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700UW said:
It is a TWU issue, take it up with your ATD, the IAM wasnt involved at all in any of it.
And the court system/grievance procedure hasnt played out now, has it?
All they can due is sue, or arbitrate, and like I said, they are waiting to see what happens with the APFA results, as it will more than likely set a precedence either way the ruling is.
Why do we have to go to the unions when we have your wealth of knowledge and wisdom to guide us through these troubled times?
Overspeed said:
The pre-funding match issue has been docketed but the ATD keeps postponing the hearing. The APFA has the same language and filed after the TWU yet they are already putting on their case. This does not make sense to a lot of us because the APFA piggy-backed on the TWU language regarding company match. I spoke to an APFA rep who said they got tired of waiting for the TWU to go forward since they wrote the language and set the precedent. I suspect the TWU let the APFA go first and will piggyback on the award from their case. I guess we pay union dues to our locals to make youtube videos, communicate through a website, buy $30K in iPads, $30K for Christmas parties in MIA, and $300K plus to pay Seham's firm to sue the Int'l. Because that's what the members want.
but see your blending your hate for your local officers with what is the ATD issue of prefunding. Prefunding arbitration is an international issue. Your showing your true colors now my friend
Since when did accountability mean hate? The fact is our dues are not being spent on getting us the prefunding and it's not an Int'l issue. Local officers often, if not always get involved in 29d's.
And when people post officers salaries of Int'l reps, junket expenses, and other non-essential to representation issues is that hate? Are there true colors showing? Bob has posted many times about Int'l pensions, cost of the convention, and others. So what's your standard? When your heroes point things out its okay, when someone holds your heroes accountable its hate? Your double standards are showing my friend.
Since when did accountability mean hate? The fact is our dues are not being spent on getting us the prefunding and it's not an Int'l issue. Local officers often, if not always get involved in 29d's.
And when people post officers salaries of Int'l reps, junket expenses, and other non-essential to representation issues is that hate? Are there true colors showing? Bob has posted many times about Int'l pensions, cost of the convention, and others. So what's your standard? When your heroes point things out its okay, when someone holds your heroes accountable its hate? Your double standards are showing my friend.
I don't remember you holding the past officers to the same standard. Let's face it you don't like your current officers which is fine that's your right, I don't really care but let's be real about it. Bob and others are pretty transparent in the disdain for the international and always have been. At least their consistent.
700UW said:
It is a TWU issue, take it up with your ATD, the IAM wasnt involved at all in any of it.
And the court system/grievance procedure hasnt played out now, has it?
All they can due is sue, or arbitrate, and like I said, they are waiting to see what happens with the APFA results, as it will more than likely set a precedence either way the ruling is.
Thank you for that info. We will take it into consideration at the next bankruptcy filing.
Well I will agree to disagree. The issue is one of accountability. How has your situation improved? Has every effort been expended on getting us the few financial incentives in the current CBA? No, the gain sharing grievance was filed by Don V but it appears that since it's something DV worked for that even if it means more money in our pockets, since he is associated with it, they aren't for it. Even if it means putting more dollars in your pocket. The retiree prefunding, if DV was the one that was involved why not find out what was said about getting us that match. Do you care if they don't like DV if it gets more money in your pocket? You shouldn't.
My disdain is for the lack of focus and the fact that I want someone in the locals working for us and not for them. They said that is what they would do but that actions are not showing that. How do I come to that conclusion? When Wroble cut the company paid union spots they had an emergency board meeting to make sure they wouldn't have to come to work and get paid, when the single local was happening they all got together to fight it until they got in, when it came to getting the bylaws passed that mainly dealt with raises for themselves they made sure that went through without a membership vote. I want them to fight just hard for us in getting more money in our pockets now as they do for themselves, that's all.
And look at my past posts, I am all for Rojas and Knapp running the local. They get stuff done in MIA. DFW is being mismanaged but as long as the DFW gang of three get their scam then it's okay.
Overspeed said:
Well I will agree to disagree. The issue is one of accountability. How has your situation improved? Has every effort been expended on getting us the few financial incentives in the current CBA? No, the gain sharing grievance was filed by Don V but it appears that since it's something DV worked for that even if it means more money in our pockets, since he is associated with it, they aren't for it. Even if it means putting more dollars in your pocket. The retiree prefunding, if DV was the one that was involved why not find out what was said about getting us that match. Do you care if they don't like DV if it gets more money in your pocket? You shouldn't.
My disdain is for the lack of focus and the fact that I want someone in the locals working for us and not for them. They said that is what they would do but that actions are not showing that. How do I come to that conclusion? When Wroble cut the company paid union spots they had an emergency board meeting to make sure they wouldn't have to come to work and get paid, when the single local was happening they all got together to fight it until they got in, when it came to getting the bylaws passed that mainly dealt with raises for themselves they made sure that went through without a membership vote. I want them to fight just hard for us in getting more money in our pockets now as they do for themselves, that's all.
And look at my past posts, I am all for Rojas and Knapp running the local. They get stuff done in MIA. DFW is being mismanaged but as long as the DFW gang of three get their scam then it's okay.
If you are so infatuated with those two, then why not transfer to Miami? Go where your happy and stop bitchin.
Southwest airlines just posted a record $608 million 2nd quarter profit. But they are now using AA and twu negotiating tactics. So we have no jcba, ual/cal has no jcba and swa is playing hardball. Sometimes you wonder if the airline executives get together behind closed doors and plan similar strategies. We can thank the weak unions who sellout the members and tell them to vote yes to save jobs. Even in the best of times. How pathetic. http://aviationblog.dallasnews.com/2015/07/southwest-airlines-earns-a-record-608-million-in-q2.html/
1AA said:
If you are so infatuated with those two, then why not transfer to Miami? Go where your happy and stop bitchin.
Not bitching, bringing up issues.

And we are in one local. I want them to run because I believe their style of leadership will translate in to good things for all of us. Apparently MIA is where the smart reps are. I heard Owens needed help and they brought in the old MIA treasurer to square away dues problems.
1AA said:
Southwest airlines just posted a record $608 million 2nd quarter profit. But they are now using AA and twu negotiating tactics. So we have no jcba, ual/cal has no jcba and swa is playing hardball. Sometimes you wonder if the airline executives get together behind closed doors and plan similar strategies. We can thank the weak unions who sellout the members and tell them to vote yes to save jobs. Even in the best of times. How pathetic. http://aviationblog.dallasnews.com/2015/07/southwest-airlines-earns-a-record-608-million-in-q2.html/
So AMFA isn't that strong.
enough already said:
The twu would've tucked their tails and tried to sell a concessionary contract a loooong time ago...
They're trying to do it now with the WN flight attendants.
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