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Iam Negotiations "agreement"

Het Rico, Hope you don't take this the wrong way, Not too many people care if you are "less than impressed" about these negotiations...
No one had a dispute to the same magnitude of the Airbus Arbitration.
Only till 2/15/05 and see it shows you can't trust the company, the court and arbitrator rule in favor of the IAM and the company has to get what they want from a judge.

Just shows their word means nothing.
insp89 said:
Het Rico, Hope you don't take this the wrong way, Not too many people care if you are "less than impressed" about these negotiations...

Bingo. Also, notice the use of smugness to hide his intense fear. A real twerp.
700UW said:
No one had a dispute to the same magnitude of the Airbus Arbitration.

That's an understatement! It's the meat of the whole contract.
Rico said:
Yeah, whatever, they let ALPA bankers and accountants sift through all the financial data they needed half a year ago, but you are telling everyone that the company kept the IAM in the dark info-wise all the way up til now...

They were fighting the IAM in front of arbitration. It's also always been the company's method (that has worked, to no one's shock) to spend all kinds of efforts on the pilot group to get them to bend over and grease up first, and then focus attention on the rest. In fact, I believe the AFA griped because they could not get face time with the company who was too busy working on the pilots.
Rico said:
Yeah, whatever, they let ALPA bankers and accountants sift through all the financial data they needed half a year ago, but you are telling everyone that the company kept the IAM in the dark info-wise all the way up til now...

Sure, that makes sense.

As for "discussions since 11/2/04", that alone says it all

In case you have not noticed, we were in a dire financial situation, and actual bankruptcy long before that. So I am less than impressed with the length of time your union saw fit to "discuss" things, let alone produce actual working proposals.

Like I said, hope it is enough, soon enough.
Your group has the most to lose, and will bend over very easy. That's why the company always cruise's down "Old Reliable Street" first.


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AP Tech said:
I really hope so....we can then put all this behind us!!!!!
u know 700 . i read your posts and all that . u sound like the most miserable person. any type of good news u shoot down. you really don't want to see a t/a do you? you would rather see the contracts thrown out so that the iam can walk. it looks to me like you like the drama. you have that i am gonna fight mentality bullcrap. you would rather see this company go down so that you could say the iam won. we did not let usairways screw us. i bet your happy sw is coming to phl too. your pathetic. you really are. i have been quiet all this time . but i had to say something.
Just remember, if there is a TA and a vote, if you guys don't vote correctly the first time, there will just be another vote until you understand and get it right!

Once upon a time the IAM was the last group remaining which had b@lls!

I predict whatever is offered will pass. Sadly there is no fight left in anyone anymore, and the whole industry is going down the drain.

You don't know me, never met me and have no idea of who I am.

If I wanted to see this companyfail I would have not given up the past three months of my life to try and ensure job security and the economic livilyhood of myself and my coworkers.

There is nothing wrong with standing up against corporate greed, the line has been drawn in the sand and enough is enough. No union has been asked to give as much back as the IAM in the terms of number of jobs. People are tired of the mismanagement of this company, they have squandered $2.4 billion of our givebacks all ready.

And I am a perfectly happy person, see you don't know me so you have no idea of what I am all about.

And if life is so great for you, why did you come back? Last thing you told us you were going to get your pilot's license and become one.

Walk a mile in an IAM member's shoes then come back and try to judge.