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US Airways Commits Suicide !!!

I for one wasnt calling anyone in particular greedy, but since u mentioned management at least out past one..... sorry i left that one out and no one is turning on there passengers. I think dave is doing what airlines have need to do for sometime now ! OVER HAUL THE BUISNESS! That in cludes less pay for employees and less perks ! Im sure one way or the other it will all work out ! Sit back , relax and enjoy the ride! IM sure well find away to earn your return [😉]
On 8/28/2002 9:30:43 PM

.....because they represent some of the greediest most self serving disloyal immoral lack of priorities buncha animals in the Western World. Evidence within. And that's just the short version.

Excuse me? Row 32 center seat? But of course.CLICK/ENTER/DONE
On 8/28/2002 10:19:41 PM

Pretty ungratefull group here tonight considering that Siegel and US Airways included a bridge order to keep the frequent flyer program in tact in Chpter 11...I know you all like to kick a company when it's down but the attorneys could have let the program disapear...I supposed if your reaction is true of all FF members maybe they should think about letting it go!!! Everybody could start from square 1 Or is there still anybody out there that wants an upgrade???[😛raise:]

My miles are insured [😉] .

That said, if US had wiped the FF program, they would not emerge from Chapter 11.
Pretty ungratefull group here tonight considering that Siegel and US Airways included a bridge order to keep the frequent flyer program in tact in Chpter 11...I know you all like to kick a company when it's down but the attorneys could have let the program disapear...I supposed if your reaction is true of all FF members maybe they should think about letting it go!!! Everybody could start from square 1 Or is there still anybody out there that wants an upgrade???[😛raise:]
U has hit the iceberg! Now marketing has opened the watertight doors! Can we have the names of these marketing people so we can be sure NOT to hire them in the future. [🙁]
On 8/28/2002 9:49:27 PM

Well in a blunt way u said it reality ! It is amazing to me the whining i here ! My how fast we forget how many innocent lives were lost on sept 11 and families left daddyless and mommyless, and here we are having perkys taken away and whooaaaa nellie, im taking my buisness elsewhere... hey im happy to be alive well and happy! I have more important things to worry about like will i have a job tomorrow . Life is tooooo short ! Live learn move on ![😉]

And the selfish complaints just= a = keep on rollin off the tongues, further proving my point'..I've resigned myself for years to paying more for gas, medical, food,entertainment, cable, mail,tuition,and geez I just don't complain about it..As far as I am concerned, I'm still getting a deal in 2002 dollars.Low BP too.have to wonder how many here are phony Gold board spammers with no life and I know we have one self admitted teeny bopper who probably hasn't sprouted facial hair yet.I have my priorities in life straight, especially since 9-11..seems like you do to..As for the rest of the Kleenex clan? nahh![:0]
Stand-by and residual ticket value aren't "perks". They're basic features of the product. Without them this airline isn't selling to "business travelers" -- yet that is what they proclaim they want to do.
On 8/28/2002 10:35:05 PM

and whoever keeps spreading the propoganda that U is charging higher fares, this is nothing new. Every major sells the same business fares and has done so for years and years and they were just reduced in many markets 20 pct or so last month..so nothing new here.And there are tons of MR, HR, BR type refndble fares that are quite discounted from full fares and qualify for all the needed Viagra benefits.

I checked on the US Air Web page for an unrestricted to St. Louis from NY. It would be $1900+ to take a DASH8 to PHL and then a Airbus or regional air to St. Louis returning the same way from what I could tell. Maybe that isnt right, who knows, but thats what it says. Thats what the customer sees. I could do it for what, maybe $300 on 737s on SW, probably also one connection. And I would fly US Air exactly why????? Alternately, I could take a nonstop in coach on AA. Their coach service is better than US coach service, even if I wasnt on a DASH8. Same price, I fly them. You just dont get it, many, perhaps most of us flew US Air because of the FF program. It goes we have no reason to fly US air on most routes from my standpoint. It isnt whining, it isnt kicking you when you are down, its explaining how we will spend our money and why. In some way US Air needs to win my business, the way it has done so for the past 6 years or so goes with this announcement and nothing replaces it. US Air and some of the posters here (presumably employees) have all but said Im not the kind of flyer they want. That is their choice. If they can fill up DASH8s at $2000 a pop, more power too them. If another airline disagrees, I switch, if not I fly less. That is my choice.
My miles are insured [😉] .

If they are insured where would you use them if U doesnt emerge from chptr 11???
Preserving those miles in the Bankruptcy process was not a favor, Firstly, it would have killed your business more quickly, because those vaunted full fare customers would have been in there with us riff raff, and gone out the door as well. Secondly, after Bonderman and the boys get ready to liquidate your company, they will use the membership as an asset to increase the price they get. It's no different than monetizing the lower aircraft lease rates and cheaper labor contracts. They represent a fungible asset (that means they have a liquid value). Any of the majors would like to have them. No matter what the conversion ratio, no amount of marketing could build the kind of immediate incremental revenue that would come with those acoounts.
On 8/28/2002 11:22:15 PM

On 8/28/2002 10:35:05 PM

and whoever keeps spreading the propoganda that U is charging higher fares, this is nothing new. Every major sells the same business fares and has done so for years and years and they were just reduced in many markets 20 pct or so last month..so nothing new here.And there are tons of MR, HR, BR type refndble fares that are quite discounted from full fares and qualify for all the needed Viagra benefits.

I checked on the US Air Web page for an unrestricted to St. Louis from NY. It would be $1900+ to take a DASH8 to PHL and then a Airbus or regional air to St. Louis returning the same way from what I could tell. Maybe that isnt right, who knows, but thats what it says. Thats what the customer sees. I could do it for what, maybe $300 on 737s on SW, probably also one connection. And I would fly US Air exactly why????? Alternately, I could take a nonstop in coach on AA. Their coach service is better than US coach service, even if I wasnt on a DASH8. Same price, I fly them. You just dont get it, many, perhaps most of us flew US Air because of the FF program. It goes we have no reason to fly US air on most routes from my standpoint. It isnt whining, it isnt kicking you when you are down, its explaining how we will spend our money and why. In some way US Air needs to win my business, the way it has done so for the past 6 years or so goes with this announcement and nothing replaces it. US Air and some of the posters here (presumably employees) have all but said Im not the kind of flyer they want. That is their choice. If they can fill up DASH8s at $2000 a pop, more power too them. If another airline disagrees, I switch, if not I fly less. That is my choice.

More lies propaganda and BS,,,in your example there's full jet svc via PIT for the scaredy cats and the 400 lb'ers, as well as from EWR..for 29AUG trvl date unrestricted fares 252.00 EWRSTL r/t with b and k rfndble fares all preferred eligible....LGASTL 3 day adv 427 r/t non ref non preferred eligible for SEP 2 trvl.....Fares, I repeat, fares, I repeat, fares, are competitive...very few pasgrs ever pay full Y so stop the futile BS comparisons to the full Y.Or else you can start comparing hotel prices by the sign on the back of the doors..would anyone in their right mind do that?? NO!!
And BTW where in NYC proper does SW fly from? The Manhattan heliport?
Thanks atc and KC Flyer for explaining what I thought would be obvious from my post but apparently wasnt. The Southwest fare is refundable, the cheap US Air fare isnt, and after the 1st it will not earn tier miles. So the there is no advantage over the Southwest fare, and the considerable disadvantage of not being refundable if something changes at the last minute. And when I look on the web page for a comparable REFUNDABLE fare I get $1900. And by the way, ISLIP is farther than LaGuardia but closer than Newark. And you didnt comment on AA. Thats because you know they provide a better product than you do in that market for the same or near same price. You are simply missing the point that we make choices and this changes our equation. Ive flown something like 600,000 miles in the last three years. I know how to chose. The train to DC is more pleasant than the shuttle, when your flight cancels and Im on AA I get a better coach experience. The only reason you have me as a customer is the fact that Im CP. That goes, I shop. I shop, I usually go elsewhere. As for the phones, most people, including me are in a wait and see mode or are unaware of the changes. I plan for the moment to fill out CP for this year and there may be some changes to this. Maybe only this will effect the real cheap fares. I will pay a little more but not 8 times as much for a ticket with benefits. Plus it will be easier to burn my like 450,000 miles as preferred so I will fly US the rest of the year and see what happens. But if nothing changes, Im gone as a US customer starting Jan 1. Sorry I cant leave sooner which Im sure would make you happy. With all us pesky CPs gone your job would be a lot easier.
I know you are trying to make another point, but you capture quite precisely the reason for the passenger "whining."

My company will not permit me to pay $1500 for a ticket if I can fly for $400. If I do not pay $1500, I will not be obtain tier status on US Airways. If I am not granted tier status, I no longer have the incentive to do the paperwork justifying a flight on US Airways, rather than the airline my company has an agreement with.

So I switch airlines. If other passengers perform the same calculus (judging from a read of this message board, they are), US Airways loses a significant number of the very passengers (frequent flyers) they once thought were valuable. As a benchmark, probably 75% of my flying is on "discounted" fares.

On 8/29/2002 2:15:26 AM

Fares, I repeat, fares, I repeat, fares, are competitive...very few pasgrs ever pay full Y so stop the futile..
Phones are still ringing off the hook folks ..24/7, go Greyhound. They allow sandboxes and genital measuring stix onboard also.[:0]
Fares, I repeat, fares, I repeat, fares, are competitive...very few pasgrs ever pay full Y so stop the futile BS comparisons to the full Y.Or else you can start comparing hotel prices by the sign on the back of the doors..would anyone in their right mind do that?? NO!!

I haven't been talking about Y fares. LEt me break this down for you REality Check.

BWI - OAK on Southwest. Travel 9/18 return 9/25. $222
BWI - SFO on USAirways Same Travel dates $395

While there, a problem crops up and I have to delay my return until the following day. If I was on Southwest, I've still got $111 to use towards my return flight. On USAirways, I've got nothing. Had I wanted that flexibility on USAirways, it would cost $2,000 for the round trip. So doing the math for the scenario above:

Southwest $222 original flight plus $188 to "upgrade" my return to full Y fare for a total expenditure of $410

USAirways $395 for the original flight, which I forfeit and $1,000 for the "return" portion of the full fare ticket. $1,395.

Now do you see why people are upset? Dumb question, of course you don't. The stupid travelling public should just bite the bullet pay the higher fares and then all the problems that the airlines face would go away. Of course, you are neglecting to factor in the number of families and business who could no longer afford to fly. The result - shrinkage beyond what U is already planning. Perhaps you guys should consider changing your name back to Allegheny. I don't think you'll be any bigger than they were.