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M and R negotiations

These are negotiating tactics. That's why it's called NEGOTIATIONS. The IAM will meet next week and ask for the 3% plus 12%. The company will come back and say 3% plus 5%. The IAM will take credit for doing a great job and sell it to us bragging getting an extra 3% out of them just the same way they sold us the last bs contract. This is all BS. IAM is a company union. Go AMFA.

Hopefully you will get to retain your seniority in the merger! Other IAM members at carriers that merged can't say the same.

There you go again, how many times are you going to lie?

It all went to arbitration at TW and AA merger., nd we have been through several mergers with the IAM at US and no one lost seniority and was done by doc.

Go find something else to lie about.
These are negotiating tactics. That's why it's called NEGOTIATIONS. The IAM will meet next week and ask for the 3% plus 12%. The company will come back and say 3% plus 5%. The IAM will take credit for doing a great job and sell it to us bragging getting an extra 3% out of them just the same way they sold us the last bs contract. This is all BS. IAM is a company union. Go AMFA.
I understand how the dog and pony show works. It's amazing how much better the outcome is for the techs when the company has incentive to sign a contract instead of dragging it out for years. For example, the planes aren't pushing off the gates on time or at all because the tech got fresh batteries for his/her flashlight and noticed something they might not have noticed before🙂
Maybe we should just vote yes on the 3% and take the 2% in 18mos. and be happy. And then we can just roll over on the next contract too. We seem to be full of excuses of why we can't get a deserving contract. Nobody wants to do what needs to be done to get the company's attention anymore. We are so beat down by years of disappointments. We are like beat down dogs.

Yup. Hence the apathy you see in the people around you at work.

They are like mindless drones and the only time they seem to perk up and smile, is when the foreman comes around.
I understand how the dog and pony show works. It's amazing how much better the outcome is for the techs when the company has incentive to sign a contract instead of dragging it out for years. For example, the planes aren't pushing off the gates on time or at all because the tech got fresh batteries for his/her flashlight and noticed something they might not have noticed before🙂

We tried that before. And when the guy that found the problem took it to management, he was given a discipline letter (PE1) in his file for " undermining the operation".

That put a stop to that real fast. The fighting machinists ran back into their little caves.
From a TWU Local Lodge President and Negotiating Committee member:

I believe that its true that the other unions at AA signed a letter supporting the TWU. The IBT signed one as well, yet now they are raiding.
Don't know if they asked their members first.

The TWU has done a fairly good job with Fleet, Stores, Dispatch etc. In some cases those members remain close to their peers and most are well above USAIR.
Mechanics are a completely different story, we are behind everybody in total compensation, even USAIR which has better Vacation, Holidays, work rules and OT rules than we do. The week of vacation and Holiday pay alone puts them thousands of dollars ahead of us per year. You are right, we are DEAD LAST.
Yeah, that is now. But usair is only paying a little more, they are 2nd from the bottom. Is it good for a company who has been making record profits to be a little ahead of a bankrupt company? I don't think it is. You try too hard to tout what the IAM has done for usair mechanics, when there really isn't a whole lot there...

And to what josh said earlier even tho I'm no fan of his, IAM represented employees have lost seniority whether thru arbitration or not. At least the swa/airtran integration was put to a vote on both sides...
I know iam not the sharpest tool in the tool box but do I see a pattern here.
2005 AWA-US / merger: AWA IBT contract Amendable and in negotiations for over 2 ½ years and Stalled till merger with US Airways, IAM takes over.
2005 IAM takes over and at contract Amendment in 2008 gives company 3 years Transition Agreement. (Was this the back door agreement for pre merger information to keep IAM on property because Parker will go and make deals with other unions as we have seen)? Small bump -3% - 3% - 3%.........
2013 US Airways-AA / merger: IAM contract Amendable and in negotiations for over 4 years and Stalled till who knows when. (Is this the back door deal the company made with the TWU when they meet with Parker to keep TWU on property?) 4.6% - 0% - 0% - 0%.......
This makes the hair on the back of my head tingle….
I'am still tiring to get over the BK 10% pay cut in 1991 at AWA and when they gave the 10% pay cut back it was on the lower wage.
I call this Arizona Math: $10.00 min 10% = $9.00 and $9.00 plus 10% = $9.90. Got short changed on that one...

Just a little inside INFO for my AA brothers…. Keep an EYE on them. 😛h34r:

Parker and the boys are the real deal at LCC…. They wrote the book. 🙄
Yep your not the sharpest.

The IBT tried to force an election, they didnt get enough cards signed, had nothing to do with the company.

The IAM contract has not been in negotiations for four years, so why dont you try two, and that is not above average, if you look at most airline CBAs they take at least that long.
you said:The IAM contract has not been in negotiations for four years,
It was Amendment in 2008. So that was the back door deal, set on it for 3 years, Is that what your saying 700.
You clearly dont get it.

The CBA became amendable in 2011. It was agreed to in 2008.

And CBAs dont expire in the airline industry, they remain status quo until a new agreement is reached.

You really should educate yourself.
700 you can't prove it was not a back door deal and i can't prove it was ether. BUT THE MATH LOOKS THE SAME, and the only thing this time is Parker did not hide the fact he made deals with the AA Unions.

And at least I Have a TOOL and a good set. :lol:
It was a transition agreement, no back room deal, it was negotiated.
It was a transition agreement, no back room deal, it was negotiated.
If i were you i would not wave any flags and set off any fireworks for that accomplishment. like i said: The wages are an
embarrassment to my class and craft.
Lets see your HP/ibt cba was the bottom of the barrel, US was coming off two chapter 11 cases in two years.

US and the IAM are in the first true Section 6 negotiations for the first time.

Dont let the facts get in your way.

And if the wages suck, why are you still working there?

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