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Overspeed said:
As a member of the TWU I kept my benefits and pension longer than AMFA members at NWA. I even have the opportunity to negotiate an industry leading contract now. Not like AMFA members at NWA who walked off a cliff never to fight another day. We survived and still have a damn good chance to get a great contract whereas those members at NWA do not.
LOL did I read that right? You survived and have a damn good chance to get a great contract? OMFG. When has the TWscrew EVER negotiated a great contract for the guys at AA? Yeah I am ex NW and I now have better salary and benefits than you will ever see at AA under the Twu and I am not even in a union. Unless you are a Twu officer which I suspect you are no AA AMT will ever come close to what we make if the Twu negotiates it. Twu and industry leading is an oxymoron. If you lead the industry in anything it will be how close to the bottom you are.
Overspeed said:
5L and Buck,
From an AMFA newsletter. After Bob and Chuck were removed they supported AMFA out in the open which is fine. When the AMFA drive failed once again they jumped back in. They should show some integrity and be AMFA supporters out in the open. They hate the TWU and would do just about anything to bring the organization down and get the members AMFA. Nothing wrong with that except they want to do it while getting paid by the TWU. That's a lack of integrity.
³The addition of American Airline mechanics will continue to give AMFA the
momentum it needs to reach its goal of uniting all the mechanics in the
industry,² says Bob Owens, an American mechanic at JFK and an Associate
Member of AMFA.

Owens had been the elected Treasurer of TWU Local 562 until last year when
the International removed him and President Chuck Schalk from office - Schalk
for refusing to sign a loyalty oath and Owens for his public criticisms of
the International and the TWU contract.
wrong again overspun,
I was not found guilty of being an AMFA supporter while in office.   You can say it as much as you want but that is the real story. I supported AMFA after I was removed from office and after I resigned.
I have been an advocate for our profession and sought what ever way i could to represent our profession better due to the lack of representation and continued concessionary contracts.
I tried outside-inside-outside-inside-and outside again   
I may have resigned from my position in the TWU but I never gave up being an advocate for our profession and our members. I help members all the time woth no title and no pay. Just because I want to .
all the ex officers i know in the TWU ATD and past local officers walked away when the pay check stopped.
Don V. even sued the TWU affter he left the ATD.
the TWU has lied to and manipulated the members, that Is where my anger comes from.
you like to think  you know me and you know nothing obviously
700UW said:
Obviously you do as you replied, and I don't care what you think of me, you a are right wing nut job who left AA two years ago.
Now the truth comes to the surface, you do not care for right or wrong for the membership just as long as it was not a Right Wing Nut Job. 
I am a trade unionist and support organized labor and organizing the unrepresented.
And when I was a rep, I defended every and any member who needed it, or needed information and was available 24/7 for my members.  Even when I was on vacation with my son in Orlando that I got a call from two guys in a mess a trouble, and yes I took the time out of my vacation to help them out.
So the write up posted said you refused to sign a loyalty oath. That was after getting your picture taken with Delle right? Then you became an AMFA supporter along with Bob (in the article it states he is an associate member of AMFA) but then you must have realized you bet on the wrong horse so given your high integrity you ran to the TWU job. Then when you couldn't have it your way you quit on yourself and your membership that elected you. Then your integrity kicked in again and you became an AMFA supporter again.
700UW said:
I am a trade unionist and support organized labor and organizing the unrepresented.
And when I was a rep, I defended every and any member who needed it, or needed information and was available 24/7 for my members.  Even when I was on vacation with my son in Orlando that I got a call from two guys in a mess a trouble, and yes I took the time out of my vacation to help them out.
Actually you don't "defend" anyone. You represent someone that their rights under the cba are not violated.
You represent and defend, members also get in trouble under the Posted Rules of Conduct, nothing to do with the CBA.
Overspeed said:
So the write up posted said you refused to sign a loyalty oath. That was after getting your picture taken with Delle right? Then you became an AMFA supporter along with Bob (in the article it states he is an associate member of AMFA) but then you must have realized you bet on the wrong horse so given your high integrity you ran to the TWU job. Then when you couldn't have it your way you quit on yourself and your membership that elected you. Then your integrity kicked in again and you became an AMFA supporter again.
Don V was in the same picture with Delle. That was in SAn Diego for an AMTA event and delle recieved master mechanic award. It was not  an AMFA event and the Twu used that against me.
Maybe the TWU should have been watching the company and challenging them on our concessions and layioffs then me and  a picture.
Betting on the wrong horse is an understatement for the TWU.  With all their power they said they had in washington and how much more power they had over  a non AFL/CIo affliated union like AMFA you would thinkj they would have demonstrated that instead we lead the industry in concessions.
your right we all bet on the wrong horse with the TWU. Look how great we are doing and the twu did that all on their own, they can't blame AMFA for that!
Alright Chuck whatever you say. Don V was in the same picture I know. Wasn't the AMFA drive going full tilt? Looks like the TWU Intl got tired of the BS and decided to put their foot down. Given that the AMFA filing looked like it was going through in 2003/2004 I sure pledging loyalty to the TWU would look bad when it came time to run for office at AMFA once it got in at AA but oops! AMFA didn't get in and now you and Bob licked the wounds on your political careers. But you made it back. Then came AMFA again in 2011 and that flopped.

So now here we go. Negotiations again and your on the outside. So what do you do? Try to negotiate with Parker directly. And he said no. Why? Because Parker knows you aren't calling the shots. It's the Association Chuck. At least we have people in their who won't quit at the first sign of trouble.
700UW said:
You represent and defend, members also get in trouble under the Posted Rules of Conduct, nothing to do with the CBA.
Your answer in it self speaks volume of your training and experience.
Overspeed said:
Alright Chuck whatever you say. Don V was in the same picture I know. Wasn't the AMFA drive going full tilt? Looks like the TWU Intl got tired of the BS and decided to put their foot down. Given that the AMFA filing looked like it was going through in 2003/2004 I sure pledging loyalty to the TWU would look bad when it came time to run for office at AMFA once it got in at AA but oops! AMFA didn't get in and now you and Bob licked the wounds on your political careers. But you made it back. Then came AMFA again in 2011 and that flopped.

So now here we go. Negotiations again and your on the outside. So what do you do? Try to negotiate with Parker directly. And he said no. Why? Because Parker knows you aren't calling the shots. It's the Association Chuck. At least we have people in their who won't quit at the first sign of trouble.
Again you are truly an embarrassment to the profession.
Overspeed said:
Alright Chuck whatever you say. Don V was in the same picture I know. Wasn't the AMFA drive going full tilt? Looks like the TWU Intl got tired of the BS and decided to put their foot down. Given that the AMFA filing looked like it was going through in 2003/2004 I sure pledging loyalty to the TWU would look bad when it came time to run for office at AMFA once it got in at AA but oops! AMFA didn't get in and now you and Bob licked the wounds on your political careers. But you made it back. Then came AMFA again in 2011 and that flopped.

So now here we go. Negotiations again and your on the outside. So what do you do? Try to negotiate with Parker directly. And he said no. Why? Because Parker knows you aren't calling the shots. It's the Association Chuck. At least we have people in their who won't quit at the first sign of trouble.          
No they just sell their souls to the highest bidder and back door their members with false Teamster drives.
Go ahead and lie to me and yourself and tell me that never happened. 
chilokie1 said:
No they just sell their souls to the highest bidder and back door their members with false Teamster drives.
Go ahead and lie to me and yourself and tell me that never happened. 
In this case he sold his soul to the lowest bidder.
Overspeed said:
I am glad you feel that way. if you read the judge's decision he said no rational jury would disagree with the TWUs decision to remove Bob and Chuck. It was a complete lack of integrity to get elected to position and work against the organization you swore an oath to. Chuck and Aldrich Ames must be close friends.
The only lack of integrity comes from the top
The international has no integrity
But they do have 6 figure salaries nice pensions lifetime medical positive space travel
There is your integrity
what's in your wallet
Overspeed said:
Alright Chuck whatever you say. Don V was in the same picture I know. Wasn't the AMFA drive going full tilt? Looks like the TWU Intl got tired of the BS and decided to put their foot down. Given that the AMFA filing looked like it was going through in 2003/2004 I sure pledging loyalty to the TWU would look bad when it came time to run for office at AMFA once it got in at AA but oops! AMFA didn't get in and now you and Bob licked the wounds on your political careers. But you made it back. Then came AMFA again in 2011 and that flopped.

So now here we go. Negotiations again and your on the outside. So what do you do? Try to negotiate with Parker directly. And he said no. Why? Because Parker knows you aren't calling the shots. It's the Association Chuck. At least we have people in their who won't quit at the first sign of trouble.
Overspeed, you speak about the AMFA as if it's going away.  That isn't going to happen.  Don't forget, although the AMFA drive didn't go through - it was close enough to give the politically correct, commie unions some concern.  The majority of line maintenance AMTs, signed AMFA authorization cards - that will never change.  We will not forget what TWu supporters like you, and your TWu international scumbags did to AA's AMTs.  That's probably why discount Don V. is scared to return to the floor.
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