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M and R negotiations

So you can't refute what TRAVIS posted about IAM facilitating concessions? They have collaborated with management and allowed US to drag out negotiations when they are making record profits. Fighting machinists indeed.

Are you really that ignorant?

How many times does it have to be explained to you?

The IAM did not facilitate concessions, they were forced under Bankruptcy Law Section 1113 C to negotiate of face abrogation. Which happened.

How about this from the IBT:

Teamsters Broken Promises
Continental Mechanics Contract Betrayal 2005
In 2005 Continental Airlines was in concessionary contract negotiations with all its unions.
During the Teamsters mechanic contract negotiations the IBT entered into a stipulation
agreement that mechanics would enter into a concessionary agreement only if all other unions
also accepted contract concessions. The mechanics ratified the contract with this condition in
place for protection. If any union refused concessions the IBT mechanics concessionary
agreement would be null and void.
During negotiations the IAM Continental flight attendants refused to grant concessions to
Continental management.
The IBT mechanic negotiating committee was betrayed and discovered only after ratification
that Teamster union leadership had forced concessions on the mechanics in violation of their
written Tentative Agreement.
IBT Chief Steward and Negotiator – Writes an email blasting the Teamsters union leadership
for betraying the Continental mechanics and the negotiating committee.
IBT Airline Division Coordinator Don Triechler along with IBT legal council violated the
written agreement and forced the Continental Teamster mechanics to accept concessions and
then he pleads with the Continental membership for understanding.
Read IBT Betrays Continental Negotiating Committee 2005 at mechanicsforchange.com.

Mechanics for Change
UAL Mechanics Class and Craft
Providing a Democratic Voice for the UAL Mechanics and Related Class and Craft
Teamsters Broken Promises
Continental Mechanics Contract Betrayal 2005
In 2005 Continental Airlines was in concessionary contract negotiations with all its unions.
During the Teamsters mechanic contract negotiations the IBT entered into a stipulation
agreement that mechanics would enter into a concessionary agreement only if all other unions
also accepted contract concessions. The mechanics ratified the contract with this condition in
place for protection. If any union refused concessions the IBT mechanics concessionary
agreement would be null and void.
During negotiations the IAM Continental flight attendants refused to grant concessions to
Continental management.
The IBT mechanic negotiating committee was betrayed and discovered only after ratification
that Teamster union leadership had forced concessions on the mechanics in violation of their
written Tentative Agreement.
IBT Chief Steward and Negotiator – Writes an email blasting the Teamsters union leadership
for betraying the Continental mechanics and the negotiating committee.
IBT Airline Division Coordinator Don Triechler along with IBT legal council violated the
written agreement and forced the Continental Teamster mechanics to accept concessions and
then he pleads with the Continental membership for understanding.
Read IBT Betrays Continental Negotiating Committee 2005 at mechanicsforchange.com.

From: mmeglich@ameritech.net
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2005 6:19 PM
Subject: Ratified Agreement
It is with great regret that I must write this letter.

As your Chief Steward and member of the Negotiating Committee we put together a T/A with a contingency clause that we would agree to concessions as long as all the other workgroups agreed to theirs.

There was a waiver to that contingency clause proposed to us by the company in the final days of negotiations. That waiver is in the LOA covering the contingency. The premise was, the company did not want to see the whole deal be defeated should one of the two smaller ( Dispatchers, Flight Simulator) groups not ratify their agreements. It was our understanding that we would not ratify if the bigger (Pilots, Flight Attendants) groups failed to ratify.

At the very least, should one of those groups have not ratified (like the F/A's did not) it would have prompted some
discussion as to whether or not we would still want to exercise that waiver, and how we should proceed.

When I awoke this morning and checked my email I saw "Company Bulletin #10". After reading it and realizing that we had exercised that waiver, I was in disbelief. I did not have any e-mail's or phone calls from the IBT to support what I had read in the bulletin. When I checked the IBT website all I found was an announcement from yesterday afternoon that we had ratified our agreement, and in that announcement I also saw that it stated the duration was until March 1,
2009. It's no coincidence that I did not show up at work today until 0845 today. There was no way I could walk into there and expect you to believe me when I had to tell you "I did not know anything about it" If I were you, it would only leave me wondering "what else is he lying to me about".

As I sit here today (Thursday evening) writing this letter there is still nothing on the IBT website to confirm the IBT has granted the waiver nor clarification on the duration. For all I know he may have agreed to change that also. When we finally got a hold of Don today his explanation was that he did it to protect the strike price for the stock options. Guy's I'm sure you
all understand the stock options are no great selling piece. The options that each of you will CAL IBT Chief Steward email - Betrayed by IBT Airline Director. The truth of the matter is, Don Treichler (Airline Director) made the decision on his own to grant the waiver.

receive are anywhere from a new hire getting around 56 to a toped out guy getting around 190. At no time has anyone from our group here in CLE shown any great concern over even how many shares they would be getting. I'm sure that's in part, that you all understand how worthless they really are. I was also told that we (the negotiating committee) don't know what we negotiated in relation to that waiver. That coming from a man that never sit in for one minute of any of our negotiations.

As far as the duration thing goes, I bashed Don when the ballots went out with the cover sheet that reflected the March 2009 date. His excuse then was that the sheet was provided to him from Steve Greenwell and because of the last minute change by the pilots and our "me too clause" ours changed and he did not have time to correct it, as they had already begun making
up the packages that were sent out. He said as long as we were telling everyone of the December 2008 duration that would be alright. When I read the posting on the IBT website from yesterday and it reflects a March 2009 duration I am lead to believe something has changed or he really doesn't have a clue. Personally I tend to believe the latter. I wonder what his excuse will be this time.

Having put forth so much time and effort into tiring to achieve what I feel is the fairest, least painful, necessary thing that we as an organization and us as a company must do to survive these turbulent times that our industry is facing, I am disheartened as to how it ended. Not that granting the waiver was necessarily the wrong thing to do, but the way it went about and the lack of communication from the Airline Director, that it was done. The negotiating committee and the business agents have been hammering on Don all day. The phone number for the Don's office is (310) 645-9860. The phone number for the International is (202) 624-6800, ask for Hoffa or Keegel.

On behalf of the entire Negotiating Committee and Business Agents, I would like to extend my apologies for the way this all played out. Please take the time to call or write the International to express your opinions as I assure you, I will.
The address for the International is:
International Brotherhood of Teamsters
25 Louisiana Ave, NW
Washington, D.C. 20001
Mike Meglich
P.S. I have a scheduled day off tomorrow (Friday), I'm done avoiding you.
CAL IBT Chief Steward email - Betrayed by IBT Airline Director, , Then to be belittled by the airline
director that we (the negotiating committee) didn't know what we negotiated was a total insult.
That coming from the man who still probably doesn't know the correct duration of our agreement.
Teamsters Broken Promises:

teamsters going down at USA. the scamsters will also be dismissed at AA. The ibt organizing department is in disarray.
Meanwhile the rest of the story:

UA/CO one of the highest percentage of outsourced heavy maintenance out of all the airlines.

UPS outsources everything above a B-Check.

Bull crap. State your source or at least provide a link with facts.
(Edit by ME.)

You really aught to do alittle more research on a subject rather than simply cut-and-pasting the ibt rhetorical BS.

Bringing work back? At UAL? 400? well lets see .....That doesn't quite seem to cover these layoffs that happened under the teamsters watch.


BTW over 400 mechanics alone took the buyout.

More spin from the spinster. Sometimes it really is hard to call you a Teamster brother. But I notice how you do enjoy the many benefits provided by our new contract including the most recent pay increase.

Your link provides information that took place just 7 months after the Teamsters took over in 2008. It should also be noted that all of these furloughed mechanics have long ago been returned or at least offered recall. It also is a fact that stations have been re-opened since we became Teamsters and more work is in fact being returned to in house maintenance.

Saving the SFO Base.......

This tops the list of "THE" biggest lies of the ibt at UAL.

If they stopped the sale, then WHO were the BUYERS?

Better yet, allow me to expose this teamster BS by indisputable proof of their own lie about language in your cut-and-paste fantasy

Dude.... there was no sale! No sale measn NO BUYERS. HELLO????

From our current ibt agreement: Article:1.B.10a


From our previous 2005-2009 AMFA Agreement. Article:2.E


You'll notice its THE SAME LANGUAGE!

The "strong teamster language" that protects the base from closure or sale......was already in our contract before the ibt set foot on the property! In other words....WE WERE ALREADY PROTECTED!

What you do not mention in any of your rants is that the sale of the SFO maintenance base was threatened before the Teamsters won representation. True, the language did exist, but amfa who was our current representative at the time was doing NOTHING to enforce the language. Hoffa got involved on our behalf at SFO and used his political clout to involve the Mayor of SFO even before we were Teamsters.


The TAMC....

thanks for the laugh.

What have they done?

Just another group of appointed "YES" men.

Here is their page....


Take alook at their newsletter section. 12 whole issues ....

Now go back to and read about the TAMCs formation........it started in late 2007.

12 WHOLE issues!!!! other than that and some organizing propaganda thats all they got in 6 YEARS???

And you're here trumpeting this BS?

Wow, just wow.

There are few groups within any union that are formed to expressly look towards the interests of only one particular set of members. Even so, the Teamsters created and support the Teamsters Aviation Mechanics Coalition. This group was created to benefit all airline mechanics and has been open to all other unions. In fact, until recently, the TWU was a major contributor to this program.

It is odd that you choose to attack one of the few groups who undeniably was create by and for mechanics. If they do not do enough for your tastes I understand the door is always open. They have even asked me for help, but even as I declined, I can not bash them because they do not do enough.

What is your end game?
dispute it mister reamster... DOH!
You boys have the facts, why don't you share?

You with the name calling? Why the aggressive shift in attitude Mr ex united mechanic? What are you getting out of this election? Is it there a web site business or other such interest that is dependent on an IAM win? Your posts are suspicious.

I do not deny there is much outsourcing still at UA; but to make the claim that UA does more than ANY other airline is hard to believe. I simply request some proof to this statement. Also, remember that the vast majority of outsourcing was done due to the IAM agreement an the inability to stop it. 20% farm out restrictions did not protect us as intended.
More spin from the spinster. Sometimes it really is hard to call you a Teamster brother. But I notice how you do enjoy the many benefits provided by our new contract including the most recent pay increase.

Your link provides information that took place just 7 months after the Teamsters took over in 2008. It should also be noted that all of these furloughed mechanics have long ago been returned or at least offered recall. It also is a fact that stations have been re-opened since we became Teamsters and more work is in fact being returned to in house maintenance.

Wow! you call me a "spinster" and you go and try to float that line of BS?

As simple as it can be, the teamsters organizing propaganda "claims" to have brought back 400 jobs at UAL. This, of course, is deception by omission They conveniently leave out any mention of the 2008/2009 layoffs, or the 400+ that took the buyout.

Oh and btw, .... all of these furloughed mechanics have long ago been returned or at least offered recall... is more of your standard teamsters BS, as the voluntary furloughees here in SFO have just recently been called back. Nevermind, that not everyone bothered to come back in the first place.

Its really no surprise you try to defend the ibts deceptive crap.

Dude.... there was no sale! No sale measn NO BUYERS. HELLO????

What you do not mention in any of your rants is that the sale of the SFO maintenance base was threatened before the Teamsters won representation. True, the language did exist, but amfa who was our current representative at the time was doing NOTHING to enforce the language. Hoffa got involved on our behalf at SFO and used his political clout to involve the Mayor of SFO even before we were Teamsters.


Thank you for admitting the language was pre-existing and therefore negotiated prior to the ibts arrival, you've just confirmed another teamsters LIE in which they tried to float this laugher....

.......Strong Teamster-negotiated contract language protects the base from closure or sale and includes no layoff language.....

Your ridiculous attempt to rewrite history is just another splendid example of teamster BS. The ibt saved NOTHING. As you yourself pointed out, there was no buyer, so if there was, as you say no sale, then the ibt stopped nothing. There was nothing for AMFA to press the language against, as no buyer ever materialized. Nevermind, the absurdly obvious contradiction the teamsters have made...... if the current language is "strong" then it was just as "strong" before, hence again, the ibt saved nothing.

Here is a labornet article of my own from the AMFA Local 9 President at the time of Hoffas little dog & pony show.


There are few groups within any union that are formed to expressly look towards the interests of only one particular set of members. Even so, the Teamsters created and support the Teamsters Aviation Mechanics Coalition. This group was created to benefit all airline mechanics and has been open to all other unions. In fact, until recently, the TWU was a major contributor to this program.

It is odd that you choose to attack one of the few groups who undeniably was create by and for mechanics. If they do not do enough for your tastes I understand the door is always open. They have even asked me for help, but even as I declined, I can not bash them because they do not do enough.

What is your end game?

Really? created by and for mechanics? Thanks for the laugh!

Sorry to burst your bubble but it was created by the teamsters as an organizing tool during the UAL campaign, and it is peopled entirely with appointed "YES-Men"

Other than organizing rhetoric, they've put out a whopping 12 issues of after-the-fact info & cut-n-paste articles over the last 6 years. They're a figurehead group designed to give the impression of an aircraft mechanics voice in the ibt.

You want to defend them, go right ahead. From my perspective they've done nothing of substance for my profession.

Whats my end game? I thought you knew that already.
Bull crap. State your source or at least provide a link with facts.
Where you been? It's been stated before numorous times. UPS farms out everything from C- check and above. They've been doing it from the very beginning. This is not new news Anomaly, and you know it.
@ TSH....

You wrote nothing worth responding to. My original post to you is all I need to say.
Where you been? It's been stated before numorous times. UPS farms out everything from C- check and above. They've been doing it from the very beginning. This is not new news Anomaly, and you know it.

Don't even try this crap guy, the question I raised was never UPS and you know this. Below is the original post.

Meanwhile the rest of the story:

UA/CO one of the highest percentage of outsourced heavy maintenance out of all the airlines.

UPS outsources everything above a B-Check.

Show me the percentages for UA/CO compared to ALL other airlines. I still disagree with this statement even though it was the IAM agreement that created the outsourcing in the first place.
@ TSH....

You wrote nothing worth responding to. My original post to you is all I need to say.

So you have nothing more than your standard teamster deceptive BS, thats fine.

I'm sure the forum members here appreciate that your nonsensical posts are, at the very least, getting smaller.
Nope. My post says it all. Teamsters act when others have failed to do anything.

More spin from the spinster. Sometimes it really is hard to call you a Teamster brother. But I notice how you do enjoy the many benefits provided by our new contract including the most recent pay increase.

Your link provides information that took place just 7 months after the Teamsters took over in 2008. It should also be noted that all of these furloughed mechanics have long ago been returned or at least offered recall. It also is a fact that stations have been re-opened since we became Teamsters and more work is in fact being returned to in house maintenance.

Dude.... there was no sale! No sale measn NO BUYERS. HELLO????

What you do not mention in any of your rants is that the sale of the SFO maintenance base was threatened before the Teamsters won representation. True, the language did exist, but amfa who was our current representative at the time was doing NOTHING to enforce the language. Hoffa got involved on our behalf at SFO and used his political clout to involve the Mayor of SFO even before we were Teamsters.


There are few groups within any union that are formed to expressly look towards the interests of only one particular set of members. Even so, the Teamsters created and support the Teamsters Aviation Mechanics Coalition. This group was created to benefit all airline mechanics and has been open to all other unions. In fact, until recently, the TWU was a major contributor to this program.

It is odd that you choose to attack one of the few groups who undeniably was create by and for mechanics. If they do not do enough for your tastes I understand the door is always open. They have even asked me for help, but even as I declined, I can not bash them because they do not do enough.

What is your end game?

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