How many stops on SW? Frequency as comparison?? They have 4 one stop flts and 8 daily with 2 or 3 enroute stop flts outbnd and 3 one stops and 3 double or triple stops can get almost anywhere on the US system with one stop or direct svc...
Well since you've asked, there are 4 one stop, with no change of planes and 5 one stops with a change (just like nonstops out of BWI)
There are 22 rows on a Southwest 737. You've got a 33% chance of getting a center seat. That's about the same percentage that someone booking late on U will have of getting a center seat ASSIGNED to them two days before departure. And if you owned a business that was able to book in advance to get a lower fare, would you be inclined to book SWA with the full flexiblity - knowing that if anything came up, before or during the trip that you would get FULL credit towards another flight, whereas on U you'd automatically lose $100, and should plans change during the middle of the trip, you're out the money and should have paid 10 times the fare had you wanted a little "flexiblity". Put yourself in the businesses shoes- not grandma and grandpa and the horrible family going to Disneyland (if you don't want their money, I'll bet AA,UAL, or SWA will gladly take it). What would YOU do when it was YOUR dollars on the line?
FWIW, flights with 3 stops are very, very rare these days on SWA.