I do get your point. As I have suggested, wait until the AMFA election is done at AA. Alot of people are very confident that AMFA will prevail. And as you stated (and I agree with you) as long as this merger holds up (I also think it will too) and AMFA wins representational election at AA, then as you also state I am pretty possitive that you guys at US will in fact become AMFA by the shear numbers, like it happend here at SWA with the purchase of AT, they just became AMFA from the shear numbers, not that they wanted to keep the teamsters after their pathetic representation during SLI nego's. Trust me Travis, you do not want the teamsters, stay IAM and wait and see. If the merger doesn't happen, or if for some crazy reason (or illeagal activity AMFA does not get in at AA, then yes you guys need to start a card drive.