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I don't understand why everyone is passed. This has been in the contract from DOS. The only possibility of getting a decent raise from the "Industry Average" of the "Legacy Carriers" was to have LUS excluded. The contract language was vague enough to argue for the inclusion of LUS. Same as Prefunding Match. I am not siding with the company but this is what was voted in by the majority. To just see it now only means some people did not read the contract.
This was also negotiated into the LUS "Interim Contract" until  JCBA is ratified. If there is a chance of anyone getting screwed with this contract it will happen. The only opportunity to fix it is the JCBA.
1AA said:
No guarantee a jcba is going to correct anything.
Maybe this screwing will be enough to get us over the hump in getting more AMFA cards signed first chance we get.
Vortilon said:
Maybe this screwing will be enough to get us over the hump in getting more AMFA cards signed first chance we get.
  Not a chance. Amfa is DEAD at the new AA............ Get on with it already.  And, Yeah Yeah Yeah....I told you there would be not enough cards and no vote for the Association...... Lets get on with the task at hand
mike33 said:
  Not a chance. Amfa is DEAD at the new AA............ Get on with it already.  And, Yeah Yeah Yeah....I told you there would be not enough cards and no vote for the Association...... Lets get on with the task at hand
What's you plan if the ASSociation doesn't deliver? Disappoints you?  And please do not use the Delta + 7 as a defense. The company already stated that's the hard dollar number so the ASSociation cannot take credit for that.
Gman10 said:
I don't understand why everyone is passed. This has been in the contract from DOS. The only possibility of getting a decent raise from the "Industry Average" of the "Legacy Carriers" was to have LUS excluded. The contract language was vague enough to argue for the inclusion of LUS. Same as Prefunding Match. I am not siding with the company but this is what was voted in by the majority. To just see it now only means some people did not read the contract.
This was also negotiated into the LUS "Interim Contract" until  JCBA is ratified. If there is a chance of anyone getting screwed with this contract it will happen. The only opportunity to fix it is the JCBA.
You are wrong!  The agreement voted on was changed with a LOA signed and approved  by a single person.
That LOA cost Title I & II members thousands of dollars already and potentionally many more thousands over
the course of a members career.  People are angry because many of our fellow members refuse to
hold the TWU accountable for its many & continuing failures. 
chilokie1 said:
You are wrong!  The agreement voted on was changed with a LOA signed and approved  by a single person.
That LOA cost Title I & II members thousands of dollars already and potentionally many more thousands over
the course of a members career.  People are angry because many of our fellow members refuse to
hold the TWU accountable for its many & continuing failures.
Yes, people are angry but it is obvious not enough are to step up and make an effort to make a change.
MetalMover said:
What's you plan if the ASSociation doesn't deliver? Disappoints you?  And please do not use the Delta + 7 as a defense. The company already stated that's the hard dollar number so the ASSociation cannot take credit for that.
  The Association has not done me or my career any wrong so far. How could it?. It hasn't finished its Negotiations yet !
I give them my full confidence until such time as they do me career harm. Which i don't believe they will but we shall see.   
1AA said:
Yes, people are angry but it is obvious not enough are to step up and make an effort to make a change.
My point is that a lot of the anger on this forum is pointed at the guys who whine & gripe
but refuse to put out any effort to help make changes to better their careers.
mike33 said:
  The Association has not done me or my career any wrong so far. How could it?. It hasn't finished its Negotiations yet !
I give them my full confidence until such time as they do me career harm. Which i don't believe they will but we shall see.   
I'am whit ya bro!!
Dhem some good ole boys, dhey promised me Delta and 7 purrrr cent!
Money won't make you happy, "But It Will Buy You A Boat" Yee Ha!
That is truly how stupid you sound mikey33
chilokie1 said:
I'am whit ya bro!!
Dhem some good ole boys, dhey promised me Delta and 7 purrrr cent!
Money won't make you happy, "But It Will Buy You A Boat" Yee Ha!
That is truly how stupid you sound mikey33
No , thats how stupid you sound,... it is written by you,,,,,
 Is this the AMFA mentallity?. The Mentality of AMFA leadership?
AMFA guys chime in if you want.  chil-OKIE1 has shown his colors......
Delta + 7% over the life of the contract?
Perhaps after the September raise where Title 2 base pay surpasses Title I base pay, Title 1 can seek some parity.
When is our Gain Sharing checks going to arrive.
I am glad the Association is here to save us from the TWU......
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