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M and R negotiations

Good for the IAM. They should've asked 6 months ago when the company came out with mou's with aa's unions. A day late, but at least they got there..
Like someone has said before its the Dog and Pony show just like every other Negotiation Process. We are at the Bottom because we haven't had a contract since Transition in 08. The last pay raise is in July just like the contract states and the Union has been negotiating on behalf of its members as a No 5 Carrier according to Dougie and his Lawyers. Now that we are in process of becoming the No 1 Carrier the Company and the mediator for that fact has to realize the tactics have changed. Obviously the Union asked to be released to put the pressure back on the company to get something done. However the Company thinks multiple groups need to be involved as if we are ready to skip a step and go straight to Transition when a month ago he stated we were negotiating as a No 5? Who knows what their motives are?
Changing representation isn't going to change them in the least. Just Work Safe. Do your part in the chess match.
Safety First#PassengersCanBeRebookedOnOtherAirlines#SafePlanes#Delays#Cancellations#PissedOffPassengers#DougParkerLosesLoyalCustomers#AAFilesChapter11AgainWithin2Years
I would only hope that the TWU at PMAMR would not pursue the same tactic that the IAM pursued against AMFA at NWA and seek to perform struck work at PMLCC if the NMB actually releases the IAM M&R at PMLCC.

Or, that AAG decides to shed itself of too many workers it will no longer need going forward by locking out the IAM at PMLCC and attempting to protect the pet company union, the TWU. It is really not unlike the presentation Carty made to Ed Koziatek TWU ATD Director, at a birthday party for Ed, in which Carty personally stated that while he was looking for the perfect birthday gift for Ed the only thing he came up with was the purchase of TWA and the creation of more dues members for the TWU. It was the IAM that took that one in the shorts, if I recall.

Using the logic fronted by 700UW, it would be perfectly fine if the sauce good for the goose became sauce for the gander.

After all performing ramp work for PMAMR TWU represented Fleet Service and performing maintenance at PMAMR TWU represented M&R is in our contracts and we either have or are obtaining the same fleet types along with the required training so it really wouldn't be scabbing; Right?

I mean, who really decides who is, (or is not,) in, "the house of labor."
I sure that letter has the company shaking in their boots..........
Below you will find your IAM USAir negotiations Team members, can some one at USAir tell us, who else the IAM has sitting in with the company and any Legal teams from either the union and/or the company?

Is it a practice of the IAM to allow the district lodge communicator to sit in on this process?
IAM/ US Airways
Mechanics and Related
Contract Negotiating Team
Negotiations 2011 - 2013
Tom Higginbotham
Tom became a steward in 1970, then Chief Steward in 1972. Held position of Conductor-Sentinel in Local Lodge 1487. Served on negotiation committee for two rounds of negotiations while Chief Steward. In 1978 became District 142 General Chairperson. Has testified before Congressional Committee hearing on electronic monitoring and at National Mediation Board and hearings on single carrier status. In 2006, became President & Directing General Chairperson of District 142.Currently responsible for administration of 48 contracts.

Randy Griffith
Randy Griffith began his airline career at America West Airlines in 1997 as an Avionics Technician. During those years he served his fellow workers as a Shop Steward and member of the Contract Negotiation Committee until the merger in Sept 2005. Randy was appointed too and served on the IAM/IBT Transition Negotiation Committee. He then he transitioned to the IAM as a Steward and a founding member of the PHX Grievance Committee. Randy was appointed too and served on the IAM/IBT Transition Negotiations. He served as Chairman of this Committee until his election to District General Chairman in August 2010 where he energetically serves to this day.
Tim McCulloch
Tim started his career with United Airlines in SFO in 1983 as a mechanic in the Jet Assembly Shop. After transferring to Pittsburgh with US Airways in 1985, he became Shop Steward in the Aircraft Overhaul Department in 1987. In 1991 he became Trustee, 1992 Grievance Committeeman until 2010 when he elected to the position of General Chairman of District 142.
Sean Ryan
Sean was initiated into IAM Local Lodge 2444 in April 1985 when hired by Piedmont Airlines in ORF. He served as Grievance Committee Chairman from 1990-2008. Was appointed and later elected as the first President of the newly chartered Local Lodge 2914 in 1995 and served in that capacity until 2008 when he was appointed to his current position of General Chairperson for District 142. Previous to that he served as District 142 Educator for 3 years. In late 2006 he was appointed to the Transition Negotiation Committee for the Mechanic and Related groups after the US Airways/America West. In 2007 earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from The Nation Labor College in Union Leadership and Administration.
Frank Schifano
Frank started his airline career in 1969 with Universal Airlines in Michigan. He continued his career with TWA in New York and transferred to Allegheny Airlines in 1973. He became Shop Steward, Chief Steward, served on the Legislative Committee, than became President and Local Chairman of Local Lodge 1976 in 1994. He later become Vice President of DL141M and General Chairman of DL142 in 2006. He also served on the negotiating committee and now holds the position of Chief Negotiator in the current negotiations.
Bill Hollowood
Bill started his career as a mechanic with United Airlines In Boston. After transferring to Pittsburgh as a mechanic with Allegheny Airlines In 1969, he has served as a Community Service Coordinator, Shop Steward, Conductor-Sentinel, Vice President and since 2006, President and Local Chairman of Local Lodge 1976 in Pittsburgh and recently accepted the new position of DL142 Community Service Coordinator.
Randy Klinckhardt
Randy was working with America West Airlines pre 1995 and returned in 1998. Became a shop steward for IBT Local 104 in 2000 serving on the Contract Writing and Contract Negotiation Committees starting in 2003. After the merger with US Airways he continued to serve as a Shop Steward and became a full time Grievance Committeeman in 2007. He currently serves as Grievance Committee Chairman, a member of the District 142 Flight Safety Committee, District 142 EAP Coordinator for US Airways, and as Trustee for Local Lodge 2559.
Al Rennie
I started with America West Airlines 1996, merged with US Airways 2005, Negotiations Committee for Transition Agreement; Grievance Committee Chairmen 2006-2009, Vice President of Local Lodge 845 2008-2010; President Local Lodge 845 2010 to present, on the Negotiation Committee for the Section 6 Negotiations.
Bill Wise
Bill has been the President of Local Lodge 1725 in Charlotte, North Carolina since 2000. Prior to that, he has held the positions of Vice President, Trustee, and shop steward. He has been a Trustee for District 142 since 2003. After the US Airways/America West merger, he served on the Transition Committee. In addition to his IAM involvement, he is the President of the Catawba Central Labor Council in Rock Hill, South Carolina and sits on the Executive Board of the South Carolina AFL-CIO.
Are you that stupid?

I was on the Negotiating Committee in 2004 and 2005, and I was Utility at the time and was representing stores and utility since I have time in both classifications.

And I was more than just the the communicator for the district.

I will put my labor knowledge and representational positions against you any day.

But i am glad to see you are trying to make it about me, are you obsessed and a stalker?
Are you that stupid?

I was on the Negotiating Committee in 2004 and 2005, and I was Utility at the time and was representing stores and utility since I have time in both classifications.

And I was more than just the the communicator for the district.

I will put my labor knowledge and representational positions against you any day.

But i am glad to see you are trying to make it about me, are you obsessed and a stalker?
I would only hope that the TWU at PMAMR would not pursue the same tactic that the IAM pursued against AMFA at NWA and seek to perform struck work at PMLCC if the NMB actually releases the IAM M&R at PMLCC.

Or, that AAG decides to shed itself of too many workers it will no longer need going forward by locking out the IAM at PMLCC and attempting to protect the pet company union, the TWU. It is really not unlike the presentation Carty made to Ed Koziatek TWU ATD Director, at a birthday party for Ed, in which Carty personally stated that while he was looking for the perfect birthday gift for Ed the only thing he came up with was the purchase of TWA and the creation of more dues members for the TWU. It was the IAM that took that one in the shorts, if I recall.

Using the logic fronted by 700UW, it would be perfectly fine if the sauce good for the goose became sauce for the gander.

After all performing ramp work for PMAMR TWU represented Fleet Service and performing maintenance at PMAMR TWU represented M&R is in our contracts and we either have or are obtaining the same fleet types along with the required training so it really wouldn't be scabbing; Right?

I mean, who really decides who is, (or is not,) in, "the house of labor."
The companies are not even merged nor does it have government approval, so I doubt AA will be doing any work on US planes.

AA barely has enough employees to work their own flights and would have to be trained on US' mtc polices and procedures.

And working on US' fleet is not in any CBA at AA, now is it?

You are not even the same company.
Especially since they are both members of the AFL-CIO.

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