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Overspeed said:
Alright Chuck whatever you say. Don V was in the same picture I know. Wasn't the AMFA drive going full tilt? Looks like the TWU Intl got tired of the BS and decided to put their foot down. Given that the AMFA filing looked like it was going through in 2003/2004 I sure pledging loyalty to the TWU would look bad when it came time to run for office at AMFA once it got in at AA but oops! AMFA didn't get in and now you and Bob licked the wounds on your political careers. But you made it back. Then came AMFA again in 2011 and that flopped.

So now here we go. Negotiations again and your on the outside. So what do you do? Try to negotiate with Parker directly. And he said no. Why? Because Parker knows you aren't calling the shots. It's the Association Chuck. At least we have people in their who won't quit at the first sign of trouble.
Put their foot down....really?
when did the TWU ATD ever put their foot down on anything and I was tired of the negotiation BS!    oh thats right, put your foot down on the critic not the oppressor.  I refused to  sign the TWU loyalty letter because the TWU was not being loyal to their members.  I can not support an organization that was giving in to all the company demands unchallenged and telling the members they are fightong for them..
Overspeed said:
Alright Chuck whatever you say. Don V was in the same picture I know. Wasn't the AMFA drive going full tilt? Looks like the TWU Intl got tired of the BS and decided to put their foot down. Given that the AMFA filing looked like it was going through in 2003/2004 I sure pledging loyalty to the TWU would look bad when it came time to run for office at AMFA once it got in at AA but oops! AMFA didn't get in and now you and Bob licked the wounds on your political careers. But you made it back. Then came AMFA again in 2011 and that flopped.

So now here we go. Negotiations again and your on the outside. So what do you do? Try to negotiate with Parker directly. And he said no. Why? Because Parker knows you aren't calling the shots. It's the Association Chuck. At least we have people in their who won't quit at the first sign of trouble.
The TWU tired of BS, what did the TWU ever put their foot down on for the members?
retiree medical....no
system protection....no
Double time...no
1 week vacation/new hires....no
So the TWU goes after me the critic, not the oppressor corporate america
Just so you know, I did not sign the TWU Loyalty letter because the TWU ATD was not being loyal to their members. I could not support an organization that was manipulating the negotiation process and   we were told to suppress what was going on by not telling our members.   I put up for vote a few times to allow observers at negotiations and what?   anotheR NO !!!
They did not want observers because it would have exposed the sham.
If the bankruptcy is still not even completed I ask you why would we want to get into negotiations with the TWU/IAM association and the company?
If everyone is so much in a hurry to start and get this done to get the then what are the primary negotiation points?
Is this contract going to be all about getting just MONEY?
Are we going to get the Holidays back or is the IAM side willing to give them up?
Are we getting Vacation Back?
Is the stock equity completed did we get it all?
What about our Pre-fund Match money?
They are throwing the DAT use of vacation at us and that will be part of the way we get time off vers, the C/S policy we have, are we willing to do that?
Are we going to get Double time back or is the IAM/TWU Assoc. going to bargain that away from the US side and get something with less value in return?
There is so much more to this contract that we all better sit back take a minute to see what we have given up since 2001, and say AA is making BILLIONS we want this back first, Don't you all think? 
Both US and AA employees have lost soooo much in the last few contracts isn't it time You get involved and LQQK toward the future and not just short term? AA is going to be after work rules so why shouldn't we be after compensation that will protect our long term futures and our Families?
AMFA v/s the TWU/IAM asoc. or just the TWU is a dead issue here at AA, the members did not feel it was important to change. That was evident by the lack of cards signed. 17 yrs in attempts to rid AA of the TWU failed.  Since the apathy of the of the members is well just wait and see we will getem next time. This is that NEXT Time and if you the employees who will be here in the future and will have to live under this next contract don't use your voice to demand the Assoc. work for you. Then what ever is negotiated and signed by you, is YOUR Fault as a whole.
 Isn't it time to force the Leadership of what ever Union that is in Place to keep us up to date with what is going on? Show us what the company stance is. Tell us what AA is attempting during this negotiations? Isn't it time for us to put  a stop to the company line negotiation process and look out for US?
The Plan of Reorganization is complete and AA has emerged from Chapter 11 protection.
700UW said:
The Plan of Reorganization is complete and AA has emerged from Chapter 11 protection.
You're NOT part of this, but as usual you try to put your TWO Cents in. If everything is True that you have said over the yrs and You are NOT in the Biz any longer this Contract will not effect YOU in any way. Didn't the US guys take losses in their BK process? Isn't it time for them to get back some of what they lost if not all and better their families lives and the future of our industry?
For a supposed Union Guy why would you want to harm any union member by getting into negotiation with past issues NOT settled?
The Prefund money is part of the BK process and Yet is Not settled. whether it is in court or pending still outstanding since we have not had a decision on that. So with that its NOT complete.
See you arent smart enough to understand the message board and its concept.
Why dont you tell EVERY single NON-AA AMT not to post?
Learn the concept of a message board.
AA is NOT under Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Protection, they emerged and moved on, the Section 1114 proceedings arent over and that is about retirees, your TWU is waiting on the outcome of the APFA Arbitration to decide what course to take.
And yes everyone needs to be made whole and then some, since the new AA is very profitable, and get an Industry Leading Contract.
I agree with AMFA in Miami, until the prefund match is finalized the BK is not over in the minds of the TWU membership. The 1113 is done but there are still unresolved issues. Gain Sharing is another. It was agreed to in the BK agreement and we haven't seen a dime. AA (US) management is stonewalling and won't even discuss the issue. Parker could settle it with the TWU in the interest of good faith but he doesn't. His motives are clear in that he says he wants to be like Herb K but not really. 
TWU-IAM Association Determines Servicing and Negotiating Responsibilities for Work Groups in the Mechanic and Related, Fleet Service and Stores Classes and Crafts

July 21, 2015

The TWU-IAM Association determined servicing and bargaining responsibilities for the following work groups, which were included as part of the TWU-IAM Association’s certification for the Mechanic & Related, Fleet Service and Stores classes and crafts, but were only represented by either the TWU or the IAM (or were unrepresented) prior to the US Airways/American Airlines merger.

The TWU will maintain all servicing and negotiating responsibilities for Flight Simulator Technicians and Engineers as it did prior to the US Airways/American Airlines merger.

The IAM will maintain all servicing and negotiating responsibilities for Quality Assurance, Planners (including CLP/Weight & Balance) and Technical Document Specialists (including the previously unrepresented persons in these work groups that are included in the NMB class & craft determinations) as it did prior to the US Airways/American Airlines merger.

Both the TWU and IAM will assume servicing responsibilities for all Tower Planning and Tower Operations personnel in accordance with the TWU-IAM Association’s station allocation agreement.

All of the other work classifications that were commonly represented by TWU and IAM on either pre-merger US Airways or American Airlines will continue to be jointly represented in negotiations and future servicing on the New American Airlines.

These Association determinations are critical as they will lead to joint contract negotiations for the above specialized work groups, as well as maintain and extend representation to existing and newly represented workers
Vortilon said:
Overspeed, you speak about the AMFA as if it's going away.  That isn't going to happen.  Don't forget, although the AMFA drive didn't go through - it was close enough to give the politically correct, commie unions some concern.  The majority of line maintenance AMTs, signed AMFA authorization cards - that will never change.  We will not forget what TWu supporters like you, and your TWu international scumbags did to AA's AMTs.  That's probably why discount Don V. is scared to return to the floor.
AMFAs done. The IAM guys showed that less than 20 of them were even interested in AMFA. That's another 4,000 non-signers added to AA. Yep, AMFAs done.
It was actually eight votes during the IBT raid that AMFA got.
700UW said:
It was actually eight votes during the IBT raid that AMFA got.
There may have been only 8 votes there at that point but just how many signed when there was some one the who was sick of the IAM's deal making and was attempting to bring AMFA there? The guy's who pushed the IBT also pushed AMFA, tired of the IAM..
AMFA as a union for the AMT/fac/Util/Auto mechanics is a dead issue now here at AA. (TRUE)
Many are just so reluctant to change or don't care just want to go to work and be done with it the fight is over. The employees of the airlines just don't care enough to put it all on the line as they did yrs ago.
Whether you are at US or AA, even though we are one at this point (still in work ) if you think that the TWU/IAM Assoc. is going to look out for your best interest and get you a good Deal, It is just my opinion that you are going to be in for a RUDE awakening. 
So go to 700UW's old pals who still work at the airlines in stores since he doesn't, get the 1 Gal. white tub of (you know what) AA and the Assoc. are going to pump you AGAIN...... 
AMFA wasnt on the ballot, the IBT was, and the IAM crushed the IBT in the raid, I know I was there.
Keep up the personal attacks, just shows I am right, you are wrong and cant debate with facts.
700UW said:
See you arent smart enough to understand the message board and its concept.
Why dont you tell EVERY single NON-AA AMT not to post?
Learn the concept of a message board.
AA is NOT under Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Protection, they emerged and moved on, the Section 1114 proceedings arent over and that is about retirees, your TWU is waiting on the outcome of the APFA Arbitration to decide what course to take.
And yes everyone needs to be made whole and then some, since the new AA is very profitable, and get an Industry Leading Contract.
It's NOT about AMFA its about the money owed to the AA employees both ramp & those within M&E.
"YES" As you speek the TWU is waiting for the AFPA, why hasn't the leadership of the IAM/TWU along with the AFL/CIO got into it, they fought hard to keep the unions here well isn't it time for them to show us both US and AA employees what they are made of not just dues collectors?
It is a TWU issue, take it up with your ATD, the IAM wasnt involved at all in any of it.
And the court system/grievance procedure hasnt played out now, has it?
All they can due is sue, or arbitrate, and like I said, they are waiting to see what happens with the APFA results, as it will more than likely set a precedence either way the ruling is.
The pre-funding match issue has been docketed but the ATD keeps postponing the hearing. The APFA has the same language and filed after the TWU yet they are already putting on their case. This does not make sense to a lot of us because the APFA piggy-backed on the TWU language regarding company match. I spoke to an APFA rep who said they got tired of waiting for the TWU to go forward since they wrote the language and set the precedent. I suspect the TWU let the APFA go first and will piggyback on the award from their case. I guess we pay union dues to our locals to make youtube videos, communicate through a website, buy $30K in iPads, $30K for Christmas parties in MIA, and $300K plus to pay Seham's firm to sue the Int'l. Because that's what the members want.
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