For the 1,000,000 time the would have filed anyway, dont you get that?
This company has such a disconnect and mistrust.....not only in management and labor....but in themselves....hence in finding solutions by hiring so many outside consulting groups.....Ceo asked by the board to step down....etc...etc... I see this even down to the lowest supervisor Crew Chief relationship to all the way up the chain to the CEO's....Supervisor back stabbing supervisor....there is absolutely no accountability in this company management getting bonuses even tho bad decissions and failures run rampant.....supervisors getting promoted to managers not by merit but by buddy systems......this has gone on for years and years and now is finally catching up with is and always has been a every man/woman for themselves mentality when no-one is held to the fire when knuckle headed decissions are made.....this has been born and bread into the system from the top and filters down to the lowest management position or Union employee.
With leadership comes acountability.....there is none, zero accountability at American only figure heads.....empty suits......leaders stand up and admit mistakes.....they dont blame the people who dont make the decisions and have no power......we get the marching orders by the top guys, and then we march. Management doesnt listen to the front line soldiers us.....they mistrust us so much they hire outside consultants....Boston consulting group etc. when if they would listen,.....actually get out of the office.....walk around a their ears....but they sit in there Ivory tower at centreport attending meetings when answers are in the people that have a much bigger stake in the game on the floor...... In the military, no matter what, the success or failure of a squadron or the unit is ultimately on the shoulder of the Commanding Officer.....there are no excuses....if you dont know......its your responsibility to know.....If we were a Military unit many of our Commanding Officers (CEO'S) would be relieved of their Commands in disgrace for this very lack of Leadership and lack of accountabilities......blaming your soldiers for your battle plan....which were carried out to the absolutely disgraceful.
Hey Sport, who ties your shoes in the morning?
I hardly think abrogating 40 years of contractual improvements and not will to discuss compromise can be considered "bargaining in good faith". Too many employers have been able to use BK as a means of abrogating contracts that were signed off on by BOTH parties. Personally, I would LOVE to abrogate the terms of senior mangts. terms of employment. Turn about is fair play.
For the 1,000,000 time the would have filed anyway, dont you get that?
Was not American Airlines offering a better deal than the term sheet in each work groups pre C11 filing negotiations?
Were they not telling us they would file C11 if they could not get the cost reductions voluntarily?
My point is I don't like where we are any better than the next guy, but AA did offer each of us a better deal then than they are offering now.
Because anyone who post any truth about our own ignorance in this affair must be attacked, made fun of, and called names.
So if i understand correctly then coming to agreement under the 'normal' scenario, as has been done like 100 times before, was never a consideration for the company? Really? Do you really think they think this way? This is the nut of the problem right here...threatening a c-11 as a bargaining tool may have been useful in previous airline bankruptcies but i'm not so sure it is anymore.
We stood together and stood strong and a window in centerport was taken out by a flying chair, or so rumor had it.
So much misinformation... so little time.
My previous post was incorrect
And to what are you referring to as to misinformation? I've been reading this blog for a few years now and have only just recently begun to post because i did not want to get into a pissing match. And half of what i read here is just that... so i'm not going to engage on this. I'm sure the cv's of many posters here read like something out of wharton but that does not mean the truth can only be known by a few. The truth is not subjective, it is objective.
Belittle all you like.
Was not American Airlines offering a better deal than the term sheet in each work groups pre C11 filing negotiations?
Were they not telling us they would file C11 if they could not get the cost reductions voluntarily?
My point is I don't like where we are any better than the next guy, but AA did offer each of us a better deal then than they are offering now.
Correct? I mean this sucks but we did have an alternative.
Alternative? what alternative? They shafted us in 2003, Share the Pain, Share the Gain! What were the alternatives then? C11!... Don't you see the pattern, they low balled us in negotiations for 4 years, knowing the members would turn it down, which led us to C11, so they say and now they low balled us again in C11 knowing we would turn it down again and take it to the judge. How do you know that if we voted yes that the company would of taken away all of the CBA from you anyway? That's right, no ones knows. Why would you believe anything this company would say to you? they have been lying to you and me for years, Why do you give them so much credit? I just do not get it.