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I would sign 5 years with a recurring % raise every 6 months it drags out. They are clearly setting themselves up for bankruptcy 2 after the cash in their bonuses. Ala carty!
700UW said:
And when the market tanked who made up the losses in the 401k?

Just like people who lost their airline stock in their 401k, who made up those losses?

A 401k was not designed nor developed to be your retirement money.
wait you confusing Social Security with a 401k....
Defined Pensions are a thing of the past, when the entire contry in most industries are moving away from them because Industrial Unions and companies raid them like the government raids Social Security. Lately your sacred Defined/Contractual Pensions have ended up in the hands of PBGC.
Back to Negotiations: 
As most of us know in maintenance and probably under the spell of the TWU, the AA/TWU side has a 09/12/2015 Chart Raise of 3% coming. 
On that date, Title I receives ( I wonder if these secrets are known by 700 and Overspeed? ) .93 cents, however on the same date, an averaging formula for aligning the mechanics wages with that of their peers at Delta, United and US. 
In the process of negotiating the agreement dated September 12, 2012, and in the interest of reaching a consensual agreement, the parties recognized the potential need for a mid-term wage adjustment for Title I AMT’s, therefore, we agreed as follows: For AMT’s, Crew Chiefs, Tech Crew Chiefs and Inspectors: At September 12, 2012+36 months, a calculation will be made to determine the maximum regular hourly pay rate (i.e., base pay plus all relevant premiums) of the line mechanics at Delta, United, and US Airways in effect on that date. Those rates will then be averaged (arithmetic mean) and compared to the equivalent AMT rate at AA, including any coincidental structural increase (i.e., the annual 3.0% increase to base pay at 36 months). If AA’s maximum regular hourly pay rate is below the average, AMT’s will receive an increase equal to the differential between AA and the average. In combination, the scheduled structural increase and the supplemental structural increase to base pay will yield a maximum regular hourly pay rate that equals the average of the comparator airlines. 
Worked Example:
The following September 12, 2012 + 36 example is provided for illustrative purposes only.
Mechanic Wage Rates 1/ AA @ 24 months from DOS UA DL US Legacy Avg.
Wage Gap = Legacy Avg. Max Regular Pay Rate – AA Max Regular Pay Rate = $37.20 – $35.81 = $1.39 3.0% Increase Value = AA Max Base Pay Rate x 3.0% = $29.73 x 3.0% = $0.89. Title I AMT Adjustment = Wage Adjustment –3.0% Increase Value = $1.39 – 0.89 =$0.50 
Basically, you get the 3% unless the average ( difference of  average ) is greater.
Of course, if there is a JCBA before then this goes away.
Buck said:
wait you confusing Social Security with a 401k....
Defined Pensions are a thing of the past, when the entire contry in most industries are moving away from them because Industrial Unions and companies raid them like the government raids Social Security. Lately your sacred Defined/Contractual Pensions have ended up in the hands of PBGC.
Oh now I am not.
Read here:

Father of modern 401(k) says it fails many Americans
700UW said:
Oh now I am not.
Read here:
Father of modern 401(k) says it fails many Americans
What did you do read the headlines? 
If you put the proper amount into this "tax sheltered" financial vehicle, manage it properly, acquire matching funds and use it properly when the times comes  it is a great way to save. It appears that in many ways you and even Overspeed are locked into a Social Unionism of the 1940's when the struggle meant so much more than today. While I would not want to be non-union, no it would not be my first choice, Unionism as well as benefits must evolve. Benefit packages have to some extent while unionism, the type like the AFL-CIO thrives on population unionism and could care less about the financial quality of it's membership. The TWU alone does not care or see that there are mechanics, they care and see only numbers to garner population for their hierarchy the AFL-CIO. 
Nice PR!  Are they taking this week off?
She said they did work some long hours, but didn't mention when they'd meet again.
In the NY townhall meetings, a mech asked about our contract, Doig said double digit raises without losing something else, with the caveat that there might be something different in our contract. Which I can totally see. Two different cultures making one contract, something will give. Based on how the APA and APFA were taken care of, despite how badly the FAs tried to not take the money.

Hopefully it will be our contract that changes as ours is really bad. I read that the IAM and TWU are getting together to look at contracts. I can only imagine the IAM looking at our contract turning to the TWU and saying "what did you do to these guys?"

Too bad the IAM didn't have the guts to have an election against TWU, they probably would have one.
The first week covered meals, travel accommodations away from home and car rentals. Not for the members but for the negotiating committee.
At this pace AA will be in its second BK filing.  
Rogallo said:
Nice PR!  Are they taking this week off?
She said they did work some long hours, but didn't mention when they'd meet again.
Negative nancy.
The AFL-CIO urged both the TWU and the IAM to work something out. The compromise is the Association.
Overspeed said:
The AFL-CIO urged both the TWU and the IAM to work something out. The compromise is the Association.
A real compromise would have been to include the membership and their will in the discussion. As it is we have totally unbalanced representation and a commitment to inclusion into the IAMPF. I've yet to hear anyone excited about the inevitable IAMPF coming from the floor.
Overspeed said:
The AFL-CIO urged both the TWU and the IAM to work something out. The compromise is the Association.
No, the compromise is the membership. Stop defending the loser association. We the members are taking the hit.
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