You, WeAAsles and Realityck all do a poor job of hiding your glee that AA's mechanics will be forced into the unholy Alliance between the TWU and the IAM.Overspeed said:It's too late, way too late. Like decades too late.
No glee, satisfaction. Satisfaction that all of the screaming voices on here are proven to be what I have been saying for quite awhile now, irrelevant. Satisfaction at being proven right.FWAAA said:You, WeAAsles and Realityck all do a poor job of hiding your glee that AA's mechanics will be forced into the unholy Alliance between the TWU and the IAM.
WeAAsles said:No glee, satisfaction. Satisfaction that all of the screaming voices on here are proven to be what I have been saying for quite awhile now, irrelevant. Satisfaction at being proven right.
Unholy? I wouldn't go as far as to call it the birth of Rosemary's Baby. Maybe Little Nicky?
Overspeed said:It's too late, way too late. Like decades too late.
Far from being irrelevant Samsonite Sally, far, far from it. You might be king sh*t in the bag room with 20 years (low timer) or under the mans desk, but in the big picture your about as worrisome as a cloudy day. The AMT's will have our say, one way or another. TWu/IAm will get a vote up or down, and AMFA won't go away. The satisfying thing for me is your just a ramper, so about all you can do about it is run you mouth on a BB. Pathetic.WeAAsles said:No glee, satisfaction. Satisfaction that all of the screaming voices on here are proven to be what I have been saying for quite awhile now, irrelevant. Satisfaction at being proven right.
Unholy? I wouldn't go as far as to call it the birth of Rosemary's Baby. Maybe Little Nicky? said:The AMT's will have our say, one way or another!!!!!!!!
Overspeed said:It's too late, way too late. Like decades too late.
And uh who's representing them now? Again? If you guys want to ride that Roller Coaster go ahead. You have 4 days to hop on.ThirdSeatHero said:
Yes of course - at UAL the IAM was fond of spouting off the same tired line as well.
Of course that all ended the day they were decertified.
Overspeed said:"AMT hating"? Never. So the TWU hates AMTs because they kept more working for far above MRO wages for years while AMFA succeeded in sending more in-house AMT jobs to low wage MROs than all other unions combined? Okay.
And who is someone who educate themselves on unions and the industry bad? You prefer misinformed people who tell you anything to get elected better? Then keep signing AMFA cards and voting for people who promise everything and deliver nothing. It's working great for you as we can all see by how you continue you to post how miserable you are.
Personally? My TWU bargained for wages have given me a good wage and I still have over 27 years of pension that I will still get which is far more than the ones that ended at UA, NW, and DL in 2003/2004. Good healthcare for my family has been good too.
You have at least more nine more years pension thanks to the TWU. When you start receiving your checks when you retire as you cash them think of Uncle Jim Little who fought to keep it going while the vote no coalition were hoping for full pay until BK in 2003.
WeAAsles said:And uh who's representing them now? Again? If you guys want to ride that Roller Coaster go ahead. You have 4 days to hop on.
Vortilon said:
That is the best you've got? You couldn't come up with one thing that wasn't already a gimme! Pathetic! I wouldn't want a "lower your expectations" kinda guy like you negotiating on my behalf for anything. BTW, nobody working for AMFA is telling me they are gonna make things better; although, things couldn't possibly get any worse with AMFA. (LMFAO) Your pension? had the TWU been more involved - we probably would have lost that completely. Everything they touch - just turns to shite.
Have you spoken to Swamp or seen the updates over there? You want me to post some of them? They're not very purdy.
I've lost track? I change out my underwear less than you guys go through Unions. Who's next? The UFCWU?ThirdSeatHero said:
NOT THE IAM, thats for certain