Just to clarify, there are a number of us that are just anti- association, not pro amfa.Overspeed said:767 mechanic,
MCIE didn't shutdown because the work was outsourced to another company. That work went away because the merged AA/TWA fleet was over 800 aircraft and shrunk to below 625 by that time. Any one who can do basic math should understand that fewer planes takes fewer people to work on them. Therefore a base closed and people were laid off.
Again, the point is when swamt comes over here throwing had grenades at how long it will take for a CBA to get done with the Association his AMFA has plenty of hard work to do over there. AMFA is not getting any further along with Southwest management than the TWU who represents the ground workers. The FAs got something but lets see if they are comfortable with their deal.
Now as far as here, the Association is unproven. I am ready to see what they can do given they have a great bargaining position. An airline who has more money than they know what to do with, a good economy, a low wage base compared to the rest of the industry, and a CEO who has shown a willingness to open the company coffers. It is taking frustratingly long however there was a lot of infighting going on plus a challenge by pro-AMFA organizers that slowed the approval process.
Mostly because, we did not get a membership vote on our current representation.
It's difficult to get behind something you view as illegal.
Now, they have the gig, show us what you got.
If they get us the DL+7, and I get to:
A. Keep my job at my current station
B. Keep my matching 401k and see it moved to a "contribution" same as the FAs- 9.9%
C. Not forced into the IAMNPF, ever...
D. Get back vacation, sick days, holidays, 2X holiday pay, 2X overtime
E. Retro pay back to the same date the pilots got theirs in January.
Do all of that, and I'll be so pro association, you won't be able to tell me from 700