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If after two weeks of talking they are not ready to negotiate wwith would be fools to not get rid of them.
dfw gen said:
If after two weeks of talking they are not ready to negotiate wwith would be fools to not get rid of themI!
Integrating the sometimes conflicting language in the two contracts can't be done overnight. While I'm sure you have many years of experience in these matters,
you do don't you? 
I agree it should move forward ASAP, but not at a disadvantage to the members involved.
Realityck said:
Integrating the sometimes conflicting language in the two contracts can't be done overnight. While I'm sure you have many years of experience in these matters,
you do don't you? 
I agree it should move forward ASAP, but not at a disadvantage to the members involved.
They should have been working on this for the last six months regardless of any law suits. So to get it right are we supposed to wait six more months before they get their act together?
I don't believe there will be any "Negotiating" taking place. There will be some gains mostly by the TWU due to their industry leading concessionary contract and the pay bump from the company for getting a JCBA, but items such as more vacation or anything outside what is in each contract will not happen. This is nothing more than consolidating two contracts! My opinions of course.
ok it has been three months since the association was granted representation.  I see how speedy and efficiently it is working out for us.  With all that power within the association it should have yielded an industry leading contract soon after getting the nod to represent us.  I guess 2 unions are no better than one after all.
Overspeed said:
I agree they love self serving people.
 The past back to 2003 the TWU has not had anyone really steering the plane. 
It's the TWU.  Don't you mean steering the BUS?
Chuck Schalk said:
ok it has been three months since the association was granted representation.  I see how speedy and efficiently it is working out for us.  With all that power within the association it should have yielded an industry leading contract soon after getting the nod to represent us.  I guess 2 unions are no better than one after all.
Ask Bob why he signed checks to Seham to delay the Association with the NMB and at the same time refused to sit down and start prepping over a year ago and you'll have your answer. Klima wrote a letter trying to set up joint training and meetings and Drummond sent a letter saying not interested. It's not the Association it's your vote no coalition buddies playing games again that caused this delay.
Overspeed said:
Pretty sure this ain't Don's flight plan.
Overspeed said:
The past back to 2003 the TWU has not had anyone really steering the plane. The cockpit has been loaded with reps that all want the captains chair but have no real flight plan once they get there.
So self serving Don was useless at the helm of the ATD too?
dfw gen said:
They should have been working on this for the last six months regardless of any law suits. So to get it right are we supposed to wait six more months before they get their act together?
I asked you if you had years of experience in these matters and your answer was:  (no answer)
That means you're just another peanut gallery critic with no experience, but all the answers. Go get them Tiger!
Realityck said:
I asked you if you had years of experience in these matters and your answer was:  (no answer)
That means you're just another peanut gallery critic with no experience, but all the answers. Go get them Tiger!
No experience just the common sense to know what should have been done I'm a timely manner. When someone does not do the job I hired them for I find someone that will
Ask Bob why he signed checks to Seham to delay the Association with the NMB and at the same time refused to sit down and start prepping over a year ago and you'll have your answer. Klima wrote a letter trying to set up joint training and meetings and Drummond sent a letter saying not interested. It's not the Association it's your vote no coalition buddies playing games again that caused this delay.
That's a bunch of crap. The iam contacted the local presidents and asked them to attend a meeting and they refused because Lombardo told them not to go. Why don't you tell the whole story?????????? As usual you have a grudge against the 591 elected officials because team FAT BASTARD didn't get voted in. You don't get your 2 hours of O/T a day given to you by the company anymore for being an appointed twu official so you have to blame somebody else. How typical of a bubba believer.
Realityck said:
I asked you if you had years of experience in these matters and your answer was:  (no answer)
That means you're just another peanut gallery critic with no experience, but all the answers. Go get them Tiger!
And what has years of experience in these matters got us pal?  (MY ANSWER) The ability to make deals on the side that don't apply to the membership but apply to the experienced deal maker!   How much did the experienced Jim Little get for removing profit sharing and me-too provisions? When one guy has the ability to change the  contract with no vote or input of the membership does it really make a fu@# anyway? 
Realityck said:
I asked you if you had years of experience in these matters and your answer was:  (no answer)
That means you're just another peanut gallery critic with no experience, but all the answers. Go get them Tiger!
Most of us have years of experience with the TWU, and it has been a negative one at least for myself and most of my peers!
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