My U loyalty is over

Here's the real deal with LCC:

Managment is out to maximise their shares as well as the investors. This means keeping costs down with labor and the passengers. If this managmnet old or new (all the same) can throw a co. into bk twice in 3 years and think nothing about screwing the employees all the way to furlough and terminations, creditors, lenders, vendors, wipe out shareholders and pension holders, and literally burden the tax payers, why would anyone think that this company would or could operate in good faith on anything?

This is no surprise, but rather "par". This CEO has used invstor money to reward the WRONG folks in this company!

Money should be used to increase the morale of the workers, and cater to the customers to create a loyal customer base. Instead, they give the money and the perks to none other than the consultants of the company along with the Senior Execs.

That's why I can no longer give service to a company that gives everyone the business. :angry:
I'll say one thing. When we have distressed pax and have to put them into a hotel in Phoenix, and the US air agents hotel list includes at the top the Sterling International at 24th ST and JEfferson, we have a major problem. This is what they did last nite to 3 pax who were major inconvenienced on a trip from TLH to GJT. TLH plane had issues, reaccommed pax on CO to TPA. Then CO flt cxl. Reaccom on HP to PHX. Missed last flt to GJT. HP agent originally started to help pax, but a US agent took over. Put them at the Sterling. OH MY GOD! It's in a ghetto, hooker area of PHX. People ask front desk clerk if Pizza Hut delivers. He tells them "not after the sun goes down." Sheets had cigarette burn holes in them! Hooker walks into lobby, up to clerk, he hands her a key and off she goes w her "friend." UNBELIEVABLE! They call me. Needless to say I immediately call one of our HP sups and we get them into the Clarion. HP doesn't use dumps like that in PHX. They said the US clerk sd the Sterling was the TOP of their list then the Econolodge (right next to Sterling in same neighborhood). Pax had to pay for their own cab fare to get there also. This is appalling!

This type of service is totally unacceptable! I hope to GOD corp goes over the hotels that are being used by US and changes that pretty darn quick. I wouldn't put my worse enemy in that area anywhere.

Makes me wonder where US puts distressed pax in other cities around the country? There's a point to being cheap, but that's ridiculous! If that's the type of "customer service" US has done thru the years, it's a no wonder they were in so much trouble.

Here's what others have said about that hotel.
Money should be used to increase the morale of the workers, and cater to the customers to create a loyal customer base. Instead, they give the money and the perks to none other than the consultants of the company along with the Senior Execs.

As usual, dead on. You will be missed.
US1YFare, your post is RIGHT ON THE MONEY. :up:
yes, my whining did get in the way of the points i was trying to make--so slaughter me which lcc#1 did--oh well, we all going through whiny periods and even lcc#1 has had his periods.

But anyway, the two points I was trying to make that got muddled in my persistent whining:

1. the airline is inconsistent and the frontline people complain about that as much as the, no movie from den, boxed meal to san, snack to san...low fares, high fares, go fares...we're shrinking FC on 757, we're expanding FC on 757, we're doing nothing...envoy amenities kit, no envoy amenities kit, envoy amenities tray...rollover, no rollover of tier miles...757's on tourist routes, 757's on business routes.

2. while US is redefining themselves, they have to make sure that their good customers don't jump ship even if that means keeping a benefit or two around for a little while longer until they have a formal plan in place that is ready to be launched. No one expects the merger to be over in 1 1/2 months and we expect a bumpy road--but they need to think about what they are doing and the longterm implications. One of my points in the past is that if you are devaluing the DM program and you are offering a minimalist's view of a FC product, how do you justify charging the same fare as a competitor who offers more. It seems that mgmt wants to nuke the whole airline and start over--the problem is that customers will be chased away while that happens.

And, I'm not sure if the other poster was trying to make it seem that the $1700 fare I quoted was not real, but in October, the B fare to FAT on US was $1700 thank you very much.
But anyway, the two points I was trying to make that got muddled in my persistent whining:

Your points are good ones and will be addressed if you send them here -->

Customer Relations
US Airways/52N-CNA
4000 E Sky Harbor Blvd
Phoenix AZ 85034



Perhaps I'm not being clear? We are looking for your feedback and we track it and we analyze it and we make decisions based on it and if enough people tell us that we're being inconsistent to the customer then we'll know.
er, I don't think I'm complaining at all. I'm just observing that my prior decision NOT to price shop, but rather to stay loyal to U is no longer reasonable for me to make. I also observe that LCC seems to have beaten me to that conclusion with regard to our relationship. It's just a new environment. I didn't complain about the 'service quality onboard.' In the past, I'd just choose U, if the fare was not crazy and not price shop.

But there have been a couple of mistakes made by US and that I have paid for. (I did manage to get U to provide a $100 voucher to cover some of the mistakenly charged increased cost. This must be redeemed in person at the airport and I'll be charged a fee for not using, which I can't do and which made the mistake in the first place.)

So, if this is the new relationship, then fine. No problem. Then that means I have to shop around, not worry about my mileage balance and not use the affinity card.

Yes, it was more pleasant to feel like I could just expect a good deal (not the CHEAPEST available) from a company that I trusted and that valued my business. As I said earlier, I think that U OVER indulged me.

So, this is the new business relationship that results from price transparency and other elements of our economy and the state of the industry. It's just change.
I understand your shopping for a better fare. What I do want to correct is that you will NOT be charged extra for using your voucher at the ATO. That fee is waived with the new USAirways. If they forget that ask them to call RA and verify. Also, as phxmama has stated you can mail in your voucher if you have 2 weeks--14 days--thanks mama I forgot. ALSO as an Elite passenger you are not charged extra fees for tkting over the phone or at the ATO. I think you will find things will be different with the NEW USAirways. I know==I've been on both sides of the country--and WEST is best. We also, at times, honor internet fares over the phone--there was a time last year when we could price using the internet price. Seemed to work well for some folks. Sooooo as with phxmama I want to win your loyalty back again. You will find as soon as the computer systems are together you'll enjoy your travels much more and even learn to LOVE the New USAirways.
US does have a consistent product. Its consistently terrible. Its eons away from what it used to be and i have to tell you the arguement for the bad service is beyond stale. People arent going to accept the US excuse for bad service anymore because the airline is in a financial crunch. As stated in this thread, the airlines are going to lose 6 billion dollars this yr.That being said, the competition is eating your lunch when it comes to service. This is happening even as the airline industry post big losses. If the trend continues, i think US will find itself playing catch up to the competition right in US' own back yard, and in some areas, that has already begun.

This post couldn't ring more true.
If US Airways was a burger joint, you'd find a big long hair in every third one, each with a different managerial excuse given. Same old bad taste though. Ain't worth the risk!
just in responce to the post about where the put the pax in phx afer flt disruption.......the sterling hotel in phx.

gotta say it sounds like where the company puts crews at the long boston overnight....front desk doesnt recommend going out after dark :down: also did you hear about our new lga long hotel? seems it has a bed bug infestation :shock: i think the glamour has left the us aviation industry and we all ( both pax and employees)have to face it.......fact: fuel price average at 25 yr high...ticket price average at 25yr low. the days of free hotel rooms for weather delays and hot meals on flight are now over :( just my two cents
just in responce to the post about where the put the pax in phx afer flt disruption.......the sterling hotel in phx.

gotta say it sounds like where the company puts crews at the long boston overnight....front desk doesnt recommend going out after dark :down: also did you hear about our new lga long hotel? seems it has a bed bug infestation :shock: i think the glamour has left the us aviation industry and we all ( both pax and employees)have to face it.......fact: fuel price average at 25 yr high...ticket price average at 25yr low. the days of free hotel rooms for weather delays and hot meals on flight are now over :( just my two cents

If I were flight crew and being overnited somewhere like that I would absolutely be running to the union. Your safety and health is at risk and that is absolutely unacceptable! Now that's a reason to strike if this is continually happening! I don't care whether you're a US or HP flt crew. I'm not saying you have to be at the Hilton, but a clean Motel 6 in a decent neighborhood is better than that crap.
The union only exists to protect the top 10% at U. The top 10% don't stay there and too many U [Pilots anyhow] employees are too scared to make waves [Too old to start over, so they just roll over!].

That's too bad :( . Perhaps a calm, polite call to Crew Resources to register your concerns (crews) is in order. Calm, we're all in this together!

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