Overspeed said:As a member of the TWU I kept my benefits and pension longer than AMFA members at NWA. I even have the opportunity to negotiate an industry leading contract now. Not like AMFA members at NWA who walked off a cliff never to fight another day. We survived and still have a damn good chance to get a great contract whereas those members at NWA do not.
LOL did I read that right? You survived and have a damn good chance to get a great contract? OMFG. When has the TWscrew EVER negotiated a great contract for the guys at AA? Yeah I am ex NW and I now have better salary and benefits than you will ever see at AA under the Twu and I am not even in a union. Unless you are a Twu officer which I suspect you are no AA AMT will ever come close to what we make if the Twu negotiates it. Twu and industry leading is an oxymoron. If you lead the industry in anything it will be how close to the bottom you are.