I've explained it many times: The bottom line was that PEOPLE TOOK THE MONEY!!!!!!!
I for one (being sCO) got nothing out of the deal. (full disclosure: I voted NO because I saw what what going to happen)
My hub got hit very hard before; (with the loss of Cargo and the bump) and after the deal (people lost their jobs or had to transfer or reduced to PT) went thru. So did DEN, as they also got whacked. So I knew if we voted YES the second time, it would be death for many.
The company and the District needed this to be passed (no matter how shitty, since they gave up leverage by not getting sUA a separate deal before joint talks. Wall & Bonds outmaneuvered the negotiators, and they came up with this (TA2 - just added and shifted the retro money). Plus no loss in dues for the District with the reduction of FT to PT for many. I think that the bloodletting has eased up (once the Point shakeup in the NYC area is done). Win for company. Win for District. Loss for the members.