PITbull said:
Use Your Head,
CO had to go into BK a few times. It was so outrageous, that the BK laws subsequently had to change, and Lorenzo could never own another airline. In fact, he has gone into oblivion......Dave is heading down that path as well.
700UW and PIT,
My point was that employee groups that grant concessions; in fact, employee groups that want to participate in saving an airline can and do make a difference, to say otherwise is false. The only airlines that were able to make it through times like these gave massive concessions, the road we appear to be about half way down about now.
Will employee concessions be the only thing to save the airline? Of course not; however, at this point we’re toast without them…it is simply a no-brainer that concessions are a needed ingredient, and will be a part of the equation.
I too have been in the industry many years, 27 and counting. I know what CAL and TWA went through, as well as the others. I worked at People Express in 1984/85. I know all about Lorenzo, and all about what happened to TWA at AMR. The AMR/TWA situation ended badly and could have gone better; the bottom-line is there never would have been a TWA/AMR deal if the majority of TWA employees had your attitude through all their bad years, they would have disappeared years before the event.
That does not change any of the fact pertaining to our current situation.
To have any chance of making it through where we are today, more concessions are coming. The majority of people, at the end of the day want and need this job; they do not “look forward to a year off on unem-ployment while being re-trained†as suggested on this message board.
To counsel the membership otherwise is a disservice to your fellow co-workers, the ones that need and want this job…kind of like the parity era where AFA convinced everyone what a terrible deal it was to have a par-ity contract, while over the next few years the pilots received a 32% raise.
Advising your membership to blow off this topic will result in them all losing their jobs. For those of here that do not want to deal with this anymore you should be well on your way towards looking for employment, you should be interviewing, etc.
More pain is ahead indeed….
700UW wrote:
Reality is the topic, well here is some reality
Pan Am
National (two times)
Midway (three times)
Braniff (twice)
Western Pacific
And countless others.
More airlines have started and failed since deregulation in 1978, and not one of the afore mentioned carriers were saved by employee concessions.
700UW wrote:
Continental Employees were screwed in Bankruptcy by Lorenzo, that is why Section 1114 was enacted to prevent the company having a judge wipe out a contract, that is poor example of concessions, CO's em-ployees suffered for years and are still not in the top tier of pay.
And as for TWA you will not see many TWA employees left at AA, they were stapled to the bottom of the seniority list unless you worked at STL or MCI, the rest got screwed and were all laid off.
That my fellow poster is reality.