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Local 70 race gets childish

Well, missthe727, what you see as junk others see as treasurers and gifts. I admire the fact that one would go to the effort that she has to run. To me that shows that she is serious and really wants to go the extra mile to represent us. I always can use a pen. Guess you must not use a pen on the aircraft. By you referring to papers being crap guess you need to go somewhere that has a paperless system, because there are papers all over the crew room. She never needed to run in PIT for a position, because TEDDY was there fighting for us. Are you dogging someone for serving on committees with our union? Do not know where you get the idea of someone going to school as one wanting or planning to as you put it jump ship. So does that mean that those of us to have taken the time to continually educate ourselves that we are bailing out. No it is just that educating ourselves. Guess you must have planned on being in office for the rest of your career, but that is about to change huh! Celine DeLuca is the best candiate for us!

I brought you a brand new Mustang [ride]
It was a nineteen sixty five
Now you comin' around to signify a woman
Girl, you won't, you won't let me ride
Mustang Sally, now baby [Sally, now baby]
Guess you better slow that Mustang down [down], alright
You've been running all over town
Oh, I guess you gotta put AC on the ground


Maybe she flunked out. I'm not trying to be mean here, but it doesn't add up. It's not easy to get into a program due to the shortage of nursing instructors. To drop out would really set you back since you have to wait for the next clinical rotation which may be a whole year from when you decide to come back. It's not like other fields where you can take your classes on campus during any semester, i.e., fall, spring, or summer.

FA's talked about this with her in the crewroom, she was holding a 3.8 GPA when she went to the director of nursing to discuss leaving the program and running for president of the Local.

The faculty and fellow students wished her well told her she was welcome back anytime.

QUOTE(Wolf @ Feb 15 2007, 09:01 AM)


She is the only one out of the group that has the guts to do it.

As witnessed at the recall meeting of LA. She was the ONLY one who stood up and spoke her mind while TG stayed mute and AP was worrying about some asinine form of communication. I was there. As was I. CD left the room to make a phone call to further her point, and never came back. Actually, she wasn't at the second meeting, either. Remember?

So your right Bob, TG doesn't have it. She caused enough harm in helping overthrow Teddy, much to the delight of our illustrious leader MF.
They would kneel together.

AP doesn't have it, his contribution seems to revolve around refreshments at Local meetings. Please explain???
For some reason the reserves seem to believe he will further their cause.
I assume this is because he is a reserve. Has nothing to do with it....
Hell, CD had been a reserve for more than 13 years, longer than Andrew has been a FA.

FA's I talk to say she'll help the reserves and block holders alike. So does AP....AP is a winer...CD is not...

She's about unifying the Flight Attendant group not dividing. So is AP...

She understands the reserve system; both LTO and the old seniority order, she lived them both. So has AP....
She understands what it's like to be displaced, and furloughed and to commute.
She's done them all! What does understanding furlough have to do with being a great leader?
So if reserve's think she doesn't understand, they're wrong. I think she understands, I think AP does too....

And in regards to ganesha's post. I did receive an e-line from CD and a letter in my mail box along with a magnet.
Her e-line had a picture of her dog, Rudy.
He looks like he's ready to take a bite out of somebody's a##, from the looks of him I don't think anyone could stop him. Is her dog running?
Could be Glass's, maybe she'll take him to negotiate.

She is the top contender. In your eyes, yes. Good luck to all!

Difference between Celine DeLuca and Andrew Perkins is simple. Andrew went to the company to ask PERMISSION to put his campaign letter in the flight attendant mail files and then when they told him no he went and WHINED about it. We do not need a leader who will go to the company for permission every time they need to wipe their butt. We need a President who will have the gumption to stand up and take the lead. What are we in for trouble if we have a PRESIDENT who has to go ask the company for their constant approval....oh.....I forgot we already have that with MF.
Celine is about unity for all of the flight attendant work group and to stop having the group split. That is what the company wants and it needs to stop here and now. We need a leader who will stand firm and represent all of us equally not pit the blockholders and reserves against each other. We are all part of the same union and we all pay the same union dues so we all deserve the same equal representation. There is more strength in numbers so lets all stand up together and take a stand.
MustangSally said:
Funny thing is I bet you don’t even know me…even funnier is you don’t have a clue as to what you are talking about. Being professional is not whining…I didn’t ask for anything get the facts stop spreading BS!
Does anybody have Celine's phone number or email address? I would like to ask her some questions. When I met her I liked her. She seemed very knowledgeable of our contract and was passionate about making a change, but I didn't have much time to ask her everything I wanted to ask. Please pm me if you have her info or know where I can get it. I hope she is good because I have pretty much ruled out everyone else, but we'll see...
This is going out on the eline in the morning...Thought you all would like to see it first here...I really appreciate your candor and feel the board is a great gauge of how f/a's really feel (anger aside)

We only have a week until the polls close and I would like to remind you that management is watching this turnout and paying close attention to the message we are sending. During this critical time of contract negotiations we need a huge turnout and send the message that we are involved, we do care, and we will not be taken advantage of anymore! I hope those of you who I met while passing through the terminals last week enjoyed the hot coco, thanks for your feedback and your support!

I was recently asked to elaborate on my experience and background by one of our members…
In one form or another I have been involved with AFA my entire career here at US Airways.
Back in 1997, While flying with someone going through a difficult period in there personal life. I offered to assist by calling the Philadelphia Local on their behalf and learned of our AFA EAP peer committee. Being new to the company, I thought that becoming an EAP committee member would be an excellent way of doing more for my community so I volunteered. It was during the contract talks of 1999 that I began to spend time working in the PHL LEC Office. I found answering phones and doing administrative work a great way to pass the time as a reserve. 
I was able to help organize meetings and among other things get the necessary permits from the PHL Airport authority so we could hold our informational picketing during the negotiations...I was involved and doing something that gave me great personal satisfaction.
My experience of being involved during the negotiations and seeing first hand how important our union is to us motivated me to get more involved. I continued to volunteer at the Philadelphia Council and when elections were held to fill vacated positions, I ran for LEC VP. I was unsuccessful in getting the position, but continued to work in the office as long as I could.  
When the A330 arrived on the property I was asked by my Inflight Supervisor if I would be interested in participating in special projects and assist by working as an Inflight Specialist on the aircraft.  I accepted because I wanted to learn more about how the Inflight Department worked.  At the time I believed that my goal as an AFA representative would be to bring the Company and AFA closer together in an effort of benefiting the flight attendants by building a bridge of cooperative sprit between the two.  
A little naïve I know, but I was young and optimistic. I quickly learned, just how the company views AFA and was told that “it was never going to happen!† When the specialist program ended I stayed within the ITD and on September 10th I worked the flight back from LGW so I was in base for the events of 9-11. I spent the entire day in the Philadelphia AFA LEC office offering any assistance I could, wanting to insure every one of our members was out of harms way. 
I unsuccessfully ran for LECP in 2002 while continuing to work in the office representing flight attendants during Supervisory meetings on my off days.  This was during the US Airways “Labor Friendly†Inflight head-hunt so I would do between 3 to 4 meetings a day, and still continued to fly my obligation.  It was no surprise to me that Laura would run for LECP when Molly’s term was over and after working with her in the LEC office back in 2001 I knew she was not what the Local needed so I ran against her for LECP…she won that election, and that brings us to where we are today.
I am currently the AFA local point person for the MEC InfoRep team and send out updates on the merged contract negotiations to a team of about 80 flight attendants who share and forward the info via email and while out on the line. 
The previous Local President came to me while she was in office with this opportunity because she knew that I’ve always believed the InfoRep program could help keep the flight attendants more informed. Back in 2000 I wanted to build on the current program guidelines and transform it into a continuous team of recognizable and accessible people who could share timely information and give you a direct line of communication to your LEC Officers.
I produced an InfoRep procedure outline for the new program that included ID badges, bag tags, letterhead and an InfoRep binder. I approached our LEC Officers at that time about the plan but unfortunately it was shot down.  I still believe that the AFA InfoRep program has great potential and know it is a great opportunity for anyone who wants to get involved.

By now you have seen what our other candidates say they can do for you, but one of my first orders of business if elected is to get you some answers to persistent questions, like…

Why can’t a reserve that has an ETB trip, trip improve on it like a blockholder does? The contract says (9.D.1.g) that once an ETB trip is awarded, it becomes part of the F/A’s line so the argument is the company has created a partial line by awarding the trip to the reserve flight attendant. This flight attendant should be able to trip improve for more time/better trip from the AIL in seniority order just like a regular blockholder does...restricted only by FAA legalities and rest requirements as outlined in section 9 of our agreement.

What exactly is the reason Pref-Bid was not implemented and how much money did AFA get in credit for it not being utilized by our group? Where did the money go?

Why is our Contract not written in plain English so we can understand it? I will recommend as LEC President that our membership NOT ratify any contract that is written in “LEGAL†language or contains any reductions to quality of life, has a term longer than December 31, 2011 or is absent increased rates of pay now that the company is doing considerably better and making a huge profit.

Why don't we use professional negotiators during contract talks? We have been asking this for years...Why has it never been addressed?

Why is it necessary for us to always have to claim time for the work we do for the company? Why are the lines not published at the five hour/day language as outlined in section 10.K.1? Is it completely impossible for this company to pay its employees correctly? What legal remedies do we have to correct this situation and receive missing back pay?

Who allows the director of scheduling to set the monthly obligation at 90 hours? And why, when we are obviously overstaffed? If the company wants seasonal flying then we need a seasonal leave program to offset the reduction of time so less flight attendants are impacted by the scheduling change.

Where is our dedicated crew security line in PHL? Why is CLT so special to have a door and line? Who is not giving us what we need in Philadelphia and why?

Why is vacation assigned to half of the reserves in February company wide, if we know that the east coast typically has weather issues around the President day holiday? Lets modify the vacation matrix to adequately meet the needs of operation.

As your LEC President I share your concerns and issues and promise to seek out the answers. I want you to understand that I believe local AFA work is a COMMUNITY SUPPORT POSITION. Our LEC needs to evolve into a team that works together to meet the needs of all our flight attendants. New processes in communication between officers and committee members will ensure your staff is in the loop and meeting your needs.
I believe in surveying the membership so we are working towards the objectives you feel are important. Through the local newsletter, e-lines and an improved website you will be able to access the information you need quickly.
I have real concerns that I will address such as aircraft/galley cleanliness, broken and missing equipment, unprofessional communication between scheduling staff and the membership...just to name a few. You deserve someone who will give you answers and get things accomplished.
I know our base needs new and stronger committees and the unquestionable commitment by this LEC to defend the contract.  We need to restore our community spirit in the Flight Attendant workgroup.  Management uses our broken spirit and works it to their advantage in negotiations…pit the blockholders against the reserves, commuters against locals…everyone is forced to look out for themselves and not our group as a whole intentionally! I want to put and end to this and bring the power back to labor.
It’s time for our priorities to change. This election term will be pivotal in preparing us for future negotiations. Your new leadership can begin laying the groundwork for achieving livable language out of our contract negotiations. Once our group is focused and strong we can push BACK and start to GAIN our quality of life back. That is my ultimate goal and why I am running to be your LEC President!
We have some popular people running for these LEC positions but this is not a popularity contest. We need to elect people who will best represent us to the company. You deserve leadership that can manage the office responsibly and build teamwork and integrity. My plan as LECP is to bring in many of the candidates running in this election and give them the opportunity to fill important positions. Each has a particular skill and there specialty would defiantly benefit this membership.
Terry Graf would be excellent at handling the grievance/representation arm of the local.
John McCorkle would have a chair position on the new Newsletter Committee if he so chooses.
Celine DeLuca’s experience would best benefit the Scheduling and Reserve Committees, She could head the new Member Services Committee that I have in the works.
I believe in drawing on the talents of the flight attendants in our base and making things work for the membership. Someone recently asked me about changing there vote...If you have already cast your vote for another candidate and in learning more about me in the past weeks feel that you want to make a change, you can! You are able to modify your vote until the polls close on the 26th as many times as you like.
Just go back to the site www.ballotpoint.com/afa-usa and using your AFA member number 12, and your employee number log in with your secret PIN that you changed on your first visit and cast your new vote. If you have any problems in logging on call the AFA International Headquarters at (800)424-2401 and dial extension 706.
I cannot stress the importance of sending this new management the message that we are involved, we do care and we will not be walked over anymore!
Is Terri not the person that forced Laura out? Everyone was fed up with Laura but no one else wanted to exterminate her from the AFA office? I heard from a friend that was at the meeting Terri was so heartbroken she walked out in tears for leaving. Anyway, this election is for the remainder of the current term I think. One year and three months. For one Terri has my vote! She can fight like a lion when it comes to one of her members being abused. She helped me when no one else in AFA would even call me back. God help us all if JM gets in. God help us all.We deserve what we vote in 😉
God help us all if JM gets in. God help us all.We deserve what we vote in 😉

If John McC. gets in office, the entire AFA union representation on the USAirways property is finished.

With regard to John's character, not only will the company not deal with him, neither will the leadership of AFA....because there is a lack of trust and credibility when it comes to John McC. My past dealings with John is that he is a deviant, calculating person, who is not trustworthy, not credible, covert, and disingenuous.

I think if someone alerts John on the way I feel about him...he should definitely remember why.
Dear Pineybob, as a long time lurker I will just answer to that question -Terri Graf!I for one was in the room with the woman when she defended me and it was over something so stupid.She had three other people waiting for her to come in with them and each one she just knocked out of the ballpark.She cut thought he crap and told the supervisors what was going on. it was not a question it was a statement. Sorry I know you have your feelings about Terri but if you ever saw her in action you would understand.
Any one who knows...

The question is why does PHL have so many grievances outstanding? No matter what the issue, the representative MUST be able to articulate the exact issue and stay on point when arguing with inflight. No one should come into a supervisors office without notes, history, language, and a written argument, and what AFA seeks on behalf of the grievant even if the resolution sought is to drop the investigation or DCP.

The LECP should be aware of every single issue, whether they go to the inflight office or not. The LECP should be prepared to involve the entire MEC on issues that involve f/as that seem or appear to be new forms of disciplines or harshness. The LECP should be prepared to write to the entire management team INCLUDING senior management level on an issue that does not get resolved on supervisor/base manager level.

The LECP has the power to do this WITHOUT any permission from an MECP.


So, you have to ask yourself, who among the candidates has the energy to follow-through? Then cast your vote.

I hope that those running for these positions fully understand their power/influence.

THE BUCK STOPS WITH THE LECP; NOT THE MECP. The MECP takes direction from the majority of the LECPS ON AN ISSUE THAT EFFECTS ALL F/AS. On any Local issue, that is base specific, the LECP runs the show and can look for resolve not just from a supervisor; not just from inflight; but from the VP of the depart including all inflight labor relations personnnel. And if the LECP feels like it, they can copy in the MEC; or not.


And for Christ sake...write your OWN e-lines, and don't follow the bouncing-ball MIke F. e-lines. Write your take on issues or announcements, and don't copy and past things from theHUB...as the company may be communicating wrong information that is in direct violation of the AFA contract. They've done it before, and used it against AFA at system board. The MEC stopped copying and pasting company information; but I see that since Mike F. is in office, that some communication of the company is directly copied and pasted from the company. That's a no-no.

The other issue is that the MEC e-line should be communication that is from the MEC Officers. The MEC members (lecps) have their own websites and e-lines and need to communicate from those base respective e-lines. The MEC E-lines should not read: Your MEC.

This crap has been going on since Mike F. took the MECP seat.
Dear Pineybob, as a long time lurker I will just answer to that question -Terri Graf!I for one was in the room with the woman when she defended me and it was over something so stupid.She had three other people waiting for her to come in with them and each one she just knocked out of the ballpark.She cut thought he crap and told the supervisors what was going on. it was not a question it was a statement. Sorry I know you have your feelings about Terri but if you ever saw her in action you would understand.

You've got to be kidding me! The woman can hardly spell her name...check out her previous posts, and this woman is going to go toe to toe with educated management types? lol you're killin me!
between the two.  
A little naïve I know! [what a dedicated person #3366FF]That is obvious!!
Andrew as a union representative it is very unprofessional for you to boast about helping flight attendants with EAP issues etc. That is information that is to be kept in the office. So NOT IMPRESSED with your boasting.
Celine DeLuca has always helped flight attendants during her days off and the days when she is flying.
As for you being the AFA local point person for the MEC Info Rep team....that is a major joke. You act like you have done something major with that one, but how much info have you actual sent out. There has not been any information for anyone to send out. Please you must do better than that.
The questions that you have listed you should already know the answers too. If you do not then you do not need to be running for the office. A reserve can trip improve off of an ETB trip.

Why is our Contract not written in plain English so we can understand it? I will recommend as LEC President that our membership NOT ratify any contract that is written in “LEGALâ€￾ language or contains any reductions to quality of life, has a term longer than December 31, 2011 or is absent increased rates of pay now that the company is doing considerably better and making a huge profit.
If you can not understand the language with the way it is written in the contract then you do not need to be the one representing us. You should be able to understand the legal ease and be able to explain it to others in layman terms. You are also saying that you will recommend that our membership not ratify any contract that is written in Legal language. You are a fruit cake Andrew.
Why don't we use professional negotiators during contract talks? We have been asking this for years...Why has it never been addressed?
As for us not having any professional negotiators you can thank Mike Flores for that one. So everyone that would like that answered call Mike.
Who allows the director of scheduling to set the monthly obligation at 90 hours? And why, when we are obviously overstaffed? If the company wants seasonal flying then we need a seasonal leave program to offset the reduction of time so less flight attendants are impacted by the scheduling change.

Where is our dedicated crew security line in PHL? Why is CLT so special to have a door and line? Who is not giving us what we need in Philadelphia and why?
You should call and ask the airport manager this questionOr do you need permission for that too?

Andrew vacation is assigned in Seniority order period!
The questions that you are presenting are ones that are easily answered if you just searched them out. You do not need to be an LEC President to find out. Folks this letter confirms what I was saying. We need someone who knows this information already and who will not be coming across as nothing more than a whiner.
Piney- I respect your opinion but yes, Terri would tear them up at the next level I think. She has a set of balls and knows when to show em and when to let things slide. Maybe we just won't agree but the woman has my vote and I have no doubt she will fight for us on the MEC level just as well.
Hey Mustang,

First of all, Andy said he worked with EAP, an admirable, and sometimes thankless position. He never said anything personal about anyone, so relax...(Your rehab stints will remain between you and him, k? :lol: )

You have a problem with the contract being written in English? Hmm, well maybe if you received 45 calls a day from FA's asking what this section "means", you would change your tune. This helps everyone, not just AP....Catch up....

Ok, let's all call Mike and ask him why we don't have professional negotiators. It's about time, and again, at least Andy is pressing it. I guess you will now as well, since he brought up the idea...Wake up...

Why should we not have a dedicated crew line like CLT? While I agree that it is up to the respective airport authorites, I can pretty much guarantee that Laura A. never went to them and pressed the matter. She was quite busy in the office, accusing her very capable co- workers of stealing documents, and telling FA's on the phone that they had "used up their $39 for the month...." ( :blink: ).

I could go on, but instead I'll just ask you to catch up, wake up, and cast your vote. Good luck, Sally.

Trundra, I will agree. TG in defense of the FA group in PHL is priceless. She is respectful, yet direct. What an amazing job she does in defending people. When she retires, we will miss her knowledge and experience. Alot.

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