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My U loyalty is over

That's too bad 🙁 . Perhaps a calm, polite call to Crew Resources to register your concerns (crews) is in order. Calm, we're all in this together!

At least you aren't staying at that place in BGM where an Express crew found a dead hooker.
That's too bad 🙁 . Perhaps a calm, polite call to Crew Resources to register your concerns (crews) is in order. Calm, we're all in this together!

East ALPA has long had a hotel committee that checked out proposed layover hotels and had input into the selection (I think AFA may have a similiar committee). Recently they've been cut completely out of the loop by the company.

To quote the chairman of the committee:

"These changes were almost all done behind our back (the committee) and with no input from us."

East ALPA has long had a hotel committee that checked out proposed layover hotels and had input into the selection (I think AFA may have a similiar committee). Recently they've been cut completely out of the loop by the company.

To quote the chairman of the committee:

"These changes were almost all done behind our back (the committee) and with no input from us."



JEEEZZZ! If this is true, this Company has really become slime! I could not imagine such a thing in "my" days! Crew security and proper rest were always of prime concern! The Company always provided safe, clean accomodations ... imperitive for Crew performance!

I ended up in Islip today, having to travel on OA beyond my choosing. But Islip LCC ATO was very helpful, retrieved my reservation, took my voucher, and got me an even LOWER fare than I had expected for convenient travel in January.

So, go figure.

But I have to tell you, I was quoted two fares with a $20 difference alternatively by two different lcc employees at least 5 times. I got the lower one eventually. I don't think even the employees understood the fares.

So, I'll be flying LCC in January... low fare. It's just SO all over the place!!!

The ISP staff are some of the finest you will find. I am friendly with all of them, and whenever I fly in the morning I always bring a box of Dunkin Donuts for them..

If you wind up in ISP again, let me know--I'll come out and meet you-I am only 15 min away.

Thanks and regards

I had the long LGA. It's called the Hotel ____ It's so bad they couldn't name it after their own state! The doors to the room resemble coffin lids. They are heavy, concave (convex?) metal doors. Uggggly! And inside, the room is a just a bigger version of the Mildew. At least the Mildew had a great location. I didn't leave the hotel, since I was alone (extra position). Hotel restaurant a bit pricey and I wasn't thrilled with the food.

Mod note--please refrain from identifying specific hotels.
That's too bad 🙁 . Perhaps a calm, polite call to Crew Resources to register your concerns (crews) is in order. Calm, we're all in this together!
Are you a crewmember and stay in these hotels? CALM is good crime and bug infested hotels NOT GOOD.
US does have a consistent product. Its consistently terrible. Its eons away from what it used to be and i have to tell you the arguement [sic] for the bad service is beyond stale...

There is no question that the new U is going to go through some changes as it reinvents itself. If you are a cockroach or just use U frequently, THANK YOU. Hang in there, we did.
Doug listens to you; e.g. the in-seat power ports will remain on the U Airbii after being scheduled for decommission. As far as fares, go to the website and buy as far ahead as possible. Foodwise... don't get me started. The airline stopped passing out decent food years ago.

I had the long LGA. It's called the Hotel ____ It's so bad they couldn't name it after their own state! The doors to the room resemble coffin lids. They are heavy, concave (convex?) metal doors. Uggggly! And inside, the room is a just a bigger version of the Mildew. At least the Mildew had a great location. I didn't leave the hotel, since I was alone (extra position). Hotel restaurant a bit pricey and I wasn't thrilled with the food.

Mod note--please refrain from identifying specific hotels.

Bed bugs are complimentary.

I think I speak for most of my colleagues at FFOCUS when I say we are planning to stick around, barring any unforeseen drastic changes. You and your colleagues are the main reason we have stayed, and I am looking forward to another fine year with you and your colleagues.

Happy Holidays, and thanks for all you do!
Art, The reason we have jobs is because of your willingness to put up with all the chaos..etc. We appreciate your business and understanding more than you know. Its not easy for anyone but for the consumer who has a choice and you continue to trvl US, you give us hope that we will succeed into making trvling on US something to be worthy of. Happy Holidays to you and your family and Thanx for all you do!

I think I speak for most of my colleagues at FFOCUS when I say we are planning to stick around, barring any unforeseen drastic changes. You and your colleagues are the main reason we have stayed, and I am looking forward to another fine year with you and your colleagues.

Happy Holidays, and thanks for all you do!
I nominate Art here and Jim as the Board of the Year Gentlemen.

These two individuals are what guys like myself and other loud mouths need to be referred to once and a while to get our bearings.

All The Best you Two and All board readers....You as well mod men….
Calibrator, Pleease, dont consider yourself a loudmouth or stop posting your frustrations. Many of us dont know what is happening around the system and your posts are very informational. Sometimes, we need to vent with others who understand where we are coming from or can give us insight into why things are happening. Sometimes we can change things and sometimes we cant. Regards, and to you a Merry

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