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767 mechanic said:
That's a bunch of crap. The iam contacted the local presidents and asked them to attend a meeting and they refused because Lombardo told them not to go. Why don't you tell the whole story?????????? As usual you have a grudge against the 591 elected officials because team FAT BASTARD didn't get voted in. You don't get your 2 hours of O/T a day given to you by the company anymore for being an appointed twu official so you have to blame somebody else. How typical of a bubba believer.
Very eloquent response but far from accurate. Once the Association was announced 567 and 591 were against. 591 took the lead position on the issue and sent several letters (written bu Seham firm) to the NMB attempting to stop the approval of the Association or allow other unions (AMFA) to be allowed on the ballot as intervenors. During the period of that protesting the IAM attempted to set up training sessions and I am sure Lombardo was merely returning a favor to the those who promised their delegates to him at the Convention. Come on your not that naive to know what political favors are.
No blaming, calling it like it is. What do I expect? More playing in to Parker's hand. Heard we have about 50 items that have to be reconciled before they can even sit down with the company. Look at your paycheck now. While you might get the wage adjustment (muted by the inclusion of the US AMT wages) you will see another year go by with no TA. Remember what happened last year with Uncle Doug throwing out 4% in December as candy for the employees except the TWU and IAM? Well with a potential $7B annual profit coming how much you want to bet he does that again this year and gues who doesn't get it again...yes that would be us. Member discontent will be at an all time high then not getting DL+7 plus the 12/2014 4% and probably the 12/2015 4%.
Again good job slowing down the Association and not prepping instead of fighting. Really serving the membership.
dfw gen said:
again that's a load of sh*t this should have been started a long time ago. here we go again lets look forward to 2018 for a new contract! thank you twu and iam!
Agreed. No excuse.
Overspeed said:
Agreed. No excuse.
I agree as well.
However, the new AA (USAir) management has a history of pitting labor group members against each other and using it to their advantage in negotiations. Whether we like it or not,  combining our contracts is vital to insuring that all members are united in these negotiations. Issues such as Title Group and Classification Seniority, Job Security etc., are important to every one of us and must be addressed prior to opening with the company. 
Little and his team are gone, and the Negotiating Committee includes Local Officers elected by our members. They know the sentiment of the membership, and once the contract integration issues are addressed I expect them to begin Negotiations ASAP. 
Realityck said:
I agree as well.
However, the new AA (USAir) management has a history of pitting labor group members against each other and using it to their advantage in negotiations. Whether we like it or not,  combining our contracts is vital to insuring that all members are united in these negotiations. Issues such as Title Group and Classification Seniority, Job Security etc., are important to every one of us and must be addressed prior to opening with the company. 
Little and his team are gone, and the Negotiating Committee includes Local Officers elected by our members. They know the sentiment of the membership, and once the contract integration issues are addressed I expect them to begin Negotiations ASAP. 
You guys always spout this crap to cover your weaknesses,  put it  on the membership and the company, in reality, Its you jack offs and that includes local leaders, that are screwing us forever and ever..... The issue is your union sucks and is pathetic as a representative and people are sick of it.
DallasConehead said:
You guys always spout this crap to cover your weaknesses,  put it  on the membership and the company, in reality, Its you jack offs and that includes local leaders, that are screwing us forever and ever..... The issue is your union sucks and is pathetic as a representative and people are sick of it.
But not quite sick enough!
DallasConehead said:
You guys always spout this crap to cover your weaknesses,  put it  on the membership and the company, in reality, Its you jack offs and that includes local leaders, that are screwing us forever and ever..... The issue is your union sucks and is pathetic as a representative and people are sick of it.
Yes we are sick of a lot of things. So moving forward what are the current 514, 567, and 591 officers doing to move the process along and get us to the table? Instead of having two day and three day sessions how about some marathon sessions to reconcile the approximately 50 differences in the current CBAs? We want and need action on the internal issues so we can get them to the table with Uncle Dougie.
Parker and crew stand to reap massive riches from the long term incentives and variable comp. Doug passed on his base income not because he was taking one for the team. He knows this year AAL is forecasted to earn almost $7B in profits. We are not willing to take another year of Parker saying, "I want to give you DL+7% but your union won't talk to me."  
Maybe we need to do something like the Catholic Church and lock them in a room and don't let them out until they have the reconcilation complete.
The time for no excuses leadership in now.
Rogallo said:
Name calling. How creative. Must have blown out a few brain cells on that one word response.
Following your path of selective accountability has worked for you how?
They just ended two weeks straight of being together that's ten days they have met for over 15 days to put together a JCBA, it's not an easy project.
700UW said:
They just ended two weeks straight of being together that's ten days they have met for over 15 days to put together a JCBA, it's not an easy project.
A. And why are they taking another two week break? They should meet weekly till this is done.
B. But I see you still tend to over look my/our biggest complaint...they should have been getting things in order months ago. And I don't want to hear "go ask the TWU", it doesn't make it any less of a complaint or failure on our representation to have had the ball rolling...
You do realize the Presidents on your side also process grievances, as do many on the IAM side?
The facts are the TWU refused for months to meet with the IAM, sorry if you dont like it, but thats the reality of the situation.
700UW said:
You do realize the Presidents on your side also process grievances, as do many on the IAM side?
The facts are the TWU refused for months to meet with the IAM, sorry if you dont like it, but thats the reality of the situation.
Thank you sir for that bit if information. Now we can all sleep at night.
700UW said:
You do realize the Presidents on your side also process grievances, as do many on the IAM side?
The facts are the TWU refused for months to meet with the IAM, sorry if you dont like it, but thats the reality of the situation.
We wish they were handling grievances. Docket is 30 pages deep. Still trying to figure out what the grievance chairman is doing. Most of the grievances come from a few certain stations. Wonder what's going on in places like LGA, JFK and LAX. They don't show up much. Must be some love going on there.

700UW said:
They just ended two weeks straight of being together that's ten days they have met for over 15 days to put together a JCBA, it's not an easy project.
And yet, NOT one update as to WHAT they discussed during each session, not ONE update. They claim to be discussing language, but WHAT language?
I know for a fact that LEAD/CREW CHIEF seniority is a major sticking point. The other is AA tech crew chiefs are union, but their tech counterparts at US are management.
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