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AP Tech,
How are the professional negotiators doing over at Southwest? Three years and counting. Just asked for a mediator and most airlines last what? 18 months? 24 months? How long has UA and the IBT been in mediation? 36 months? Southwest AMFA could not be seeing a TA until 2017/2018.
You are very fast to reply when the twu has been in negotiations for 4 years. You are hypocrite.
I'll ask again, and I really want an answer.
Is this the same negotiating committee that fashioned the legendary " retroactive pay cuts"?
I think we have a right to know so we can all adjust our expectations accordingly.
Yes it is the same piece of crap people that negotiated there last contract that brought up to a BANKRUPT aa contract when usair was making record profits.
767 mechanic,
Who is the hypocrite? I know the TWU was in negotiations for years I was here as well. The point being made is that our AMFA apologists speak of the "advantage" of professional negotiators over our industrial union negotiators. AMFA hasn't been able to do anything better than the TWU in the exact same circumstances. That's not being a hypocrite, it's merely pointing out a fact. The "professional" negotiator/craft union being superior is a myth.
Yes he should know, he was just political grandstanding, you should be use to that with Peterson and the Gang.
Peterson and the gang????????????????????? By that comment that tells me that the iam does not care for the twu negotiating committee. Which is a good thing for the membership. They are against the scab union {iam} that does not have the memberships best interest at heart only their back pockets. I can see it know Delta plus 7 we win we win. Bullshit!!!!!!!!!! That's not a win that is what the company was going to give all along.
Hey hypocrite the AMFA has been doing there job of bringing in work in house while the twu and the iam has been losing work. They will be losing even more work when Pitt shuts down and Tulsa is a shadow of it self in the next few years. The Airbus engineers are being moved from Tulsa and Pitt to DFW and CLT. The writing is on the wall. When you are at the top of the pay and benefit scale it's hard to demand more. The problem is that that every time the AMFA tries to elevate the AMT class and craft,the twu and the iam throw out the concession ANKER.
767 mechanic said:
Sounds like a dodge to me. You have answers to every other question or statement along with pictures. For somebody who is not a dues paying member or a paid international stooge you have a lot of private union info that you should not have access to. Is this what we can expect from the crooks at the iam? If you have this info I am sure the company has the iam's whole game plan. Why do I smell a sellout!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hmmm, the only position I can see you left out was a company employee?
Overspeed said:
767 mechanic,
Who is the hypocrite? I know the TWU was in negotiations for years I was here as well. The point being made is that our AMFA apologists speak of the "advantage" of professional negotiators over our industrial union negotiators. AMFA hasn't been able to do anything better than the TWU in the exact same circumstances. That's not being a hypocrite, it's merely pointing out a fact. The "professional" negotiator/craft union being superior is a myth.
Again with higher compensation  for the mechanics at SWA. I wonder what their wages and other package looks like? 2012 - $38.59 with a 9.3% 401k match, 10 Holidays including the employees Birthday, Longevity at 12 years $1.30, etc..
767 mechanic.
AMFA bringing in work??? Like they did at NW? Like they did at AS when a company not even in BK closed the doors on their only overhaul base? Like all that work they brought back at UA before they got booted? Southwest has what, four lines of airframe overhaul for a 600 plus aircraft fleet, no engine overhaul, and little to no component work. Yeah AMFA standing tall on all that work they brought in house. HA!!! Now that's funny.
Seriously, time to get back to planet earth. AMFA is in a tough battle and I am watching intently to see what they can do under tough, adversarial conditions. AMFA should have filed for mediation years ago. How long has UA been at the table with a mediator? 18? 24 months?
Why are we still talking about AMFA that ship has sailed let's focus on the sorry ass association please
ilu all of us. When do you thivaa said:
Why are we still talking about AMFA that ship has sailed let's focus on the sorry ass association please
Nothing to focus on. These guys need to be on the same page before they put a proposal together for all of us. When do you think that will happen? Before or after the next Olympics, presidential election, world cup?
Overspeed said:
767 mechanic.
AMFA bringing in work??? Like they did at NW? Like they did at AS when a company not even in BK closed the doors on their only overhaul base? Like all that work they brought back at UA before they got booted? Southwest has what, four lines of airframe overhaul for a 600 plus aircraft fleet, no engine overhaul, and little to no component work. Yeah AMFA standing tall on all that work they brought in house. HA!!! Now that's funny.
Seriously, time to get back to planet earth. AMFA is in a tough battle and I am watching intently to see what they can do under tough, adversarial conditions. AMFA should have filed for mediation years ago. How long has UA been at the table with a mediator? 18? 24 months?
I didn't know that we were in bankruptcy when KC shutdown????? You twu believers are such hypocrites. You expect AMFA to change the world overnight,but when it comes to the corrupt industrial unions there's always an excuse. The twu has never been here to protect the membership only themselves. A perfect example of this is how many layoffs have they had at SWA verses AA. Great job twu more worried about the dues money coming in than the membership. Oh buy the way is international boys and girls over at the Hurst office still getting there weekly envelopes of cash?????? Did this money come from the credit card scams or did it come from the company???? You have such a wealth of knowledge I guess that is why we are the lowest paid mechanics in the industry!!!!!!! What does UA have to do with us? Oh wait I have the answer. ANOTHER FAILURE BY AN INDUSTRIAL UNION.
767 mechanic,
MCIE didn't shutdown because the work was outsourced to another company. That work went away because the merged AA/TWA fleet was over 800 aircraft and shrunk to below 625 by that time. Any one who can do basic math should understand that fewer planes takes fewer people to work on them. Therefore a base closed and people were laid off.
Again, the point is when swamt comes over here throwing had grenades at how long it will take for a CBA to get done with the Association his AMFA has plenty of hard work to do over there. AMFA is not getting any further along with Southwest management than the TWU who represents the ground workers. The FAs got something but lets see if they are comfortable with their deal.
Now as far as here, the Association is unproven. I am ready to see what they can do given they have a great bargaining position. An airline who has more money than they know what to do with, a good economy, a low wage base compared to the rest of the industry, and a CEO who has shown a willingness to open the company coffers. It is taking frustratingly long however there was a lot of infighting going on plus a challenge by pro-AMFA organizers that slowed the approval process.
1AA said:
Oh well, so much for giving the association a chance.
The future is taking a turn. AA is deferring deliveries, permanently retiring aircraft that were on temporary retirement status. More aircraft retiring vs new deliveries. That is what our union us up against. I can just see the first proposal 18 months from now. Vote Yes to save jobs. All too familiar.
Old news where have you been?
Just released today with their other news on load factors. Don't worry it won't affect you anyway.
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