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Mr. Parker Delta plus 7

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Correct. DL does not have to negotiate with its non-union employees. They had no problem with sending all airframe overhaul and closing many line MX stations in the past. Isom had said during the town halls that AA wants DL+7 to be a starting point BUT that DL has differences that would affect the TWU and IAM scope langauge. So what does that mean? Dropping a lot of airframe and/or engine overhaul capacity in exchange for DL+7?
Overspeed said:
Correct. DL does not have to negotiate with its non-union employees. They had no problem with sending all airframe overhaul and closing many line MX stations in the past. Isom had said during the town halls that AA wants DL+7 to be a starting point BUT that DL has differences that would affect the TWU and IAM scope langauge. So what does that mean? Dropping a lot of airframe and/or engine overhaul capacity in exchange for DL+7?
So everyone needs to answer this question for themselves.......Would they forego a substantial raise in exchange for workrule changes?
If they do not want to go down that path, then we will have to live with what we have now and all of US should stop referring to DL pay or any increase for that matter.
jcw said:
Remember DL does not have to negotiate with anyone (except pilots) therefore they can pay what they want and the work rules are very different - you have too look at everything in total - looking at just pay is not how the company will ever look at it - if everyone takes the time to look at the full picture you can then pick and choose what is best for you.
Not concerned with the work rules as we really don't have anything anymore and in 2003 we took pay cuts to save jobs etc, and 2012 we accepted a contract to save jobs etc, only to lose jobs and work. Now I say go for the money. I'm at work for 8.5 hours. I'll work on planes and if they want to pay $50 an hour to fuel vehicles or push a broom, so be it. Of course that would be stupid but there are some guys more concerned with break time then work time.

It's time for the OH mechs to think like line mechs as you might be one very soon.
Overspeed said:
While it may look like DL is "giving" their employees better comp because they are generous I strongly believe this is more to screw with Parker and the new AA. DL has fought the merged AA/US on many things. Look at the APFA TA, right after they got a TA that Parker and Glading touted as better than DL, DL raised their pay. APFA was turned down but forced through by arbitration. Parker had to increase rates beyond the orginal TA. Now the wage adjustment language kicks in and DL ups the comp after the date plus ups the ante on the DL+7 offer. Parker is backed in to place he may not want to be. Talk of being like SW's Herb and wanting to be liked by his employees is at risk as well as his desire to put labior unrest behind him from the US days. Looks like that won't be as easy as he thought.
Who cares who is screwing with who just as long as we get a good contract. I hope you're not suggesting we do the Owens idea of turning down a great contract because the delta mechs might get a pay raise that will make them the highest paid, as Bob advocated for with our FAs which cost them a more restrictive schedule and $81m off the top. Doug just GAVE the FAs that money back. So let's be careful who we listen to. Just because bob says what you want to hear doesn't mean it's right.
Overspeed said:
Correct. DL does not have to negotiate with its non-union employees. They had no problem with sending all airframe overhaul and closing many line MX stations in the past. Isom had said during the town halls that AA wants DL+7 to be a starting point BUT that DL has differences that would affect the TWU and IAM scope langauge. So what does that mean? Dropping a lot of airframe and/or engine overhaul capacity in exchange for DL+7?
Gee whiz OS, AA had no problems closing AFW, MCI and all sorts of line stations over the years with the TWU representing us. The executives are going to do their plan regardless if there is a union or not. As a matter of fact we have new hires in Chicago and I hear NY. Pay cuts and sacrifice doesn't save jobs, the economy and whatever plan the executives have in place is what dictates our job. Not whatever a union has in mind or whatever some loud mouth thinks should happen.

As soon as you realize that Doug is in charge of this airline and not GP, Bob, you, or some loud mouth know nothing in the break room, the better off we will all be. We can't even vote for a union how's that for a eye opener. Really the only power we have is to sell our services to another company, but that would be stupid as we are one the verge of making $50 an hour.
As long as we don't listen to the loud mouth know nothing's, we should doing very well in our next contract.
bigjets said:
 Really the only power we have is to sell our services to another company, but that would be stupid as we are one the verge of making $50 an hour.
Pppphhh!! We've always been on the verge of making 50/hr.... wtf..
DallasConehead said:
Pppphhh!! We've always been on the verge of making 50/hr.... wtf..
We have always been telling ourselves that's what we want, now we have a CEO telling us that's what he is willing to pay us, big difference.

Another difference, the FAs voted down their contract so they could go to arbitration, which is what the loud mouth know nothing's wanted, because they had an overinflated value of their knowledge which was severely lacking. The FAs lost on every arbitration ruling which cost them $81m in cash. Doug just gave them the cash when didn't have to. Now doug says delta +7% for us.
Overspeed said:
While it may look like DL is "giving" their employees better comp because they are generous I strongly believe this is more to screw with Parker and the new AA. DL has fought the merged AA/US on many things. Look at the APFA TA, right after they got a TA that Parker and Glading touted as better than DL, DL raised their pay. APFA was turned down but forced through by arbitration. Parker had to increase rates beyond the orginal TA. Now the wage adjustment language kicks in and DL ups the comp after the date plus ups the ante on the DL+7 offer. Parker is backed in to place he may not want to be. Talk of being like SW's Herb and wanting to be liked by his employees is at risk as well as his desire to put labior unrest behind him from the US days. Looks like that won't be as easy as he thought.
Wow O/S we agree on something...
Well now It sure has been an interesting week to say the least. I`m very interested to see if this management team will stay true to it`s word on Delta+7.
dvlhog212 said:
Well now It sure has been an interesting week to say the least. I`m very interested to see if this management team will stay true to it`s word on Delta+7.
Of course management will still say delta +7 the association will set up meetings and committees every month for the next 10 years and we get screwed again.

Time to pressure Lombardo to dissolve the association.
Of course management will still say delta +7 the association will set up meetings and committees every month for the next 10 years and we get screwed again.

Time to pressure Lombardo to dissolve the association.
Yep, if there is a way to screw this up. The association will certainly find it. The fear mongering of scope and lost jobs has already begun.
My biggest fear, delayed negotiations until the next economic downfall. Lets see who is screwing us, AA or the association? 

Ok, let's review.
In 2003, fleet had a top out wage of $21.16, and if we add up all money and include your Delta stuff, not including longevity, CC pay, but will include the 401k match that started in 2013.
It equates to an increase of 43.7% 
What are the odds of this coming to our way.
To date all of fleet had an increase of a flat 20% bump in pay, if Doug gives us that 4% for crossing the finish line that would bring fleet to a 23.1% increase since 2003. This is much more believable than the current rumor. Try to keep it real boys. 
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