And they are going to do it again with the help of the IAM. Profits rolling in again.enough already said:The twu would've tucked their tails and tried to sell a concessionary contract a loooong time ago...
And they are going to do it again with the help of the IAM. Profits rolling in again.enough already said:The twu would've tucked their tails and tried to sell a concessionary contract a loooong time ago...
History is on our side. Remember the 6 year 1995 contract? Record profits and only .50 raise.lineguy43 said:Once again overspin no matter what you think of AMFA and even how the strike went down. It cannot be argued and I have stated this several times on these boards. NO AMT in the iam or twu would even be breaking 30 dollars and hour if it were not for AMFA at NW and our contract and I at big purple being non-union would not be making 52 dollars if it were not for AMFA at NW. The end result was bad for us but then again it wasn't all AMFA's fault. A lot of things came together to hurt us in that strike. The company was hell bent on breaking AMFA and was prepared to spend what it took to do it. The FAA turned a blind eye as well. So we lost the battle but the war still carries on it didnt take long for the likes of the iam and twu to drag the industry back down to the bottom. If I wanted to make ramp wages I would have never went and got my A@P and the training to get where I am today and the iam continued to keep us at ramp and agent wages even in the best times in aviation history thats why we tossed their ass to the street as most all other airlines AMT's did eventually except UsAir ( who was the lowest paid AMT's by the way) now merged with AA and the twu (the second worst paid AMT's in salary and benefits). Yeah I see a real chance for an industry leading contract coming from you guys Overspin NOT!! History is not your side here. Will be interesting to see just what POS you do come up with.
I see you skipped your meds again.mike33 said:You guys/gals are all full of BS...........told you there wouldn't be a vote...... Let the Team do their job as a collective voice at the table..... AA needs this JCBA....
If you can't handle that then too bad because we are already into it. No turning back............
PlayGround chatter is all this page is!
I agree with you for the most part however, there is a danger in releasing information too early as failure to meet stated goals can have a high price.MetalMover said:We need to demand that they give us updates at the end of every session with both the ASSociation and the company. I want to know EVERY article discussed and where each side stands. I am tired of waiting until a TA is posted only to find out that when the actual contract is printed, there are so many "THEY CAN DO THAT, BROTHERS" in there.
This should not be so hard to do considering the information age we live in.
If you feel you have no hope then why are you still working for American Airlines.bob@las-AA said:All have equal chance of getting nothing.
You basically took an entry level job that required no experience, no skill, no education, and minimum training with the intention of working it until retirement.........bob@las-AA said:Why? because we have nothing to leverage!!!
I preferred the merry-go-round. 🙂AANOTOK said:Well Mike, I hope you are right...I hope I'm pleasantly surprised. By the way, not dogging, just addressing the fact that if you are commenting in this forum then you would have to be in the playground. I personally was in the "Sandbox". 🙂
I will save what ever comes to mine for the AM hours on Saturday. Please stand By.La Li Lu Le Lo said:If you feel you have no hope then why are you still working for American Airlines.
Maybe you should ask yourself where you want to be in 10 years. If you can't see yourself doing the same job 10 years later (because unless you want to start your seniority over that is exactly what you will be doing) maybe you should start working on an exit plan.
The future is coming regardless of your actions, rather you take an active role to shape it is up to you.
You basically took an entry level job that required no experience, no skill, no education, and minimum training with the intention of working it until retirement.........
You made no investment whatsoever in yourself, nor have you showed any ambition to move up in the company, and your unhappy because you have no......... leverage?