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good article on parker

700...no matter how many times you repost that article the "westies" won't believe it.

They are sunscorched it seems.

People also forget that Doug Siegel was the first to approach HP during his infortunate leadership of US. But the wheels were placed in motion and Lakefield knew the right people to talk to and he got the merger off the ground.

Doug Parker has learned from his tutelage. People forget that Lakefield is still around. Silent, but still present. Don't you think that he's the person behind the DL merger as well? Talking with the right people once again?

Lakefield is a brillant business man. Parker is still a pup in training under him.
Dang Piney, some of those Kool-aid drinkers just don't want to get it do they Piney? Piney? PINEY? You listening out there? 😛

Are you still flying PTF Airways?
Lets try this again, read and comprehend 717:
You haven't been reading my posts since your quote has nothing to do with what PineyBob is arguing: that without Lakefield AWA would be gone by now.
Please note the publication date, it seems like Mr Parker was "In Charge" during the near grounding by the FAA.
You don't know much about Bill Franke, do you? Even having Herb Kelleher in charge of ops probably wouldn't have made any difference back then.
Also again take note the HP is the ONLY Major airline that does not print a boarding pass with the connecting gate in PHX & LAS>
Okay, I'll concede this point. You've obviously nailed the MOST IMPORTANT ASPECT OF ANY AIRLINE IN THE WORLD!!
Olh US may not be able to deliver a bag but they can figure out in advance where they want the freaking aircraft to park.
Which do you think is more important to the passenger: knowing their gate before they look at the overhead monitor or getting their bags? Good thing you're not in management.
HE RAISED !?! And to think that Bruce Lakefield did absolutely NOTHING the entire time. Interesting.

Let's blow more smoke up our A$$ about DP and all you desert people love drinking your cactus kool-aid.

What's with the double-talk from these reps???

I can not for the life of me understand why in hell these union leaders would praise a guy who has been giving them the run-around on negotiating a fair/balanced, and well deserving transition agreement for the workers they represent.


STOP WITH THE KOOL-AIDE guzzling schpill, MIKE AND GARY. The schezophrenic "nice-guy; bad-guy" CEO you guys spew and portray will win you NOTHING but neutral with this managment. Don't allege to take a "hard line" position against management with your respective group and then play up how great Dougie is in the media; when clearly, he AIN'T!!!! Dougie is an opportunist and gets paid to make the deals. Have you learned nothing from your experience with Jerry union-busting G.? Know who ayour opponent(s) are and how to deal. Gee-zus.

Your members do read the newspapers!!! You only have one small window to achieve some gains, clock is ticking.
I will say it again, Mr Parker needs to attempt to run his current airline!!!
Somewhere on here recently, I read that DP's wife was a good union FA at one time, and that he said that further concessions would not go over well at his house......

So, I think that Mrs Parker ( I am sure she's lovely...) needs to have a lunch date with Ms Shamblin over there in Tempe, and explain to her that she is toying with 7,000 FA's LIVES. People are unable to live under this current reserve system. Hello, is anyone listening?

I refer back to the [disastrous] Crew News Session where SS was forced to try and sound eloquent at the meeting because Scott was running late. After cheering in excitement over the $50 bonus we were receiving ( 🙄 ), she says that she feels that negotiating 2 weeks a month is more than fair. Really? Exactly what are you doing the other 2 weeks, reworking the Airbus drink trolleys? 🙄

This negotiations process should be the single most important thing on our leadership teams minds. Not only will stalling continue to bruise morale, it could possibly affect further deals down the road.

I find it a complete slap in the face that SS would say that 2 weeks a month is "sufficient". And they have not even touched on the important sections, such as Reserve and Compensation! In fact, they are now fighting over a $20 a month cleaning allowance that we on the East used to get before BK1. Unreal.... :shock:

Incidentally, according to a recent MEC email, it seems to me that the NEG COMM for the FA's is meeting a total of **6** days in Jan: 3 in Tempe that have already passed, and 3 upcoming days in CLT. Outraged yet?
Guess you did not read the article, US contacted HP, not the other way around.
And I suppose that Lakefield was the only one capable of picking up a phone??? He would have sold US to WalMart if they would have been interested in what he had to say. Lakefield was only there in order to recover as much of Bonner's investment as possible. All that I am saying here, is that Bruce did nothing exceptional during his stint as CEO...What he did, anyone else could have done just as well.
I guess that you need to read the artice again yourself, as it names Siegel as the one who made first contact with AWA, not Lakefield...He mearly followed up on what someone else started...That must have been a huge task for him to take on... :unsure:
Mr. Parker, in an interview at US Airways headquarters here, said the success of his initial merger — and the market’s embrace of the proposed Delta combination — had nothing to do with superior management skills and everything to do with the savings from combining two airlines.

Parker at least agrees with the intelligent assessment of the situation.
And I suppose that Lakefield was the only one capable of picking up a phone??? He would have sold US to WalMart if they would have been interested in what he had to say. Lakefield was only there in order to recover as much of Bonner's investment as possible. All that I am saying here, is that Bruce did nothing exceptional during his stint as CEO...What he did, anyone else could have done just as well.
I guess that you need to read the artice again yourself, as it names Siegel as the one who made first contact with AWA, not Lakefield...He mearly followed up on what someone else started...That must have been a huge task for him to take on... :unsure:

I believe you are exactly right.
Bottom Line is this. Without Bruce Lakefield's quiet leadership and business savvy keeping US's doors open, the future of AWA was murky at best.
Right, as was the future of most carriers in 2005. But you stretched that into saying that AWA would be out of business by now without USAirways. That you cannot substantiate.
The problem IMO with another merger partner for AWA would be DP and his cronies would not remain in command. Therefore US was their only KNOWN option! We will NEVER know what else was out there.
True enough, but as I said 2006 would've likely been a profitable year for AWA. Do ya think AWA could've made it all the way to the end of 2005 without the merger? I do. We weren't in that big of a cash crunch.
But think about it for a second, WHO would willingly merge with a boat anchor like US if other alternatives were available?????
I'll presume that US was the only option in May, 2005. Had it not happened it's presumtuous to say that nothing else would've come up. AWA had time.
DP isn't the second coming.
Don't know why you're telling me this. I haven't been a cheerleader for him. There are precious few airline CEOs who can be called competent, let alone great.
Perhaps, DP is incorrect in saying that AWA would have been struggling without the synergy of a merged airline. AWA did make approx $36 million last quarter from their side of things. But, U east, on the other hand was posed to make hundreds of millions as evidenced by the last quarter...and that is soley due to 3 concessionary give backs from labor, who many have sacrificed their own financial solvency and demise for the sake of keeping employed.

There is no doubt the old U was NOT going over a cliff when the T/As all ratified. The BOD knew it, the investors new it; wall street knew it and Labor knew it.

DP won't come out and say it because to say it, is to recognize who deserves most, if not all, the credit. He only refers to being profitable because of the synergies from a merged airline. That has yet to happen. And obviously ALL the EXECS and middle management have increased their compensation by leaps and bounds!

What I DO expect is labor to literally keep "harping" on the blatant fact that THEY have waited long enough for improvements to occur in THEIR bottom line. And that noise has to be much more LOUD, in their face, in the media (specifically with all the noise about having uped the ante for DL with MOSTLY CASH).

I'm just not seeing this from ANY UNION leadership...HEL-LO.
Perhaps, DP is incorrect in saying that AWA would have been struggling without the synergy of a merged airline.
It's not a matter of correct or incorrect but of opinion and spin. DP was saying that based on the economics of that time, ie, early 2005, he believed the merger was in AWA's best interest. To sell the idea to everyone he said it was "necessary". This is what CEOs do. People confuse opinion with fact way too much around here.