accountability would do worse. I'm glad your here setting us straight.
mike33 said:
No , thats how stupid you sound,... it is written by you,,,,,
 Is this the AMFA mentallity?. The Mentality of AMFA leadership?
AMFA guys chime in if you want.  chil-OKIE1 has shown his colors......
How naive you are.  You and your "one size fits all" union have screwed me for 30 years now.  I don't see anything changing with this new group supposedly representing us.  Wake the F up, AMTs have a baggage handler heading up the AMTs negotiating committee, really?  What could go wrong?  The days of Tulsa "roll calling" the vote are over.. 
The Association has not done me or my career any wrong so far. How could it?. It hasn't finished its Negotiations yet !
I give them my full confidence until such time as they do me career harm. Which i don't believe they will but we shall see.
If I remember correctly you were pushing the ibt a short time ago. If you didn,t like the iam then why do you like them now??????? You sound like a person that flip flops all the time and cannot make a decision one or the other.
767 mechanic said:
If I remember correctly you were pushing the ibt a short time ago. If you didn,t like the iam then why do you like them now??????? You sound like a person that flip flops all the time and cannot make a decision one or the other.
  Post the evidence. I give you permission !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  If i posted anything it was their negotiating tactics at PSA.... There you go, I've dated myself
So I did remember correctly you did push the ibt and now that you didn't get your beloved ibt in you flip back to the iam. Perfect example of flip flop,flip flop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
767 mechanic said:
So I did remember correctly you did push the ibt and now that you didn't get your beloved ibt in you flip back to the iam. Perfect example of flip flop,flip flop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not what i said...... Cut and Paste anything you want from my post as your proof if you want.  You have 389 posts. I doubt you have any whiskers to say much ....  Son !............ The readers are waiting for you.!
mike33 said:
Not what i said...... Cut and Paste anything you want from my post as your proof if you want.  You have 389 posts. I doubt you have any whiskers to say much ....  Son !............ The readers are waiting for you.!
I'm not waiting because your not worth the wait. Let's move on.
Baitor??????? I stated the obvious. You once supported the ibt and now you are groveling by saying please please lets just give the ass a chance. The ass is the same remember the union(scab union) that you wanted to replace is half of the ass. Tell us how two worthless unions that hate each other make one good union?? The two are going to claim a victory for delta +7 when that was given to them. The two are delaying neg so that they can try and figure a way out of loosing thousands of members due to stations closing and outsourcing. Remember the industry avg formula that the iam and twu allowed the company to screw us with. They did not even use the formula in our contract. They will not show you the delta and ual base pay and premiums. One way of not being disappointed is not to expect anything from this ass. This ass is nothing more than an abortion in process.
You obviously don't have the info you so professed in your accusations. So, let me give it to you. I supported the IBT in 1974 during its negotiations with PSA.
How that has anything to do with 2015 and these JCBA ( 41 yrs later)  i don't see.  I do not support AMFA............
mike33 said:
You obviously don't have the info you so professed in your accusations. So, let me give it to you. I supported the IBT in 1974 during its negotiations with PSA.
How that has anything to do with 2015 and these JCBA ( 41 yrs later)  i don't see.  I do not support AMFA............
AFL-CIO unions were Socialists then just as they are today.
Give the Association a chance? They already are following business as usual. We had a written agreement on the mid term wage adjustment and they agreed to move it up a month and exclude certain averages. Shift premium is one. What else are we losing out on by making the adjustment one month earlier. I'm not giving them any latitude. I can't hold them accountable to anything but sure as he'll will let them know how I feel.
mike33 said:
No , thats how stupid you sound,... it is written by you,,,,,
 Is this the AMFA mentallity?. The Mentality of AMFA leadership?
AMFA guys chime in if you want.  chil-OKIE1 has shown his colors......
What colors would that be? You have shown your stupidity by putting blind faith
in the Association that has very little support from its members, and your only response
to my sarcasm is try and use it against me? Typical 
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