Well, missthe727, what you see as junk others see as treasurers and gifts. I admire the fact that one would go to the effort that she has to run. To me that shows that she is serious and really wants to go the extra mile to represent us. I always can use a pen. Guess you must not use a pen on the aircraft. By you referring to papers being crap guess you need to go somewhere that has a paperless system, because there are papers all over the crew room. She never needed to run in PIT for a position, because TEDDY was there fighting for us. Are you dogging someone for serving on committees with our union? Do not know where you get the idea of someone going to school as one wanting or planning to as you put it jump ship. So does that mean that those of us to have taken the time to continually educate ourselves that we are bailing out. No it is just that educating ourselves. Guess you must have planned on being in office for the rest of your career, but that is about to change huh! Celine DeLuca is the best candiate for us!
I brought you a brand new Mustang [ride]
It was a nineteen sixty five
Now you comin' around to signify a woman
Girl, you won't, you won't let me ride
Mustang Sally, now baby [Sally, now baby]
Guess you better slow that Mustang down [down], alright
You've been running all over town
Oh, I guess you gotta put AC on the ground
Maybe she flunked out. I'm not trying to be mean here, but it doesn't add up. It's not easy to get into a program due to the shortage of nursing instructors. To drop out would really set you back since you have to wait for the next clinical rotation which may be a whole year from when you decide to come back. It's not like other fields where you can take your classes on campus during any semester, i.e., fall, spring, or summer.
FA's talked about this with her in the crewroom, she was holding a 3.8 GPA when she went to the director of nursing to discuss leaving the program and running for president of the Local.
The faculty and fellow students wished her well told her she was welcome back anytime.