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My U loyalty is over

It pains me even as a US outsider to read this post. It pains me that Row got to the point that he has given up but it also pains me at the attitude of alot of US employees. Success isn't guaranteed for any airline or its employees. The airline industry is a service business and companies have to deliver. The reality is that none of the carriers has consistently delivered a high level of quality but US has paid a price in its service quality during the transition. Employees can make all the difference, though, and I have read many positive things from US employees indicating they are able to work around the difficult situation they are in. Two bankruptcies and a merger in progress are alot for any company to endure but the nail in the coffin is if the employees give up. Customers will quickly pick up on it and flee. Don't give in now; you've worked too hard to fail now!
OK my friend, ENOUGH!! Go to f###ing United!! Some of us DO get it but YOU don't. Do you LIVE in Chicago? Well my brother does and HATES United. Why? HUm..dirty planes, dirty lavs, crappy food, and rude employees. Get it? If you think US is the only airline with those issues, you are blind as a bat. And RJ's? DAL is KING of them as is AMR and last I checked, so does freakin UAL!!

I have been patient with you and with the whiny coworkers that feel ALL should be settled with the new LCC in a month and a half. Guess what? It takes time. If you haven't the patience, then go, take your miles, and give them to UAL. I WOULD DO THE SAME THING!! But you are now as bad as the bitter US employees that I know. IT'S A BROKEN RECORD!!

I am thankful for your loyalty. Why you have stayed around as long as you have is beyond me, but on behalf of us who TRUELY feel your pain here at US Airways..We release you. It's ok to go to UNITED. We understand all is perfect at the three year old and counting bk UNITED, whose only real plan seems to lure our top fliers away. GO!! Really. It's ok. Do you think I would hang where my biz isn't wanted? We get it. We just don't need to have you throwing the #### in our face 24/7.

But I bet after a few months with UA it will be....
UA are Dirty, meal is crap etc etc moan moan i'm off to DL
and then it will be guess what?? Moan Moan Moan.. Go get
a bus or something, Pity we cannot run the planes on the
amount of gas these people emit!!!
yes i do,way beyond the shadow of a doubt.
U always has been in the grey area of legacy airlines...most of the time its not even included in certain reportings....an overgrown regional with no clue as how to play with the big boys.... 😉
constant changes with no apparent success bears this out...and now for another rabbit outa my hat...

You are right. US Airways has been trying to define itself for the 19 years I have been here. That's why I'm perplexed by the comments. How many stupid ideas have we all lived through? Too many. What's new here?

I will give the new US credit. The at least know what kind of carrier they want to be..BUT changing over won't take 1.5 months in the making. Geez!!
US does have a consistent product. Its consistently terrible. Its eons away from what it used to be and i have to tell you the arguement for the bad service is beyond stale. People arent going to accept the US excuse for bad service anymore because the airline is in a financial crunch. As stated in this thread, the airlines are going to lose 6 billion dollars this yr.That being said, the competition is eating your lunch when it comes to service. This is happening even as the airline industry post big losses. If the trend continues, i think US will find itself playing catch up to the competition right in US' own back yard, and in some areas, that has already begun.

Watcher, if you want results, you have to be specific about the "terribles." List all of them. We might think we know what they are, but make a list, check it twice, post it here.
It pains me even as a US outsider to read this post. It pains me that Row got to the point that he has given up but it also pains me at the attitude of alot of US employees. Success isn't guaranteed for any airline or its employees. The airline industry is a service business and companies have to deliver. The reality is that none of the carriers has consistently delivered a high level of quality but US has paid a price in its service quality during the transition. Employees can make all the difference, though, and I have read many positive things from US employees indicating they are able to work around the difficult situation they are in. Two bankruptcies and a merger in progress are alot for any company to endure but the nail in the coffin is if the employees give up. Customers will quickly pick up on it and flee. Don't give in now; you've worked too hard to fail now!

U.S Employees are the best in the Industry and most pax are more than happy with the service the receive, but there is always the small minority of ppl that are never happy no matter what we do...
It pains me even as a US outsider to read this post. It pains me that Row got to the point that he has given up but it also pains me at the attitude of alot of US employees. Success isn't guaranteed for any airline or its employees. The airline industry is a service business and companies have to deliver. The reality is that none of the carriers has consistently delivered a high level of quality but US has paid a price in its service quality during the transition. Employees can make all the difference, though, and I have read many positive things from US employees indicating they are able to work around the difficult situation they are in. Two bankruptcies and a merger in progress are alot for any company to endure but the nail in the coffin is if the employees give up. Customers will quickly pick up on it and flee. Don't give in now; you've worked too hard to fail now!

That's why I stated sincerely "We release you." I can no longer make excuses for U or the industry, but man, go write a letter to someone who can do something or FlyerTalk, but to see this crap posted over and over is old. We airline folk aren't stupid. We fly other airlines and most have good and bad.


Elite status ISSUES are being discussed in this article at the Wall Street Journal.

Being an elite-level frequent flier won't be quite as special next year.

Eager to raise cash and satisfy their credit-card company partners -- who have propped up struggling airlines financially -- several carriers have made it easier to qualify for premium-level status as an enticement to spend more on credit cards. Some recent offers have also made it a banner year for "mileage runs," trips made solely to push mileage totals over qualifying thresholds.

As a result, the ranks of premium travelers who get perks like upgrades, exit-row seating and preboarding privileges are swelling -- eroding the exclusivity long associated with elite status
It pains me even as a US outsider to read this post. It pains me that Row got to the point that he has given up but it also pains me at the attitude of alot of US employees. Success isn't guaranteed for any airline or its employees. The airline industry is a service business and companies have to deliver. The reality is that none of the carriers has consistently delivered a high level of quality but US has paid a price in its service quality during the transition. Employees can make all the difference, though, and I have read many positive things from US employees indicating they are able to work around the difficult situation they are in. Two bankruptcies and a merger in progress are alot for any company to endure but the nail in the coffin is if the employees give up. Customers will quickly pick up on it and flee. Don't give in now; you've worked too hard to fail now!

I dont think this is the correct forum to for a pax to unload about service problems, that what 800 numbers are for. LCC has spoken his mind, whether correct or not he has that right to speak what he feels...these people have been dumped on for the last five years, if a pax has the balls to do it in this forum they had better be able to take what is said..
Today, I slog out to the airport in an ice storm to redeem a $100 voucher that I 'whined' out of US to compensate for an expensive internet ticketing mistake from October.

Then my preference for flying LCC is over.

Obviously, the times are changing and I don't expect that LCC will do what U used to do for me to keep my loyalty. For various reasons, I havent gone to Europe twice or three-times a year (I even bought one of those cheaper envoy tickets once). I no longer use my USAirways credit card as much, and there haven't been any unusual circumstances (like 9-11) to inspire LCC to provide an easy way to make low level preferred.

And I certainly got treated VERY nicely by the old U-- more nicely than any reasonable business plan would prudently suggest. I managed to earn enough miles through the Silver miles bonus and the credit card to get a roundtrip to Europe on SWISS in first class and U was very helpful in getting me there and back. So, I had been very loyal.

But the last couple of purchases have been different. I feel like LCC is hoping they can find a way to ding me, even if the folks know it wasn't my doing. I had thought that there would be a good middle ground- LCC not offering me rediculous incentives for my relatively paltry business, but not treating me like a 'mark' to be cheated.

I don't expect that LCC will miss me much. But when I do start travelling to Europe again, it won't be on LCC.

I'll try to transition to be one of those folks that searches for the cheapest fare on the internet. I suspect that soon, if not already, there will be ways to search for good business class deals to Europe, since I'm a little spoiled with avoiding coach. Anyway, I'll fly LCC when it fits my schedule and price is competitive... ugh.. I hate having to shop!

Good luck
I really don't know what you're complaining about here. Is it that you got $100 travel voucher that you "whinned" out of the agent or that you had to travel through an ice storm? Did YOU make the mistake on the internet? And if you had asked to speak to a supervisor she probably would have extended your ticketing time limit till the ice storm was over--so what are you complaining about?
OK, I think Ill have a go at this. Personally, I feel bad when pax decides to travel OAL. I feel bad when our customer service is not excellent. Is it too hard to be polite or say thank you? I know many pax who receive vouchers who have complained(not whined) about having to tkt at ato. Hp side has changed(after listening to complaints,some pax live hours from ato) and many vouchers can now be mailed in . Must be 2 weeks prior to trvl to mail in. Some have to be done at ato. I know many of the US east folks and some HPers have been dealt blow after blow and morale is low. I guess my question is how can we retain your business as I am not ready to say good bye to someone who has been a loyal pax?
er, I don't think I'm complaining at all. I'm just observing that my prior decision NOT to price shop, but rather to stay loyal to U is no longer reasonable for me to make. I also observe that LCC seems to have beaten me to that conclusion with regard to our relationship. It's just a new environment. I didn't complain about the 'service quality onboard.' In the past, I'd just choose U, if the fare was not crazy and not price shop.

But there have been a couple of mistakes made by US and US.com that I have paid for. (I did manage to get U to provide a $100 voucher to cover some of the mistakenly charged increased cost. This must be redeemed in person at the airport and I'll be charged a fee for not using US.com, which I can't do and which made the mistake in the first place.)

So, if this is the new relationship, then fine. No problem. Then that means I have to shop around, not worry about my mileage balance and not use the affinity card.

Yes, it was more pleasant to feel like I could just expect a good deal (not the CHEAPEST available) from a company that I trusted and that valued my business. As I said earlier, I think that U OVER indulged me.

So, this is the new business relationship that results from price transparency and other elements of our economy and the state of the industry. It's just change.
I dont think this is the correct forum to for a pax to unload about service problems, that what 800 numbers are for. LCC has spoken his mind, whether correct or not he has that right to speak what he feels...these people have been dumped on for the last five years, if a pax has the balls to do it in this forum they had better be able to take what is said..

Row and US1Y - we all truly, truly, truly appreciate your loyalty and your business. Please stop beating us up because you don't like the product. The great thing about America is you can pay for what you want. If you want the UA product, and it's the same fare, then by all means, fly UA. I guarantee, for every pax in PHL screaming, "I'll never fly US Airways again!" there's one in ATL screaming at DL and one in ORD screaming at UA, and the odd ones I get screaming, "I'll never fly American West again!" Well, that's OK. We know we have the best employees, and a great product. No one expects you to sit around and wait for us to get our act together, that's going to take some time. The Fly with US campaign will truly define LCC, but in a nutshell, here it is:

Yes, sometimes you will pay a fare exactly the same as on UA or AA. Yes, some markets will not see a dramatic drop in fare. But, moving forward, if you consistently fly US, your average lifetime fare will be consistently lower than the legacies, and your average service experience will be consistently better than other LCCs.

I've said it before, I'll say it again: if you don't like the service, the policies, or the operation, your concerns will be addressed (and it won't be last month) -->

Customer Relations
US Airways/52N-CNA
4000 E Sky Harbor Blvd
Phoenix AZ 85034

Delldue, to what are you referring? I hear this from some employees and it really irritates me if it refers to the price of my tickets. What should I get when I pay $1700 to FAT from PHL? On UA, I get a lot! On US, I get a dirty seat, dirty lavs, and terrible food. What should I get when I pay $1400 to SAN from PHL? On US, I get a box meal, dirty seats, and dirty lavs. On UA, I get a lot! What do I get when I pay $1200 to DFW--a dirty seat, no meal, and dirty lavs--maybe even an RJ. My point is, if US is going to charge fares comparable to UA and AA sans the amenities, they aren't going to make it very far. If they want to be a true LCC, with a crappy FC product like Airtran, then start charging fares representative of the product. And, if you really don't care about your most loyal FF's, revamp the entire program and offer one tier level like WN and Airtran. US's problem is it is inconsistent--every aspect of the company is inconsistent--from the product they offer to the quality of the product they offer to the fares they charge to the DM program. US has become an amorphous entity that doesn't know what it really is--if US doesn't know what it is--how will its customers know?

$418 including taxes and fees

Requested Flight
Itinerary Total - US$ 418.80 Flight Fare Rules
1 adult at US$ 418.80
9:30am Depart Fresno, CA (FAT)

7:15pm Arrive Philadelphia, PA (PHL) Dec. 19
US Airways flight 5154 operated by America West/ 8031 operated by America West Connection in Phoenix, AZ View rules
8:00am Depart Philadelphia, PA (PHL)

1:42pm Arrive Fresno, CA (FAT) Dec. 31
US Airways flight 29 / 7585 operated by United Airlines Connection in San Francisco, CA
US's problem is it is inconsistent--every aspect of the company is inconsistent--from the product they offer to the quality of the product they offer to the fares they charge to the DM program. US has become an amorphous entity that doesn't know what it really is--if US doesn't know what it is--how will its customers know?

SKY HIGH states: Employees forget that you've endured these inconsistences WITH US for years.

Let's serve the cup, NO the CAN. Pretzels, NO pretzels, Ohhh, lets bring them back. Metrojet? Business Select?
Box meals, Hot meals, NO MEALS. 4 first class seats, 12 first class seats. Champagne anyone? Outsourcing Reservations to looking at bringing it back stateside. Airphones, no phones. Pets, NO Pets allowed. Operation: Highground. And they couldnt even GET BANKRUPTCY right the first time.
About a year ago, I thought, this airline had finally KILLED ITSELF. It's the passengers AND employees THAT PREVENTED THAT.
Unfortunately, alot of employees are still shell-shocked over the SEVERE concessions they've given and can NOT relate to customer dissatisfaction.
US1YFare, your post is RIGHT ON THE MONEY. :up:

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