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Ok its friday they had a week to get there **** together. Negotiations start on monday! By next thursday we will have a contract! Voting the following tuesday.
ThirdSeatHero said:
The market affects pensions just as it does 401ks
Additionally multi employer pensions have the potential to be crippled by pull outs from other parties regardless of the performance of the market.
Exactly, and what 700 leaves out is that with his IAMNPF if the market tanks they cut your pension, but prudent investors of 401K funds usually move those funds to safer investments that are more resistant to market fluctuations. 17% contribution is good enough for the pilots, its good enough for mechanics as well. 
Realityck said:
Management loves your defeatist attitude. They're smiling all the way to the bank.
Even more so the spread the checks and "thank you sir, may I have another" folks like yourself!
please to meet you sir, lets do it again some time!
thats what we get? what the hell have these incompetents been doing for the last six months?
and the twu has 3 people on the committee out of 9 ?
what the f*ck?
we have twice the number of members and we have 1/3 of the committee?
unbelievable! when will we say enough is enough? this is the priority or urgency in negotiations we get?
700UW said:
And when the market tanked who made up the losses in the 401k?

Just like people who lost their airline stock in their 401k, who made up those losses?

A 401k was not designed nor developed to be your retirement money.
Who makes up the losses in the iamnpf? Let me answer that for you. Pension cuts make up for shortages
What does airline stock in a 401 have to do with anything? The stock was sold for about a buck a share without consent from the holder because it was considered a unit and not a real share of stock. Did the twu fight for real compensation on the value like was given to "stock holders" for its members? Hell no. They didn't even go to battle for the members that still had stock options even though there was a Letter of Agreement with the company on the ESIP. Hell no. They even refused to admit there was such a LOA.  Have we even gotten all the new shares yet from the twu. Hell no.  They have been sold to pay for their screw up though. We didn't screw up they did.  I have no use for UNION involvement when it comes to stock or retirement.
I would rather have my 401 completely invested in the credit union fund rather than have another UNION take care of my retirement plan. At least then I know dollar for dollar it will be mine. 
Take your iamnpf sales pitch elsewhere.
things to think about while the "association" drags its feet.
 Consensus among analysts is that American earned $2.62 a share in the second quarter, or about $1.85 billion.
and we are still working under a bankruptcy contract with no sense of urgency or priority from the "association"
CMH_GSE said:
O, the whole point of my post is this,
DL +7 is already baked in, we would have gotten that already with NO Union.
So any retro that doesn't go back to when he gave it to the pilots and FAs is a FAILURE.
If a number of us Lose our jobs, again , it's a FAILURE.
If we don't get back most of what we gave up in vacation, holidays, pay and OT pay, it's a FAILURE.
If we don't get to keep our 401k and have it enhanced, it's a FAILURE.
Just want to hit the DL +7 point again.
We will get it, not because of our well read negotiating team, but because Parker gave it to everyone else.
We'd get DL +7 if Elmer Fudd was heading up the negotiations.

Make it a DL +7 for the LIFE OF THE CONTRACT, and then for as long as it takes for a new one to be reached.
Have it reviewed every 6 months, if our pay isn't at least DL +7 , it gets adjusted up with retro pay for as long as it wasn't DL +7, even after our contract expires until a new one is signed.
It can be more than DL +7, if DL hits the skids and invokes pay cuts, but never less than.

Come on guys, you have YEARS of negotiating experience and prowess and the airline has NEVER made the kind of profits it is now.
Show us what you got.
I will go on record if the "association" pulls off a good contract i will be the first to admit I was wrong.

Still seems like a LONG SHOT!
My concern would also be that the Association takes too long to get a deal. The years following shows that AAL is in a strong financial position. Now is the time to strike with the eye on the future. Get DL+7+Parker's +4 now and sign a three year deal. I noticed that with the TWU Southwest deal that it's for a five year term. It seems all deals now are for five or more. Is that the new normal? Five years?
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