The APFA and TWU have both publicly posted that the DB plans for their workgroups are nearly fully funded. It's no surprise that the one plan AA has not offered to freeze is the one plan that is probably very underfunded - the plan for the APA pilots. Freezing the APFA and TWU plans probably won't cost AA all that much money unless investment returns are at historic lows for the next decade or two. Terminating the APFA and TWU plans wouldn't make a difference to the benefit checks for most APFA or TWU members but would shift the risk of substandard investment returns to the PBGC. Additionally, AA initially proposed terminating all plans so as to not look like it was favoring the APFA and TWU but punishing the pilots.
I suspect that the APFA and TWU will not reach a consensual agreement on concessions and thus, AA will seek and will get a distress termination of all four plans (APFA, TWU, APA and management/agent/support staff).
You are correct this is smoke and mirrors,business as usual... I don't' see a consensual agreement not with this company or union nor would I trust either!!!