Viper...not sure of your meaning about your president..was he one that took an oath to the TWU and then promoted AMFA..if so then I might suggest his integrity be said you were a steward...I also sir for approx 14 years with IAM in total..and with them I learned unionism within my local..through adversity and profit I remained loyal to my local, knowing my best interests were at hand. While you were a steward did you find low attendance at meetings and high complaints about no information? Most union business and news should be handled through the local and NOT on company property to be spread on picnic tables and read by management. If AMFA would get in what would change? The ability to oust Delle? The ability to persuade your floor, who have their own personal agendas and reasons for a democratic vote, to vote to be unemployed verses concessions? I read a lot of posts of AMFA suppporters who are laid off and working for pittance compared to the concessions. Concessions are never good, perhaps that was the COMPANY that requested them...not the TWU..I believe the TWU did what they felt was best in explaining the state of the company and the results of bankruptcy. I have been with TWA during 2 bk's, our credit rating plummetted, cost of leasing a/c increased, we could not get parts but on a cash only basis..was this better than losing $5 hr and benefits for a small time...depends I guess on each person's outlook and opinion.
Have you ever wondered why...after losing over 20 years of seniority due to the TWU's decision on dovetailing that I am still loyal to my local? It is called unionism...not lost in ways of yesteryear..but able to proceed forward through the muck and mire life brings all of us. Believe this..first time I met Mr. Gless at MCI I told him exactly what I felt about his TWU...I also told Mr. Rogers, Mr. Schaible, and Mr. Cunningham what I thought about all the TWU membership ..they however...turned the blame over to the TWU and told the few at MCI how if AMFA would have been the bargaining agent that there would have been no vote, that AMFA would have automatically dovetailed us due to "respecting the seniority rights of others". Would that have upset any TUL or DFW members? What I have experienced from this "medicine show" is that they state what sells the audience at the time.
I'll stay loyal to my local and continue my anti-AMFA drive at MCI. I will use all tools available and be honest in my dealings, more than I have seen from some dual unionship Presidents and elected officials on this board.
Seems funny that no one has ever blamed the company, or anybody's company, for the state of the union. They are the ones that outsource, they are the ones that furlough and then rehire part-time..they are the ones that request OT during furlough time...Outsourcing is the mod thing to do now since they have sucked the wages from most and lowered the buying ability of the US. Seems lopsided that we lost 72k full time jobs and created 122k part-time jobs...possibly the handy work of some recent highly paid college grad showing the new boss a profit and loss chart? We have problems here more than the TWU or kids will now change professions three times before retiring due to these stats...and we cry about the temporary loss of benefits? We can still live within our means and have not yet had to seek employment elsewhere. < knock on wood>.