By the time this ass gets to a completed JCBA you guys will be down to no raise at all. With Parker back pedaling from the Delta plus 7 now down to the Delta plus 3% as the ass drags out the nego's process soon Parker will be down to just matching Delta +0%. I am surprised the union(s) are not doing informational picketing about Parker back pedaling from D+7 down to now D+3. Some guys has posted that,"oh well, we will still be making 47, that's still good money." What he doesn't realize is that's 2 bucks per every single hour worked in reg, O/T, D/T, T/T and so on. It will not be compounded in ANY future % increases that the union might gain. The 4% being removed is 2 bucks an hour, 4,160.00 per year and every year afterwards, plus the compounding of the percentile of ALL future % raises. In a simple 5 year contract (as an example) every mech just lost a minimum of 20,800. Not counting any O/T worked or the loss of percentile for the next contract, but rest assured it is a lost for every 5 years in the future of 20,800. In 20 years it comes to well over 100,000. Now to the guy that posted no big deal we will still be making good money, now how does it look?? Look at the whole picture not just the immediate future or now...