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Mr. Parker Delta plus 7

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^^^^ We are all in agreement, but with this union expect much of the same.
Traymark said:
Correction: AA didn't "go bankrupt" they filed for bankruptcy, with plenty of cash on hand.
At this point in my career, I could care less if AA ends up at a pay disadvantage.
All of us hourly workers have been at a pay disadvantage since we took massive cuts in 2003.
It's now time for the company to come correct, in a very big way.

Agreed. I just don't want to go through all the crap we went through EVER again.

I'm buying a condo here that's only going to cost me a lousy $600 total per month and right now am socking away 20% into my 401 and am going to raise that percentage when the money comes in. I'm leaving myself a good cushion.

Twice bitten, three times shy. I don't trust ANY of them!!!!
jcw said:
This is how people lose their arguments - everyone picks up on the 14% increase and forgets profit sharing is going down - hence the change is made in December and 2016 profit sharing check is cut in half - make sure you are comparing total comp to total compensation and work rules side by side
Point of order... What's being "cut in half" are profit sharing checks they'd get in February 2017 (assuming there's a profit).

What they get in February 2016 from 2015's profits will be issued at the same formula it was for this year's checks.

In short... there's no slight of hand going on here. They're being made somewhat whole in the deal.
Looks like a great deal to me.......14.5% to go along with the 4% they have already received this year plus a 1% increase in their 401K match, plus profit sharing which is rumored to be in the 15-20% range this year and same formula used for 2017...sounds a little better than my 4+% I received this week along with the mighty Triple Play Bonus which has paid out a whopping -$0- this year so far...but we were close...must I forget the automatic 1.5% I am entitled to next September if no contract is reached(Great foresight on the IAM's part)...not to mention the increase in the insurance premiums for the upcoming year......Just seems like we are taking it from both ends...when UAL signs in the upcoming months we will proudly be once again the biggest and lowest paid airline in the world!!!
eolesen said:
Point of order... What's being "cut in half" are profit sharing checks they'd get in February 2017 (assuming there's a profit).What they get in February 2016 from 2015's profits will be issued at the same formula it was for this year's checks.In short... there's no slight of hand going on here. They're being made somewhat whole in the deal.
I agree with your points - they are being made whole - that's why when folks focus only on the 14% they are leaving other things out like profit sharing and work rules
WeAAsles said:
Sounds good but just to play Devil's advocate here. Since Delta is non Union (And they've done this in the past) what happens if somewhere down the line they drop their pay? "Paycut"

AA would again be at a pay disadvantage which supposedly was one of the reasons they went bankrupt.

The conspiracy theorist in me has to ask, what if DL is driving up the costs just so they can lay down the hammer again in the future and cost AA out of cities they don't want them in?
I think you are a little bit paranoid
bob@las-AA said:


Nice cheap shot to the gut! I really don't mind my metal being tested from time to time.
You would just like to hear more fodder to keep the anger perpetuating to self-validating disdain for the goodies AAL took. 
This is for Chucky, This......
took on a life of its own. Spawned from a post some time ago. But all of you think it's real. Parker may have said it in a town hall but without pen meeting paper it's worthless unenforceable drivel. Besides if AAL were to even slightly entertain this it would go to the mechanics, not fleet.
 if  they considered giving us DL money it would be for all 100,000 plus AA eemployees not just one work group
767 mechanic said:
There base pay is $35.93,$2.13 per license and .75 for line premium. 41.13985 to be exact will be their base pay as of Dec 1st.
1AA said:
I found this figure on another post from a Delta employee. For Aircraft Maintenance this is the new base pay rate.

$41.15 Base pay.

Now if we would get DELTA plus 7 here is what too expect if our union had balls.

$41.15 plus 7 percent is $2.88.
$41.15 plus $2.88 = $44.03.
$44.03 plus $5.00 license premiums.
$44.03 plus $5.00 = $49.03.

Now if the figure I received from the Delta guy is correct, Does anyone honestly think we are going to make $49.03 an hour if and when we get a JCBA? This will put the Association to the test. I expect back peddling from the company and the association.
I am hoping you guys get it.  Here lies the questions.  Is Delta plus 7 only at the point when Parker said it (upper 30's for Delta at the time)?  OR is the D+7 at the time of JCBA.  Which tells me it's now the new rate at Delta of 41.15= 7%.  The union better get a clause installed that if Delta pulls the new raises back, does this mean the AA guys will get reduced to equal the D+7 after the raises get pulled? All good points to be addressed in my opinion.  I hope you guys go above the 50 mark. 
swamt said:
I am hoping you guys get it.  Here lies the questions.  Is Delta plus 7 only at the point when Parker said it (upper 30's for Delta at the time)?  OR is the D+7 at the time of JCBA.  Which tells me it's now the new rate at Delta of 41.15= 7%.  The union better get a clause installed that if Delta pulls the new raises back, does this mean the AA guys will get reduced to equal the D+7 after the raises get pulled? All good points to be addressed in my opinion.  I hope you guys go above the 50 mark. 
Like it or not, Doug hitched his wagon to the "Delta plus 7%"  pay rate.  No, it's not in writing; however, it certainly is documented on several "town hall videos". This tells us; the AA workforce, that management feels that Delta is a good measuring stick in the airline industry for employee pay and benefits.  The affected employees weren't asked how or why Delta plus 7% at the time.  Doug and company are not gonna come across as sincere or honest in the companies commitment to pay AA's employees more than the rival airline of AA managements choosing - that of course being Delta.   This will be very interesting to see how Doug and Co. handle this new development.  Will he do the right thing, and stick to his many video recorded verbal commitments of Delta plus 7%, with no modifiers like "as of August 2015", etc..?  Or, will he start the tap dance, and come off as just another lying, greedy CEO?
Twistedmetal said:
All you will be getting is Delta plus 7 inches. Delta mechanics are getting  an 18 percent pay raise on December 1st 2015 and still has profit sharing. Good things happen when you have no union.
Well said, hopefully our union won't screw up this pay raise for us. What is sad is that I don't want any kind of compensation to go through the union as I think they might withhold some AGAIN.
none of this matters the iam and the twu can not get there **** together. They are waiting until the end of September to talk again wtf!!!!!
bigjets said:
Well said, hopefully our union won't screw up this pay raise for us. What is sad is that I don't want any kind of compensation to go through the union as I think they might withhold some AGAIN.
As much as we would like to see this process expedited, we should all bear in mind that there WILL be changes expected in return for ANY increase in compensation. 
The question is....What are we expecting and what will we expect in terms of changes. And by changes, I mean work rules. 
And before anyone responds that we have given enough already, I could not agree more. But the reality of it is there will be changes expected. Pilots and flight attendants conceded some big issues in exchange for their increase in compensation.
MetalMover said:
As much as we would like to see this process expedited, we should all bear in mind that there WILL be changes expected in return for ANY increase in compensation. 
The question is....What are we expecting and what will we expect in terms of changes. And by changes, I mean work rules. 
And before anyone responds that we have given enough already, I could not agree more. But the reality of it is there will be changes expected. Pilots and flight attendants conceded some big issues in exchange for their increase in compensation.
Nobody conceded what we did in 2003 and still endure today. The pilots or FAs came nowhere near the concessions we got jammed down our throats.  We already gave.  No more concessions, as a matter of fact, all benies restored to 2001 levels.
OldGuy@AA said:
Nobody conceded what we did in 2003 and still endure today. The pilots or FAs came nowhere near the concessions we got jammed down our throats.  We already gave.  No more concessions, as a matter of fact, all benies restored to 2001 levels.
I was speaking only what the pilots and f/as conceded to get their Delta +..... Yes we gave more than our share. But the reality of it is the company will not just give us money without something in return. Now if you are willing to hold your ground for several years and forego any increase in compensation, that's fine. But many employees might disagree with you. 
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