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Local 70 race gets childish

Does anyone know how far along in nursing school she was ? If she was close to being done then WHY ON EARTH would she quit to run for LECP ????

Dedication to the F/A group ~~~~ or just plain stupidity ??

As much as I love flying, everyone knows nurses now make big bucks due to the shortage. If I was getting my degree in nursing I would be out of here in a heart beat!

Stupidity are those individuals who find themselves only skilled at one thing, can only do one thing that doesn't improve or build on their skills and financial position, and they don't take any intiative to do anything about it.

I went to nursing school while I was a f/a. I spent 4 plus years trying to finish a nursing degree and fly. To me, anyone who furthers their education, regardless of what profession they are in...IS A VERY SMART, BALANCED INDIVIDUAL and makes good sense at any point in one's working career. I believe she is in her second semester of clinical. She's been in nursing for quite a few years, just prodding along. There are many f/as that did this while flying. She's in no hurry...as I was in no hurry either.

As a single parent of two, I worked two jobs most of my career at U. My last 10 years at U, I worked as a nurse liaison. And as a Rep, my last 5, I also worked on the weekends as a Nurse Liaison. HEck, PHL had an attorney who was the Grievance Chair. Previous to that, he was the BWI LEC VP and then Pres...John Humphries. What you can make somewhere else has nothing to do with why one has the desire to run union office. If you're running only to improve your financial situation at U, I surely wouldn't want those kinds of people reprenting me. PHL already experienced those kinds of reps.

THERE IS NO ONE THAT CAN SAY THAT I DIDN'T PUT EVERY SINGLE WAKING MOMENT TO PIT F/AS or to the MEC or to the negotiations my last 5 years. And guess what? I wouldn't have traded those years for any other experience. Nursing was no distraction for me. None what so ever. Those who knew me can attest to that.

Celine has no children...most people can handle anything they put their heart and mind to. Celine has no distractions... When I knew her, she was full of energy and flying is her passion...contract language and representation was her interest.

In my lifetime, I have found that the most interesting people are those who have skills in other disciplines. They have a knwoledge base that is global. Nursing helped me protect those f/as that were very ill. Their documentation was like second nature to me, and I won every case for FMLA or Medical...even those who has substance abuse that were terminated while in treatement.

There is much you can apply to the f/a union representation with a medical background.
I feel the same way. Which is it CD? Represent the F/A group, or try union work and it that doesn't work, go back to nursing school? Sounds like she is just fishing for something different to do. Does CD really have the F/A's best interest at heart? Or, her own?

AP or JM is the only way to go. TG is outa here in a year or two. Sure she knows her stuff, I would like to see TG as VP, not Pres. Do the majority of F/A's know that TG has 40! years seniority. Hey, she looks great for 60!?, or however old she is, but eventually sooner than later she will run outa fight. AP may not yell and kick and fight and scream, but he is smart, calm - cool and collected and either one (AP or JM) will do fine in front of JG. CD - no way, she doesn't know if she is staying to be a F/A, or going to nursing school. She and her good friend GG should have left that out of her campaign letter...she may have screwed herself including that blip about quiting nursing school....

My opinion......

I think it very important for f/as to know the complete background of an individual who is running for office. GG did the right thing to disclose everything she knew about Celine. With regard to those f/as who run for office and win then leave....

Union rep positions should not be "life-time" careers. Those who stayed in the job for too long become complacent, tired of the retorhic and often times turn into the worse reps in the union. That's why there are limits to Presidential incumbants. Two terms and that's it.

Flight attendants should at one point in their career run for some union office or position. The experience will give you a different and more human prospective of the f/a as a group, as a profession, and their place in the industry.

What I find just appalling is that you can't rip some of these folks out of these positions who think they have some kind of "entitlement" and think they should be elected every term. They make for the worst...self-serving individuals.
THERE IS NO ONE THAT CAN SAY THAT I DIDN'T PUT EVERY SINGLE WAKING MOMENT TO PIT F/AS or to the MEC or to the negotiations my last 5 years. Not a soul. And guess what? I wouldn't have traded those years for any other experience.

Celine has no children...most people can handle anything they put their heart and mind to. Celine has no distractions... When I knew her, she was full of energy and flying is her passion...contract language and representation was her interest.

Rah, Rah---good for you! Another TX did a great job speech by TX ! What YOU did at your career here is not the point.

If CD dropped out of nursing school, she is NOT furthering herself in the medical field. She is putting all her eggs in one basket thinking she will win this election which IS a stupid thing to do. Sometimes I really wonder at your logic. :blink:

.....and to quote Flyontthewall from post #138:

" TX support of any candidate running is an automatic NO vote from me. She would have better luck getting her choice in if she kept her mouth shut. Then again, that was always her downfall."

I could not have said it any better Fly.
Rah, Rah---good for you! Another TX did a great job speech by TX ! What YOU did at your career here is not the point.

If CD dropped out of nursing school, she is NOT furthering herself in the medical field. She is putting all her eggs in one basket thinking she will win this election which IS a stupid thing to do. Sometimes I really wonder at your logic. :blink:

.....and to quote Flyontthewall from post #138:

" TX support of any candidate running is an automatic NO vote from me. She would have better luck getting her choice in if she kept her mouth shut. Then again, that was always her downfall."

I could not have said it any better Fly.

Newbie poster...Are you feeling the heat yet? Coming to a base near you.
Are you running?
I am a warrior
OK, I will get drunk on the day we meet. In addition, I will tie one hand behind my back, and still "clean your clock" in ten seconds or less.

So what? Exactly, what is your point, pup? Fool. WATB.

Yes, I'm running... from you? pee_wee.webp

Give me a break.
I've seen drunks gain courage before; unfortunately it leaves when sober.
You seem a little afraid, irrational and upset.
What would cause that?
Election concerns or lack of alcohol?

I feel the same way. Which is it CD? Represent the F/A group, or try union work and it that doesn't work, go back to nursing school? Sounds like she is just fishing for something different to do. Does CD really have the F/A's best interest at heart? Or, her own?

AP or JM is the only way to go. TG is outa here in a year or two. Sure she knows her stuff, I would like to see TG as VP, not Pres. Do the majority of F/A's know that TG has 40! years seniority. Hey, she looks great for 60!?, or however old she is, but eventually sooner than later she will run outa fight. AP may not yell and kick and fight and scream, but he is smart, calm - cool and collected and either one (AP or JM) will do fine in front of JG. CD - no way, she doesn't know if she is staying to be a F/A, or going to nursing school. She and her good friend GG should have left that out of her campaign letter...she may have screwed herself including that blip about quiting nursing school....

My opinion......

There is a rumor going around on line I need to address. I have received calls from Flight Attendants, and in fact approached in person, with the rumor that I am actively seeking other employment opportunities. Furthermore, the talk is that I am not 100% focused on my job as MEC President. Nothing could be farther from the truth. I am not seeking other employment and I have no plans to do so. I have no choice but to be 100% focused as, in the end, I am a Flight Attendant first and a Union leader second.

Thank you,

Mike Flores, President

What the hell, the MEC president is looking for work, otherwise why address it?
Seems to me this election has scared up some folks out of BASE.
Which one are you in?
Don't discriminate against age, with some luck you'll get there.

Rah, Rah---good for you! Another TX did a great job speech by TX ! What YOU did at your career here is not the point.

If CD dropped out of nursing school, she is NOT furthering herself in the medical field. She is putting all her eggs in one basket thinking she will win this election which IS a stupid thing to do. Sometimes I really wonder at your logic. :blink:

.....and to quote Flyontthewall from post #138:

" TX support of any candidate running is an automatic NO vote from me. She would have better luck getting her choice in if she kept her mouth shut. Then again, that was always her downfall."

I could not have said it any better Fly.

How about you, what base are you in?
You too seem afraid, irrational and upset.
Election concerns or alcohol?
Does anyone know how far along in nursing school she was ? If she was close to being done then WHY ON EARTH would she quit to run for LECP ???? Uh, she is probably pursuing a nursing degree to have something to fall back on should U fold. We almost did, and we could again. Are you saying that having a backup plan is stupid?

Dedication to the F/A group ~~~~ or just plain stupidity ?? See above reply.

As much as I love flying, everyone knows nurses now make big bucks due to the shortage. If I was getting my degree in nursing I would be out of here in a heart beat! But you're still here. Plugging away, with no backup plan, so why not fault someone that has one? Question: Why would she be running for LECP if she plans on leaving during the term?
Nowdays, it is only smart to have something to fall back on. So what if CD went back to school for nursing! At least she is trying to better herself and her future. We all know how unstable the airline industry is. While I was furloughed I met a lady who used to fly for TWA. She had just lost her job with them even though she had worked there for 20 years because of the whole AA thing. It took her a really long time to find another job that was half way decent. I know a lot of flight attendants who have gone back to school. When I went back to school for my teaching certification there was at least one US Airways flight attendant in each class. When I got my real estate broker's license there was a US Airways pilot in my class. If I got fired tomorrow, I guarantee I would have a teaching job by Monday. It may not be ideal, but it would be a paycheck and a hell of a lot more money than what I make at US Airways, which is sad because teachers get terrible pay for the stress they endure and the hours they put in. Think how much better this company would be if all those mean senior mamas and other bitter flight attendants had a back up plan!

As for CD dropping out of nursing school, how many of you have gone to school while working full time? It isn't easy! She probably knew she couldn't give the AFA 100% if she were elected while attending nursing school at the same time. It doesn't mean she's dropped out forever! While I was teaching and working 60+ hours a week I also had to take a semester off because I had a lot going on and couldn't give my school the 100% that I wanted to. I still got through it and finished though.

If you don't like CD, that is fine. But please don't judge her for going to school or dropping out of school. I guess some of you may think that if she can't commit 100% to the flight flight attendants or if she can't commit 100% to nursing school then she obviously can't commit to the AFA.

BTW, I still don't know who to vote for in the election. All I know is I want a fighter and someone who has everyone's best interests at heart! I don't know that I have found that person yet.
AS for Itestwell: yes, I admit to you that I didn't 'CAREFULLY' check to see if I was paid my CSD or Purser pay for EVERY flight. I admit that. If you check every flight, every month on your time and pay report, then kudos to you you are a good person.

Back in the 80's our training instructor in Pittsburgh (Megan) taught us the importance of checking our own paycheck and flight pay sheets for errors, as she consistantly found errors in hers.
Every flight attendant should double check their paychecks on the 15th of the month......
I feel the same way. Which is it CD? Represent the F/A group, or try union work and it that doesn't work, go back to nursing school? Sounds like she is just fishing for something different to do. Does CD really have the F/A's best interest at heart? Or, her own?

AP or JM is the only way to go. TG is outa here in a year or two. Sure she knows her stuff, I would like to see TG as VP, not Pres. Do the majority of F/A's know that TG has 40! years seniority. Hey, she looks great for 60!?, or however old she is, but eventually sooner than later she will run outa fight. AP may not yell and kick and fight and scream, but he is smart, calm - cool and collected and either one (AP or JM) will do fine in front of JG. CD - no way, she doesn't know if she is staying to be a F/A, or going to nursing school. She and her good friend GG should have left that out of her campaign letter...she may have screwed herself including that blip about quiting nursing school....

My opinion......

It is a shame that one would actually judge someone for putting school on hold to come and stand up to represent us. I do believe that it says alot about a persons character to do what she has done! It shows that one is selfless in their desire to represent us. I have sat and spoken her and it is obvious that you have not taken the opportunity to do so. She has been doing VOLUNTEER WORK for the union (us) for many years!!! She was the reserve chair in PIT before she was displaced to PHL. She knows her contract. She has said that she plans if elected to have crew room sits with us to answer any questions we have. She actually cares about us and that is definitely a refreshing change. So step back and really look at the big picture and see who is and has sacrificed themselves to represent us. I want someone who does not have a personal agenda other than to stand up and fight for us. I am ready for someone with good ethics to step up to the plate and that to me is Celine DeLuca. So she definitely has my vote and it is obvious that she has many others respect and vote as well. I commend her for putting nursing school on hold to stand up for what she believes. She has been coming in every day to meet and greet and she has taken the extra step (since people have put a montary value on this) to hand out personalized pens, can openers, and magnets to us. She has obviously put a lot of time and effort into this. It does not take much effort for one to pay $75 to the International Office to send out an eline to us, but it does take a lot more effort to come to the airport and stuff mailboxes several times and to be here every off day to introduce herself to us.
Rah, Rah---good for you! Another TX did a great job speech by TX ! What YOU did at your career here is not the point.

If CD dropped out of nursing school, she is NOT furthering herself in the medical field. She is putting all her eggs in one basket thinking she will win this election which IS a stupid thing to do. Sometimes I really wonder at your logic. :blink:

.....and to quote Flyontthewall from post #138:

" TX support of any candidate running is an automatic NO vote from me. She would have better luck getting her choice in if she kept her mouth shut. Then again, that was always her downfall."

I could not have said it any better Fly.

missthe727 you are obviously a very angry person. I will and I am sure that many others will support anyone that TX supports. TX stood up for us unlike others who would rather sit back and well that part is an obvious to all.
She has been coming in every day to meet and greet and she has taken the extra step (since people have put a montary value on this) to hand out personalized pens, can openers, and magnets to us. She has obviously put a lot of time and effort into this.

She will be out lot of money that she paid for that carnival junk when she loses....as for me being an angry person...I'm just tired of every time I go to sign in for my trip there's is crap all over the crew room...papers, magnets, can openers are crap to me. I want to see the best person who will do the best job win and I question someone who would be so far in trying to change their career....someone who was planning on "jumping ship"...now all of a sudden having a change of heart to champion the F/A group. You said she was in PIT before then why wasn't she in office over there ? RSV chair is not an elected position.
She will be out lot of money that she paid for that carnival junk when she loses....as for me being an angry person...I'm just tired of every time I go to sign in for my trip there's is crap all over the crew room...papers, magnets, can openers are crap to me. I want to see the best person who will do the best job win and I question someone who would be so far in trying to change their career....someone who was planning on "jumping ship"...now all of a sudden having a change of heart to champion the F/A group. You said she was in PIT before then why wasn't she in office over there ? RSV chair is not an elected position.

Why? Because there were already elected officers in PIT doing the job that the PIT f/as were satisfied with, including Celine.

Being that folks are unsatisfied with their leadership the past few years in PHL, and being that there is an election in progress, and being that Celine is now based in PHL...she is now running.
Does anyone know how far along in nursing school she was ? If she was close to being done then WHY ON EARTH would she quit to run for LECP ????

Dedication to the F/A group ~~~~ or just plain stupidity ??

As much as I love flying, everyone knows nurses now make big bucks due to the shortage. If I was getting my degree in nursing I would be out of here in a heart beat!
Maybe she flunked out. I'm not trying to be mean here, but it doesn't add up. It's not easy to get into a program due to the shortage of nursing instructors. To drop out would really set you back since you have to wait for the next clinical rotation which may be a whole year from when you decide to come back. It's not like other fields where you can take your classes on campus during any semester, i.e., fall, spring, or summer.
She will be out lot of money that she paid for that carnival junk when she loses....as for me being an angry person...I'm just tired of every time I go to sign in for my trip there's is crap all over the crew room...papers, magnets, can openers are crap to me. I want to see the best person who will do the best job win and I question someone who would be so far in trying to change their career....someone who was planning on "jumping ship"...now all of a sudden having a change of heart to champion the F/A group. You said she was in PIT before then why wasn't she in office over there ? RSV chair is not an elected position.

Well, missthe727, what you see as junk others see as treasurers and gifts. I admire the fact that one would go to the effort that she has to run. To me that shows that she is serious and really wants to go the extra mile to represent us. I always can use a pen. Guess you must not use a pen on the aircraft. By you referring to papers being crap guess you need to go somewhere that has a paperless system, because there are papers all over the crew room. She never needed to run in PIT for a position, because TEDDY was there fighting for us. Are you dogging someone for serving on committees with our union? Do not know where you get the idea of someone going to school as one wanting or planning to as you put it jump ship. So does that mean that those of us to have taken the time to continually educate ourselves that we are bailing out. No it is just that educating ourselves. Guess you must have planned on being in office for the rest of your career, but that is about to change huh! Celine DeLuca is the best candiate for us!

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