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Mr. Parker Delta plus 7

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Buck said:
Not sure how anyone could miss this Profit Sharing issue, but I understand it was exchanged for .50 cents an hour as a sure thing.....by the TWU
It was a sure thing for 20 months then it was absorbed into the wage adjustment. Other work groups that received percentage raises saw the 4.3% raise in exchange for profit sharing get compounded with the last raise. The rest of us lost the 4.3% and our profit sharing. Great job twu.

...and stop worrying about what other work groups (coworkers) make.
Stop blaming other work groups (coworkers) for being the cause of your plight.
But then we all have the bob@las and the ATD's in our work group...
(not directed toward you dfw gen or Chuck)
Nice cheap shot to the gut! I really don't mind my metal being tested from time to time.
You would just like to hear more fodder to keep the anger perpetuating to self-validating disdain for the goodies AAL took. 
This is for Chucky, This......
took on a life of its own. Spawned from a post some time ago. But all of you think it's real. Parker may have said it in a town hall but without pen meeting paper it's worthless unenforceable drivel. Besides if AAL were to even slightly entertain this it would go to the mechanics, not fleet.
I have one question, where will this 14.5% increase in "base" wage put the Delta mechanics at?  Anyone know?
There base pay is $35.93,$2.13 per license and .75 for line premium. 41.13985 to be exact will be their base pay as of Dec 1st.
ThirdSeatHero, on 16 Sept 2015 - 6:24 PM, said:
ThirdSeatHero said:
Thanks for the response, so aprox how much will the raise put a dayshift line A&P? In the neighborhood of $46 to $48 an hour.
In the neighborhood of $46 to $48 an hour.
Chuck Schalk said:
start by everyone asking what can i do to help?   I mean help in our careers, our local community, our families, and our future.  We have to get more involved in all of these areas.  We all are sitting back waiting is some areas for someone else to take care of it.  We must challenge our leaders and our politicians and hold them accountable as well as ourselves if we are not helping to better our future. 
we are overtaxed, under represented, and a struggling nation for the working class.
"if we are not part of the solution, we are part of the problem"
...and stop worrying about what other work groups (coworkers) make.
Stop blaming other work groups (coworkers) for being the cause of your plight.
But then we all have the bob@las and the ATD's in our work group...
(not directed toward you dfw gen or Chuck)
swamt said:
I have one question, where will this 14.5% increase in "base" wage put the Delta mechanics at?  Anyone know?
$41.14/hr., not counting any licenses, line pay, shift differential, etc...
swamt said:
I have one question, where will this 14.5% increase in "base" wage put the Delta mechanics at?  Anyone know?
Around 85.5% short of where they should be.
In real terms we are making half what top pay was when we entered this industry. If you are making $10/hr, take a 50% pay cut you need a 100% raise just to get back to where you used to be. 
Once you factor in Health Benefits, the loss of pension etc while the increases are welcome they fall way short of what we should be getting. 
The next Town Hall will be interesting.
Parker will no doubt be asked once again about the DL+7.
I fully expect to see some backpedling.

After all we've been through in the past with negotiations taking literally years without raises,
The union needs a clause in this next deal that holds Parkers feet to fire on the DL+7.
Obviously the +7 was because DL has profit sharing and we do not.
The latest news is the profit sharing will be reduced, some, but still remain.
That may certainly affect the +7 to a lower + number.

The clause needs to be "DL+whatever , for the life of the contract" , with reviews every 6 months to make sure our pay is always at a minimum of DL+x, and also keep getting 6 month reviews and raises after the contract expires until a new one is agreed to.
That would insulate us from the multiple years without a raise scenario that we all endured in the 2006-2012 time frame.
With all the talk of Delta +7% going around questions were brought up in the break room.
At what point in time is the calculation going to be made? From when we sign a JCBA contract. 
From a point in time chosen by DP?
Is this going to be over the life time of the contract?
What is the expected life of the new CBA going to be?
( if 10 yrs + not so much of a good deal then is it)?
Were any of these questions ever asked at the THM?
Just what are you expecting to get from this? Do all of you really believe the New AA is going to just give the employees a $5 to $7 an hr pay raise with out anything in return?
When has that happened in your time at AA or US?
How many employees does Delta have vers AA? In Maintenance we have a combined 13000 total. (give or take)   Just how many mechanics does Delta have or in comparison what does UAL have?
How can AA stay with Delta? When so much work is contracted out?
The free time you enjoy now at work will not stay when this deal gets done. The TWU in the past would rather keep numbers up than get $$$ or anything else haven't we all seen that? 
What have you seen or been told by the Assoc. as to the coming together of what each group will gain or loose?
It's a TOTAL Package Don't let the $$$$$ cloud your minds. Holidays, IAMNPF, double time, vacation, sick time, work rules, 401k, C/S rules, DAT usage, much more are all part of this for those of you that will have to live through the life time of this upcoming JCBA.
I found this figure on another post from a Delta employee. For Aircraft Maintenance this is the new base pay rate.

$41.15 Base pay.

Now if we would get DELTA plus 7 here is what too expect if our union had balls.

$41.15 plus 7 percent is $2.88.
$41.15 plus $2.88 = $44.03.
$44.03 plus $5.00 license premiums.
$44.03 plus $5.00 = $49.03.

Now if the figure I received from the Delta guy is correct, Does anyone honestly think we are going to make $49.03 an hour if and when we get a JCBA? This will put the Association to the test. I expect back peddling from the company and the association.
Traymark said:
The next Town Hall will be interesting.
Parker will no doubt be asked once again about the DL+7.
I fully expect to see some backpedling.

After all we've been through in the past with negotiations taking literally years without raises,
The union needs a clause in this next deal that holds Parkers feet to fire on the DL+7.
Obviously the +7 was because DL has profit sharing and we do not.
The latest news is the profit sharing will be reduced, some, but still remain.
That may certainly affect the +7 to a lower + number.

The clause needs to be "DL+whatever , for the life of the contract" , with reviews every 6 months to make sure our pay is always at a minimum of DL+x, and also keep getting 6 month reviews and raises after the contract expires until a new one is agreed to.
That would insulate us from the multiple years without a raise scenario that we all endured in the 2006-2012 time frame.
Sounds good but just to play Devil's advocate here. Since Delta is non Union (And they've done this in the past) what happens if somewhere down the line they drop their pay? "Paycut"

AA would again be at a pay disadvantage which supposedly was one of the reasons they went bankrupt.

The conspiracy theorist in me has to ask, what if DL is driving up the costs just so they can lay down the hammer again in the future and cost AA out of cities they don't want them in?
With all the talk of Delta +7% going around questions were brought up in the break room.
At what point in time is the calculation going to be made? From when we sign a JCBA contract. 
From a point in time chosen by DP?
Is this going to be over the life time of the contract?
What is the expected life of the new CBA going to be?
( if 10 yrs + not so much of a good deal then is it)?
Were any of these questions ever asked at the THM?
Just what are you expecting to get from this? Do all of you really believe the New AA is going to just give the employees a $5 to $7 an hr pay raise with out anything in return?
When has that happened in your time at AA or US?
How many employees does Delta have vers AA? In Maintenance we have a combined 13000 total. (give or take)   Just how many mechanics does Delta have or in comparison what does UAL have?
How can AA stay with Delta? When so much work is contracted out?
The free time you enjoy now at work will not stay when this deal gets done. The TWU in the past would rather keep numbers up than get $$$ or anything else haven't we all seen that? 
What have you seen or been told by the Assoc. as to the coming together of what each group will gain or loose?
It's a TOTAL Package Don't let the $$$$$ cloud your minds. Holidays, IAMNPF, double time, vacation, sick time, work rules, 401k, C/S rules, DAT usage, much more are all part of this for those of you that will have to live through the life time of this upcoming JCBA.
I like the way you THINK.......
WeAAsles said:
Sounds good but just to play Devil's advocate here. Since Delta is non Union (And they've done this in the past) what happens if somewhere down the line they drop their pay? "Paycut"
AA would again be at a pay disadvantage which supposedly was one of the reasons they went bankrupt.
The conspiracy theorist in me has to ask, what if DL is driving up the costs just so they can lay down the hammer again in the future and cost AA out of cities they don't want them in?
Correction: AA didn't "go bankrupt" they filed for bankruptcy, with plenty of cash on hand.
At this point in my career, I could care less if AA ends up at a pay disadvantage.
All of us hourly workers have been at a pay disadvantage since we took massive cuts in 2003.
It's now time for the company to come correct, in a very big way.
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