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M and R negotiations

Who does the IAM work for Management or Members?
In 2002, then-IAM District 141 President Scotty Ford willingly bowed to US
Airways as it demanded pay cuts from all employee groups. You may remember
voting against those cuts before the IAM came back to us and said we were
We were told to vote again and three months later it passed. But since the other
employee groups had started their pay concessions three months prior, the IAM
and US Airways told us it wasn’t “fair” for us to begin our reduced pay rate later
than the rest of the workforce. So we actually had to pay that money back to US
Airways. Why? Apparently the IAM believed we only got that money because
we were “confused” – not because we earned it. The IAM worked hand-inhand
with the company to take money out of our pockets.
This is just one example of poor IAM representation. It makes us wonder who
they really represent.
We deserve a union that will actually represent us. We deserve a fresh start with
the Teamsters.
For ten years, AMFA has been trying to bring change at American Airlines. And in ten
years it has never been able to move us to an election.
It’s time to rethink AMFA.


AMFA likes to position itself as a craft union focused on our needs. The truth is they
are a dying association gasping their last breath.


AMFA has lost 10,000 members since 2007. Today, AMFA represents less
than 2,600 mechanics – all at Southwest and Alaska Airlines.


AMFA is financially unstable with only $225,000 in the bank. That’s not nearly
enough to represent us.


AMFA caused a devastating setback for Northwest Airlines mechanics
when orchestrating the suicide strike that cost thousands of mechanic jobs
and embarrassed organized labor. Hundreds of jobs have been outsourced
at Alaska Airlines. At Southwest, AMFA permitted line work to be outsourced
to Central America in its last contract. Thousands of jobs were outsourced at
United and AMFA failed to fight the proposed “sale” to the highest bidder of
the huge SFO maintenance base.


AMFA can’t bring us change at AA/US. Ten years of waiting is long enough!
The Teamsters represent 18,000 airline mechanics – six times the number as AMFA!
Make the RIGHT choice! Support the Teamsters – a union with a proven track
record of success and the size and will to bring change at AA/US.
The Teamsters have been clear about our record as the leader
in the fight against outsourcing. While other groups have put
out information that is utterly distorted and flatly untrue, we
forcefully stand by our record because no other union has
done more to combat outsourcing in the airline industry.

Bringing Jobs Back at UAL and CAL

• Most outsourced maintenance work that took place at
United Airlines and Continental happened before the
Teamsters became the bargaining representative. When
the Teamsters were voted in at UAL, 11,000 jobs had been
lost due to weak representation by the IAM and AMFA.
When the Teamsters were voted in at CAL, the DEN and
LAX bases had already been outsourced.
• We have brought previously outsourced jobs back! We
brought back 400 mechanic jobs at UAL and we continue
to fight for more. We brought back more than 500 mechanic
jobs at CAL, including 737 and 757 check lines.

Saving the SFO Maintenance
Base and Reopening Others

• Teamsters saved the 4,000 jobs at the UAL San Francisco
maintenance base, which the company was trying
to sell. Strong Teamster-negotiated contract language
protects the base from closure or sale and includes nolayoff
• At SFO, the de-Ted project has been performed in-house
and we kept international cabin upgrade modifications
in-house. “Low cost carrier” aircraft has been brought
back to mainline fleet configuration and we also kept
pylon mods – which had been scheduled to be outsourced
to TIMCO – in-house.
• Teamsters brought the UAL furlough list at SFO down from
2,000 to 200.
• On Date-of-Signing at UAL, the following cities were
reopened for maintenance: PHX, LAS, BOS and HNL.

Stronger scope provisions in the new contract led to the
reopening of SAN, SNA and DCA
The Teamsters Aviation Mechanics Coalition(TAMC)
Leads the Fight Against Outsourcing

• REPORT: Produced a report for Congress regarding the
threat of outsourcing and gathering research through
the TODR (Teamsters Outsourcing Defect Report).
• EDUCATE: Organized first outsourcing summit attended by
industry, political leaders.
• NEGOTIATE: The strongest job protection contract language
in the industry.
• TESTIFY: Gave congressional testimony before a subcommittee
on the dismal security at Aeroman in El Salvador, a
major overhaul facility which the TAMC personally visited.
• FIGHT: Waged a strong fight to keep language holding
foreign MROs to the same standards as US mechanics
in the FAA reauthorization bill, including a provision to
bring work back to America and make it harder for airlines
to outsource our mechanics’ jobs.
• LOBBY: Pushing for requirements for criminal background
checks and more FAA visits at foreign repair stations
and weighing in heavily on the recent NPRM for
repair stations.
• PRESS: Organized job actions at seven airports that resulted
in a hard-hitting Lou Dobbs CNN report exposing
outsourcing in the industry. Other TAMC-facilitated
media include a PBS Frontline story on outsourcing and
the new book Attention All Passengers: The Airlines’
Dangerous Decent and How to Reclaim Our Skies, written
by William J. McGee.
• NETWORK: Continuous outreach to allies to build a
coalition against outsourcing.
No union has taken a stronger stance against aviation outsourcing
than the Teamsters.
Meanwhile the rest of the story:

UA/CO one of the highest percentage of outsourced heavy maintenance out of all the airlines.

UPS outsources everything above a B-Check.
Meanwhile the rest of the story:

UA/CO one of the highest percentage of outsourced heavy maintenance out of all the airlines.

UPS outsources everything above a B-Check.

So you can't refute what TRAVIS posted about IAM facilitating concessions? They have collaborated with management and allowed US to drag out negotiations when they are making record profits. Fighting machinists indeed.

So you can't refute what TRAVIS posted about IAM facilitating concessions? They have collaborated with management and allowed US to drag out negotiations when they are making record profits. Fighting machinists indeed.


Sounds like the TWU. The AFL-CIO is just to blame as the IAM and TWU on these issues. But as long as the dues money keeps flowing why should these organizations make any changes to benefit the members.
Travis you need to post factual information about AMFA. Better yet, never mind just keep posting your lies, as all your information is easily researched. AMFA has not lost the amount of members as you state. AMFA has way more money than you post, hell, my local has well over million dollars free and clear to use, as other locals do to. Here we go again folks, people claiming AMFA has no money, try again buddy, just remember, all our locals at SWA did start out with 0 dollars when we FIRED the teamsters as they stole all the members dues and sent it to teamsters international, and now look where we are. Plenty of money to thrive with. Keep posting Travis, the more you do, the more help others not the teamsters.
You Boys Like to throw Mud and I show you the truth right out of the Associated Press!

The IBT Has Been Fighting Outsourced Work And Works For You!

Tuesday, September 22nd, 1998

The Associated Press
make deal
• The airline agrees to move its maintenance contracts back to its in-house workers.
PHOENIX – America West Airlines has tentatively agreed to stop outsourcing its maintenance contracts in an effort to settle a 2 1/2-year labor dispute with its mechanics union.
The hiring of outside contractors has been a major obstacle in negotiations between the airline and the Teamsters Union, which represents 400 America West mechanics.
The agreement comes soon after the Federal Aviation Administration fined America West $5 million for maintenance lapses.
The tentative five-year contract includes a promise by America West CEO William Franke to stop outsourcing maintenance on dozens of the airline’s Boeing 737s and return the work to its own mechanics, Teamsters spokesman Patrick Lacefield said.
America West, the nation’s ninth-largest carrier, is withholding comment until mechanics vote on the pact, likely next month, spokeswoman Patty Nowack said.
Maintenance has been an issue at America West since the airline fired 375 mechanics in December 1995 and began contracting heavy aircraft maintenance to outside shops.
Among other things, the contract calls for a 34 percent pay increase over five years, with an average immediate wage increase of 14.4 percent, Lacefield said. The new contract would increase the average mechanic’s hourly wage from $17 to $20.
Union officials will discuss the proposal this weekend with mechanics in Phoenix and at the airline’s hubs in Las Vegas and Columbus, Ohio, Lacefield said.
Contract negotiations continue between America West and its 2,100 flight attendants, who have been without a contract since voting to unionize in 1994.
PHOTO: Associated Press file photo
America West has the most flights out of Tucson – 12 daily – and carries the most passengers in and out of Tucson International Airport – 666,394 last year. All flights from here travel to Phoenix’s Sky Harbor, the airline’s main hub (shown here).
Bringing Jobs Back at UAL and CAL

• We have brought previously outsourced jobs back! We
brought back 400 mechanic jobs at UAL and we continue
to fight for more. We brought back more than 500 mechanic
jobs at CAL, including 737 and 757 check lines.

Saving the SFO Maintenance
Base and Reopening Others

• Teamsters saved the 4,000 jobs at the UAL San Francisco
maintenance base, which the company was trying
to sell. Strong Teamster-negotiated contract language
protects the base from closure or sale and includes nolayoff
The Teamsters Aviation Mechanics Coalition(TAMC)
Leads the Fight Against Outsourcing

(Edit by ME.)

You really aught to do alittle more research on a subject rather than simply cut-and-pasting the ibt rhetorical BS.

Bringing work back? At UAL? 400? well lets see .....That doesn't quite seem to cover these layoffs that happened under the teamsters watch.


BTW over 400 mechanics alone took the buyout.

Saving the SFO Base.......

This tops the list of "THE" biggest lies of the ibt at UAL.

If they stopped the sale, then WHO were the BUYERS?

Better yet, allow me to expose this teamster BS by indisputable proof of their own lie about language in your cut-and-paste fantasy

.....Strong Teamster-negotiated contract language protects the base from closure or sale.....

From our current ibt agreement: Article:1.B.10a


From our previous 2005-2009 AMFA Agreement. Article:2.E


You'll notice its THE SAME LANGUAGE!

The "strong teamster language" that protects the base from closure or sale......was already in our contract before the ibt set foot on the property! In other words....WE WERE ALREADY PROTECTED!

The TAMC....

thanks for the laugh.

What have they done?

Just another group of appointed "YES" men.

Here is their page....


Take alook at their newsletter section. 12 whole issues ....

Now go back to and read about the TAMCs formation........it started in late 2007.

12 WHOLE issues!!!! other than that and some organizing propaganda thats all they got in 6 YEARS???

And you're here trumpeting this BS?

Wow, just wow.

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