Chuck Schalk said:
Get the company to give back monetary concessions now and then we can work on language.
Give us back concessions and pay us a rightful industry wage and i mean industry including cargo airline mechanics.
Do you
give away money?
Why would you expect a business to do it?
Chuck Schalk said:
We are a required profesionals to maintain large commercial aircraft and command wages for that responsibility.
In business you don't get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate. Consider your negotiators.
Chuck Schalk said:
Any upticks in this upcoming contract should not be treated as a gift to us but more as a repayment on a huge loan over the last 20 years!
Loan? Your contract states you perform labor for X amount of compensation. As far as the company is concerned if they paid you to contract standards they owe you nothing.
Chuck Schalk said:
I will not forget the life changing concessions we gave up for the company survival and neither should any of you
Gave up for company survival?
Your concern was was for your own employment and your pension. There was no sacrifice, only self preservation and a reaction to fear.
Can't you face the fact that you were played? American Airlines lied about their financial position to secure concessions, then double dipped with a sham bankruptcy, then bragged about "The Largest Purchase In Airline History"
Chuck I respect your ideals but you need to understand you have the government, the company, and your own UNION all working against you. Until you stop using the word
give and start using the word demand you are never going to get anywhere.
Give means you are dependent. When you are dependent you have no power.
Why should the company negotiate anything favorable to you when you have no power?
I am not trying to be rude or disrespectful but I think it is time people face the truth. The association does not empower you, it traps, controls, and manipulates you (and charges you for the "service"). If you want power you need a UNION that
YOU control and be willing to strike despite the risk of job termination. You may win you may lose..... but if you allow the company to cheat you, the UNION to manipulate you, and the government to deny your right to strike you are going to lose anyway.