On 8/28/2002 11:22:15 PM
On 8/28/2002 10:35:05 PM
and whoever keeps spreading the propoganda that U is charging higher fares, this is nothing new. Every major sells the same business fares and has done so for years and years and they were just reduced in many markets 20 pct or so last month..so nothing new here.And there are tons of MR, HR, BR type refndble fares that are quite discounted from full fares and qualify for all the needed Viagra benefits.
I checked on the US Air Web page for an unrestricted to St. Louis from NY. It would be $1900+ to take a DASH8 to PHL and then a Airbus or regional air to St. Louis returning the same way from what I could tell. Maybe that isnt right, who knows, but thats what it says. Thats what the customer sees. I could do it for what, maybe $300 on 737s on SW, probably also one connection. And I would fly US Air exactly why????? Alternately, I could take a nonstop in coach on AA. Their coach service is better than US coach service, even if I wasnt on a DASH8. Same price, I fly them. You just dont get it, many, perhaps most of us flew US Air because of the FF program. It goes we have no reason to fly US air on most routes from my standpoint. It isnt whining, it isnt kicking you when you are down, its explaining how we will spend our money and why. In some way US Air needs to win my business, the way it has done so for the past 6 years or so goes with this announcement and nothing replaces it. US Air and some of the posters here (presumably employees) have all but said Im not the kind of flyer they want. That is their choice. If they can fill up DASH8s at $2000 a pop, more power too them. If another airline disagrees, I switch, if not I fly less. That is my choice.