As it turns out, SWAMT's suspicions were correct. I looked it up in the contract book in article 4 under "Industry Comparable Pay Rate". First of all, the averaging is to "Base Pay" only! Then the 3% structural pay increase set to kick in the same month of .89 cents, must be subtracted from the difference of the Legacy airline industry average, and AA's current base pay rate. So, if the difference was $1.50ph, then .89 cents must be subtracted to figure out what the pay raise would actually be. In this case, .61 measly cents. That would only be about a 5% pay increase - not including the 7% over whatver Delta's AMTs make - or about $2.24ph more. Add the 61 cents to the $2.24, and that is your pay increase total: $2.85ph. In other words, AA AMTs would not even be $40.00ph. I know, it sucks - right. I was just spitballing earlier, and figuring things as if I had negotiated the contract. Then it occurred to me that the TWU International agreed to this formula. Basically a #### sandwich, and sold as some big increase to look forward to. Granted, it doesn't figure for Delta's 4% raise on April 1, 2015. Or, UAL's AMTs contract negotiations outcome - which seems to be on hold forever. So At best, add another $1.25 give or take a few cents. That would put us at about $41.00ph. About a $4.50ph bump.