Bringing Jobs Back at UAL and CAL
• We have brought previously outsourced jobs back! We
brought back 400 mechanic jobs at UAL and we continue
to fight for more. We brought back more than 500 mechanic
jobs at CAL, including 737 and 757 check lines.
Saving the SFO Maintenance
Base and Reopening Others
• Teamsters saved the 4,000 jobs at the UAL San Francisco
maintenance base, which the company was trying
to sell. Strong Teamster-negotiated contract language
protects the base from closure or sale and includes nolayoff
The Teamsters Aviation Mechanics Coalition(TAMC)
Leads the Fight Against Outsourcing
(Edit by ME.)
You really aught to do alittle more research on a subject rather than simply cut-and-pasting the ibt rhetorical BS.
Bringing work back? At UAL? 400? well lets see .....That doesn't quite seem to cover these layoffs that happened under the teamsters watch.
BTW over 400 mechanics alone took the buyout.
Saving the SFO Base.......
This tops the list of "THE" biggest lies of the ibt at UAL.
If they stopped the sale, then WHO were the BUYERS?
Better yet, allow me to expose this teamster BS by indisputable proof of their own lie about language in your cut-and-paste fantasy
.....Strong Teamster-negotiated contract language protects the base from closure or sale.....
From our current ibt agreement: Article:1.B.10a
From our previous 2005-2009 AMFA Agreement. Article:2.E
You'll notice its THE SAME LANGUAGE!
The "strong teamster language" that protects the base from closure or sale......was already in our contract before the ibt set foot on the property! In other words....WE WERE ALREADY PROTECTED!
The TAMC....
thanks for the laugh.
What have they done?
Just another group of appointed "YES" men.
Here is their page....
Take alook at their newsletter section. 12 whole issues ....
Now go back to and read about the TAMCs started in late 2007.
12 WHOLE issues!!!! other than that and some organizing propaganda thats all they got in 6 YEARS???
And you're here trumpeting this BS?
Wow, just wow.