Sure thing guy. You convince just one member of your crew that he should give up the pay raise we received in order to provide a good wage for the cleaners who no longer work here, and I will do the same. UA is never going to recall them. We all know that.
The 12 month increased top out affected how many people? A dozen maybe? I have no idea but it is a small number. With all our UA recalls, when do you expect UA to be able to hire any new employees that will be affected by this language? Not any time soon. I'll take the money for this company savings. No problem.
Eliminating lead ratio language lost us how many leads? ZERO. We have just as many leads as we did before and now it is harder to get rid of them. More company savings, more money for me.
Pay time accruals that screw furloughees? Again, how small a number is that? Most if not all of the mechanics on furlough are already topped out. This language applies only to those who are on B scale. I am OK with this language. If a guy hires on at UA works for 8 months and then furloughed for 5 years 4 months, you want him to come back as an topped out full wage earner mechanic? Call me stinky but the 90 day credit he will received seems fair to me. And the company is willing to pay me to agree. I'll take it.
Sick time language improvements were turned down in the first TA in favor of more money. Sad but true. Besides TSH, you have to actually work in order to risk an on the job injury. Fugget about it.... No language change.
7 day coverage at the base? Similar language has been around since at least 1994. When has the company used it? And for this they will pay me more? Cha Ching.,,,
Sacrificing superior profit sharing? You mean that check that bought us lunch and a couple of beers every 6 months? Yeah, you can have that back too. I will take guaranteed increased wages any day over a "profit sharing" check in the mail.
BAQ's? Would you rather use the acronym we used before for Training and Qualifications? You don't like these new letters? I disagree that the BAQ's offer any type of cross utilization, but I am concerned at the time the company is taking in implementing the plan. Once completed I do like the way the new system will offer us a chance to monitor and challenge our training and qualifications records. It should have been done by now. No money here either.
Skill pay eliminated? Seriously? Nobody told you? How much did your skill pay go up with each passing wage increase?? ZERO DUDE!! Skill pay was another BAD IAM play that really held us back. The Teamsters took the skill pay, removed the category and stuck the pay in to our basic wages. That way any wage adjustment would be made based on the entire base pay and not base pay minus "skill pay". How much money over the years do you think we lost because skill pay was never used to calculate increases? The IAM played right in to the companies hands with that one. Think about it while I spend the extra money for this language change.
Your so on's and so on's? What more ridiculous claims do you want to make? Did YOU or any mechanic working on your crew actually LOOSE any money because of this agreement? Get real my Teamster brother. You know you like the contract. We all do.
LMFAO! 😀 😀 😀
Thank you for proving my point!
You don't refute that the ibt just traded away language for our raise.
All that you did was once again expose the pathetic self centered mindset of the teamsters showing just how willing you are to screw the next guy in line, or the furloughee on the street, while at the same time, out of the other side of your mouth claiming you're defending our profession. Nice try Hypocrite.