Nope. My post says it all. Teamsters act when others have failed to do anything.
Your post is just more teamster BS. "Teamsters act"? More like teamsters put on an "act"
Once again from the AMFA Local 9 President:
Prisco points out, "The Teamsters attempt to talk tough on airline
maintenance outsourcing at United Airlines would mean more if their
actions at Continental squared with their hollow and meaningless words."
They don't. "Continental Mechanics ask WHY the Teamsters protest at UAL
when the same union allowed overseas outsourcing for years at
Continental yet never protested at Continental-even once!"
Finally, with regard to the potential sale of United's San Francisco
Maintenance Base, Prisco observes, "We covered this issue many times,
and the Teamsters don't get it. There is no threat to sell without the
union's permission. UAL has acknowledged that the union has a veto over
any sale." Prisco concludes, "AMFA has stated many times, if any
transfer of control or proposed sale is not good for the mechanics and
other UAL employees then our response is simple: we just say no."