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Members Walk The Floors In Tulsa!

From CIO;

"All you have to do, is be positive, think positive, react positive and positive things will happen?"

Ah Pollyanna its even easier that that; Just fill out a card!
CIO says:

The TWU local 514 is great about getting information out to the members, It is you who suggest otherwises.

You better check the latest survey that 514 conducted, I believe that over half of those surveyed said that 514 needed to do a better job of informing the membership.
Remember this was 514's own survey, not one conducted by AMFA :shock:
Viper...not being from your local I cannot reply to the fact of information hitting the floor....but I have found that those that cry about info the most have not darkened the halls of their union in years. Get involved to get in the loop.

I have been in the loop, former shop steward as a matter of fact. I have seen the inside of the union hall. I have had enough. I watched one president get elected on a platform of change to represent the mechanics. Only to see him assimilated into the collective. Resistance is trully futile. Seperate negotiations, seperate locals, all of these have failed. It all boils down to this, the international doesn't care about representing the mechanic and related. Which is really odd, cosidering some of the international officers came from 514. Finley, Yingst, etc. I have watched them climb the ladder straight to the untouchable, unaccountable international. And one, M. Jackson took all of his union training and is now a part of American's Human Resources.

P.S. Just wanted to say thanks for a polite post. I appreciate comments without all of the B.S.
It was great to see the officers and members today talking positive about some of the changes coming about, with work coming in and the RO committee working with AA to bring in more work, It was nice to go into some businesses in the last few days and see they were feeling a little upbeat about the outlook of AA, and how the TWU was professional acting on TV.

I understand more and more volunteers are coming forward in AFW and wanting to see what they can do to help pass out Information and here the truth for a change.
Darkside of things,

I here Dan Cunningham is enjoying his toolbox and was sighted wearing his Amfa shirt.
7844 cards signed

78.4% to the goal

48.4%, only 1.6% more to meet the minimum required for an election with six months left before cards start expiring.

Tick Tock Tick Tock

See amfa members made some promises last week and will inflate numbers to make sure they fulfill them, whether it's the truth or not.

Word has it the first draft of the video has come out! Complaints were circulating about the editing and twisting of the Questions. even some of the viewers have made comments about the distortion.

Why not go to some of the meetings and get informed, you sound like a typical smokebox individual. It is easy to look from the outside and complain, It takes a lot more guts to go in the trenches and fight for change! If you really want change, than you would not be going for an organization that is unwilling to help!

The majority of the members believe the TWU is doing a great job and are glad to see we continue to fight.

First of all, I don't smoke. I have been to enough meetings. Your inactions speak louder than any meetings will.

you say: If you really want change, than you would not be going for an organization that is unwilling to help!

I agree with your point here. The differnence is that I believe AMFA is willing to help while the TWU is willing to ignore.
Viper...not sure of your meaning about your president..was he one that took an oath to the TWU and then promoted AMFA..if so then I might suggest his integrity be questioned..you said you were a steward...I also sir for approx 14 years with IAM in total..and with them I learned unionism within my local..through adversity and profit I remained loyal to my local, knowing my best interests were at hand. While you were a steward did you find low attendance at meetings and high complaints about no information? Most union business and news should be handled through the local and NOT on company property to be spread on picnic tables and read by management. If AMFA would get in what would change? The ability to oust Delle? The ability to persuade your floor, who have their own personal agendas and reasons for a democratic vote, to vote to be unemployed verses concessions? I read a lot of posts of AMFA suppporters who are laid off and working for pittance compared to the concessions. Concessions are never good, perhaps that was the COMPANY that requested them...not the TWU..I believe the TWU did what they felt was best in explaining the state of the company and the results of bankruptcy. I have been with TWA during 2 bk's, our credit rating plummetted, cost of leasing a/c increased, we could not get parts but on a cash only basis..was this better than losing $5 hr and benefits for a small time...depends I guess on each person's outlook and opinion.

Have you ever wondered why...after losing over 20 years of seniority due to the TWU's decision on dovetailing that I am still loyal to my local? It is called unionism...not lost in ways of yesteryear..but able to proceed forward through the muck and mire life brings all of us. Believe this..first time I met Mr. Gless at MCI I told him exactly what I felt about his TWU...I also told Mr. Rogers, Mr. Schaible, and Mr. Cunningham what I thought about all the TWU membership ..they however...turned the blame over to the TWU and told the few at MCI how if AMFA would have been the bargaining agent that there would have been no vote, that AMFA would have automatically dovetailed us due to "respecting the seniority rights of others". Would that have upset any TUL or DFW members? What I have experienced from this "medicine show" is that they state what sells the audience at the time.

I'll stay loyal to my local and continue my anti-AMFA drive at MCI. I will use all tools available and be honest in my dealings, more than I have seen from some dual unionship Presidents and elected officials on this board.

Seems funny that no one has ever blamed the company, or anybody's company, for the state of the union. They are the ones that outsource, they are the ones that furlough and then rehire part-time..they are the ones that request OT during furlough time...Outsourcing is the mod thing to do now since they have sucked the wages from most and lowered the buying ability of the US. Seems lopsided that we lost 72k full time jobs and created 122k part-time jobs...possibly the handy work of some recent highly paid college grad showing the new boss a profit and loss chart? We have problems here more than the TWU or AMFA...my kids will now change professions three times before retiring due to these stats...and we cry about the temporary loss of benefits? We can still live within our means and have not yet had to seek employment elsewhere. < knock on wood>.

I respect your opinions and your loyalty, they are jsut different than mine. I too have been in unions for a long time and have been involved. Started out in the Hotel and Restaurant Employees union as a stewart and served as one for the TWU at American.

I do blame American Airlines for the current situation. I also blame the TWU for not acting in our best interests. Take the former junior mechanic program, I saw individuals recieve service credit towards pay increases for welding non-aircraft parts while mechs with military aircraft were denied due to the fact that the aircraft was a fighter and not heavy lift. How can a union let that happen? Look at our current concessionary agreement. Is it not slated against the mechanic? What other work group got adjusted to 1/2 pay on the first two days? What about the holidays. How can a union give up those days that there predecessors worked so hard for? Not to mention the butchering of the overtime rules.

What it boils down to is TWU is an agent that is supposed to represent us. You have to have confidence in your bargaining agent. We deserve the best representation. But, under the AFL/CIO umbrella of protection that is not possible.
Maybe at one time the TWU was the best agent in the business, but that was a long time ago.

I have seen what AMFA has done....... I like what I see.
Viper...DO NOT blame the TWU for concessions. They, with a gun held to their head, presented to their floor a concession package to satisfy the monetary give back required by the COMPANY to secure the future of our employment. Do you think that was an easy task and took no backbone to come to us with such a deal?. They did have the foresight to protect retirement and lessen the impact of higher medical in lieu of vacation and pay...yes our medical is increasing, but not like it could...ask around...even with our concessions, most are still employed and living better than average. Weather the storm.

I also have seen what AMFA has done. Recruit within our elected officials, come onto my floor for what? A non AFL-CIO union? What respect do you honestly have for a man that runs for an office of a union he despises...would you follow such a man into the future, honestly?

Unless I meet some new AMFA organizers or receive some different information I see no reason what so ever to jump out of the frying pan and into the fire. I am my union, I am the reason it succeeds or fails, that sux...but it's true.

BTW...I had never ever heard of a Protection Clause in a contract until I was absorbed by the TWU. That sir...is worth a lot if you have a family..imagine...I would have 2376 more days of income than I do now if I was protected...Approx 6 1/2 years of wages would be nice...
Hey checking it out (Rick) what are you smoking more AMFA shirts than ever and new cards coming in daily I see it with my own eyes. You must have them rosed colored glasses they pass out to supervision.
D Reese
suspended Shop Steward :shock:
In all these posts from CIO, Steve Conell, twuer and so on I always notice one thing missing. We can argue that it could have been worse in bankruptcy and AA held a gun to the TWU's head etc. But the bottom line for me is this.
This contract was not ratified by a legal or valid vote of the membership! 3200 members in good standing were unable to secure PIN numbers (per TWU Informer). Jim Little called the vote "tainted" and said we must re-vote. Never did. It just got jammed down our throats!TWU violated the President's Council Bylaws by not providing a T/A and 30 days for the membership to review it prior to voting. :down:
Not to mention the fact that the company's first offer was 10% pay cut for M&R but heavey outsourcing of Fleet Service (like most of the competition), to which the TWU said NO WAY! (too great a dues loss).
I have survived the TWU's 1989 sell-out, 1995 sell-out and 2003 sell-out.
I don't want to experience another and that is why I don't "participate". It is a total waste of time. You'll never remove Sonny Hall and I'm not willing to just wait around for him to die or retire just so the next suck-up sell-out good ole boy can step into that dicatator's shoes.
You'll never change the TWU for the betterment of M&R. Fleet Service comes first, M&R gets sold-out.

Glad to see you made it back from DFW. It is amazing how much of a sucker you can be played for by the twu. So what is it this week, your management shirt back on or your wanna be union.
Rum Kool-aid drinker you are out of touch with reality!

The courts upheld the ruling and if you went to the meetings you would have known a vote was taken by the presidents to suspend the 30 day rule and the constitution allows for this to happen.

Keep inflating those numbers, It worked at USAir with 30% valid cards now! Oh, I forgot Delle issued a letter stating otherwise. what was it over 50% a few weeks ago.

I invite everyone to come on down to the union hall and enjoy the refreshments, visit and learn about unionism, It is great when you participate! Thanks to the hundreds who participate their is a difference.

Have a Great TWU DAY!

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