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M and R negotiations

The IAM hasnt stalled negotiations, they have been negotiating for over two years, and the company wont budge, I guess you dont realize the IAM asked for a release several month ago and have heard nothing back from the board.

And you do realize the mediator controls the schedule of the talks, not the IAM and not the company.

How long has AMFA and WN been in negotiations?

You arent even talking now correct?
The IAM hasnt stalled negotiations, they have been negotiating for over two years, and the company wont budge, I guess you dont realize the IAM asked for a release several month ago and have heard nothing back from the board.

And you do realize the mediator controls the schedule of the talks, not the IAM and not the company.
My point exactly, they should have asked sooner. Now they waited too long to get an answer before the election is done, and then, if there is a new bargaining unit in place, they will start from the very beginning and quite possibly taking yet another 2.5 years or longer. I knew you were gong to put all the blame on the company for not bulging, no blame towards the IAM what-so-ever in your mind. The minute the union saw the company was not moving they should have filed for release. As indicated by IAM's numerous updates of the company stalling, we all know that the union let it drag out for way too long. Pretty easy for someone like yourself to tell "active" employed mechanics to vote for a certain union when it will never affect you as you are no longer an employee.
They only been meeting for two years.

How come AMFA and WN havent negotiated since April?

How long have negotiations been going on?

Its quite clear you dont know how it works, the first year was not under NMB mediation, the second year was, you cant just walk in and ask for a release without negotiating a while.

This is the last update on AMFA National's Page:

The Negotiating Committee is providing this update to the AMFA Membership at Southwest Airlines. This is the only official authorized source of negotiating communications by the Committee.

We resumed negotiations on April 2 with the Company at the Mecca Meeting Room in Dallas, Texas. We began discussions where we left off in our last session with Article 8; the International Field Service issue remains the topic of discussions. We currently have language in LOA #1 that gives us ownership over “all international emergency field service where parts are required to return the aircraft to airworthiness.” The Company is no longer comfortable with this language since the acquisition of AirTran and their own plans to service international destinations. We also discussed Domestic Field Service, specifically the definition of the word “interrupted” as used in Article 8, Section 2 ( B). The final major Field Service issue discussed was what the geographical definition of “international” will be as applied in this Article. After discussing these topics with the Company in the morning, we spent the remainder of the afternoon as a Committee working on an Article 8 proposal to present the Company the next day.

We identified the fact that nothing relating to “operational” articles could be TA’d this week since Jim Sokol would not be present for this negotiation session. Unfortunately, the three articles we are currently working are all “operational.” We raised this concern to the Company in regard to future sessions as Jim Sokol’s presence is required to TA “operational” articles and Mike Ryan’s presence is required to TA “corporate” articles. . After we have a chance to begin work on articles that the Company sees as “corporate,” we can work on the “operational” articles in an absence of Mike Ryan as Jim Sokol makes the decision to TA, and we can work on the “corporate” articles in the absence of Jim as Mike can make the decision to TA; therefore, ensuring the time spent at the negotiation table is as productive as possible.

We met again on April 3. We notified the Company that we were leaving at lunch since we would be unable to TA anything this week without Jim being present. We then presented our Article 8 proposal, which after clarifying, the Company said they would have to discuss amongst themselves later. The Company did present a counter proposal to our Article 21 and Article 22 “Discovery” language. We will be sending the counter language to our legal counsel to review and give us their recommendations prior to our next session.

Our Committee continues to be committed to making a concerted effort to reach an agreement that addresses our members’ and the Company’s concerns. The next scheduled negotiation dates of April 29-30 and May 1-2 have been reallocated to dealing with the announced maintenance station closures, but these dates could be reinstated for negotiations if the issue is resolved before then. Next confirmed dates are June 4-7.

How is that glass house of yours working out?
They only been meeting for two years.

How come AMFA and WN havent negotiated since April?

How long have negotiations been going on?

Its quite clear you dont know how it works, the first year was not under NMB mediation, the second year was, you cant just walk in and ask for a release without negotiating a while.

This is the last update on AMFA National's Page:

How is that glass house of yours working out?
700 don't even try and say I don't know how things work. I still stand behind my post. AMFA had to postpone nego's due to 3 very high in importance items that had time lines to resolve. Some are still being worked out in the next few days. Nego's just started for us this past Aug 16th of 2012. As explained on this forum before, we are in no hurry what-so-ever. We were told from the very beginning that it is quite possible that every single article will be addressed this time around and it could quite possibly take 2,3 or even longer in years. But in no way has nego's stalled or stopped completely do to one side or the other "not budging" or "stalling". I will say that SWA/unions generally take, on average 1.5-2 years to complete (past examples), however with them wanting to look at addressing all articles, adding brand new international language and down line regs and rules, as well as adding all new language for the 3 new groups that just came into AMFA, it's gonna be awhile longer than usual. My guess is 3-4 years with all the other groups that are also nego or will come up to nego dates while were still nego. Again, we are in no hurry here. Plus it's going to get even longer when AMFA asks for UPS wages as the company has just agreed thru mediation to compare the pay scales of other groups (dispatchers) to UPS. They can no longer claim they can not compare with UPS wages. Matter fact I see us also going to mediation just as the dispatchers did.
So its ok for AMFA to take its time, but other unions shouldnt?

You have 589 planes and only three lines of heavy with a fourth to start, so that shows the majority of your heavy outsourced.

That is why you can make the high wages.

Section 6 negotiations lately have been taking over three years on the average.
So its ok for AMFA to take its time, but other unions shouldnt?

You have 589 planes and only three lines of heavy with a fourth to start, so that shows the majority of your heavy outsourced.

That is why you can make the high wages.

Section 6 negotiations lately have been taking over three years on the average.
Never said that. Re-read. Our negos came to a stop due to the union saving members from relocations from other cities. That takes priority to a contract nego in my mind. We've already explained the outsourcing issue in length.
Here is the great language, from the UA IBT CBA, lol

Except as set forth in this Paragraph, the Company shall not contract out work. The parties agree that the Company may:
a. Continue to contract out work heretofore customarily contracted out,
b. Return equipment, parts, or assemblies to the manufacturer or to a manufacturer approved repair station for warranty work, repair or replacement,
1-2 Purpose, Scope and Status
c. Contract out any work when the Company’s facilities and equipment are not sufficient, or personnel are not available, or where available employees do not have the qualifications, within the meaning of Article 3, to perform the work required,
More foreign outsourcing at UA:

Dear Captain Bourne:
This will confirm our understanding regarding Article 1, Paragraph B.11 of the 2010-2012 Mechanics’ Agreement.
The Company has performed a limited number of C-checks outside the U.S. on aircraft which operate exclusively on routes outside the U.S. Article 1, Paragraph B.11 is not intended to prevent arrangements of this type involving current or future aircraft operating exclusively on these kinds of routes.
/s/ P.Douglas McKeen
P.Douglas McKeenSenior Vice President Labor Relation
That is why you can make the high wages.

I'll take my higher wages and lower bs any day over lower wages and higher bs. I'd love it if you could find me one mechanic at WN, FX, or UPS that would gladly trade places with someone at US.
He also does not understand our contract, as he has not posted any of it. I agree with your post above.
PHX Mechanic, Daryl Bunn, speaks about horrible Teamster representation in PHX.


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