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Local 70 race gets childish

Think I'll pass since I wouldn't pee down your throat if your heart was on fire.


What if you were on a 6 hour ramp hold waiting for a gate to open up at PHL... and the lav was already full?

Schucks. Not even then? The love is gone. :lol:

Don't take it personal. Its just bidness. :lol:
Think I'll pass since I wouldn't pee down your throat if your heart was on fire.
Well now, that is a very harsh thing to say to someone you don't know. With that said, thanks for the laugh because that was pretty good come back. I liked it.
Well now, that is a very harsh thing to say to someone you don't know. With that said, thanks for the laugh because that was pretty good come back. I liked it.

This company is going to make a HELL of a lot of money for a long time.
I don't care what oil does or if they hedge or not.

Based on these posts I'm not sure Labor has a chance of making more money.

The Fly portends the election results AGAINST whomever PITbull recommends, yet likes being insulted;
(Bad move considering PITbull was the only one management feared.)
And JM is either dancing or has a fever...
He wants to be president of this Local but is still scared sh*tless of management.
Jeezus, they watch the posts and he disappears.

Just in folks.
Believe this if you want but this is the same guy who wasn't going to run for International President.
Decided at the "last minute".


There is a rumor going around on line I need to address. I have received calls from Flight Attendants, and in fact approached in person, with the rumor that I am actively seeking other employment opportunities. Furthermore, the talk is that I am not 100% focused on my job as MEC President. Nothing could be farther from the truth. I am not seeking other employment and I have no plans to do so. I have no choice but to be 100% focused as, in the end, I am a Flight Attendant first and a Union leader second.

Thank you,

Mike Flores, President

One can only hope.
You are no Leader son, don't flatter yourself.
Can't lead with your nose up someone's a**.
Vote the right way,this guy has to go.
Didn't find it insulting at all, actually thought it was a great come back.

As far as TX, she is a has been.

(Bad move considering PITbull was the only one management feared.)

Okay, let me assume the above is true.

If true, to give a concession to PITbull, a "feared" unionist, what would said PITbull have to give up on behalf of the FAs in order to secure such a concession?

Would not mgt just bypass PITbull?

ergo, that is the dumbest statement I have seen here. Perhaps they were prepared to give away that concession to everyone, but when PITbull opened his/her mouth, they realized they would not have to.......consigning everyone else to benefit heck.

Perhaps we should characterize you, Mr. Wolf, as, "little pup". It seems to fit nicely.......
I was at CCY with M&R Negotiations while TX was there for the AFA, Glass knew he could not steamroll the FAs while she was there.

Unlike Hayes who tried to bargain and obtain other union's work, it was TX who put a stop to it.
Thank you. This is the main point.

I have tens of f/as every week that e-mail me with issues. I wish I had the guts to say, I am not there anymore, but, I just can not dismiss it. Most often, I tell them what I think and say to contact their LECP with the issue and get their take.

and, they think you can actually do something?

It is like the old "feed them fish or teach them how to fish". Apparently you guaranteed your union immortality by only "feeding them fish" instead of teaching them how to find out answers on their own. It seems sorta a Greek thingy.

I have great hope for the f/as this year, as there are 3 elections in 3 bases. I believe that change at the table with new fresh innovative ideas will move the negotiations in a more positive direction for all f/as.

Fresh has nothing to do with it. Smart does. Your protegee is fresh and brash. Her talents would be much better displayed on a negotiating team. When she settles down she might be a pretty good local president, after mentoring with TG. Just my observation.

The FAs can get positive. It will take more than smoke and mirrors like you seem to propose.

Then, finally, I just may shut-up and put this entire union stuff to rest and make that final exit 😉 .

You have a lot to offer, much you have not even understood. Anyone elected to PHL will need a foil, an intelligent anti to their pro, a pro to their anti. It is the lack of debate that has crippled this airline.

If you exit, then go. No regrets.
and, they think you can actually do something?

It is like the old "feed them fish or teach them how to fish". Apparently you guaranteed your union immortality by only "feeding them fish" instead of teaching them how to find out answers on their own. It seems sorta a Greek thingy.
Fresh has nothing to do with it. Smart does. Your protegee is fresh and brash. Her talents would be much better displayed on a negotiating team. When she settles down she might be a pretty good local president, after mentoring with TG. Just my observation.

The FAs can get positive. It will take more than smoke and mirrors like you seem to propose.
You have a lot to offer, much you have not even understood. Anyone elected to PHL will need a foil, an intelligent anti to their pro, a pro to their anti. It is the lack of debate that has crippled this airline.

If you exit, then go. No regrets.
However you feel about Pitbulls past, you cannot say that your do not appreciate her contribution to this board. Whether u agree or disagree, it certainly makes ya think....
and, they think you can actually do something?

Yes, if the members pay attention, we may actually gain back some respect from this management.
Something that TX did have, which you can't deny.
Pay her the credit due.

Fresh has nothing to do with it. Smart does. Your protegee is fresh and brash. Her talents would be much better displayed on a negotiating team.

Much smarter than the current MEC president who is neither fresh nor brash.
Actually the opposite, stale and spunkless.

Definately would be a better negotiator, no hidden agenda's.

The FAs can get positive. It will take more than smoke and mirrors like you seem to propose.
It is the lack of debate that has crippled this airline.

No smoke, no mirrors, just new representation.

Debate has nothing to do with it, cowards and attorneys debate,
Leaders lead.
No war was ever won by debate, ask a warrior.

This airline is far from crippled, the FA's are the crippled ones.
Lack of strong uncompromising Leaders.

If you exit, then go. No regrets.

I don't believe there will be any exit's until the FA's have the representation they deserve.

Perhaps we should characterize you, Mr. Wolf, as, "little pup". It seems to fit nicely.......

You may characterize me as a "little pup" until that one day when we meet, and we will.
Make sure you're drinking then too, you will need it.
Yes, if the members pay attention, we may actually gain back some respect from this management. Something that TX did have, which you can't deny.
Pay her the credit due.

After she paid her dues by cutting a deal with mgt. A deal she was so embarrassed about that she refused to tell her MEC about?

Much smarter than the current MEC president who is neither fresh nor brash.
Actually the opposite, stale and spunkless.

Definately would be a better negotiator, no hidden agenda's.

No problem. Did I not say she should be a negotiator first? Or, like usual, you don't read, just knee-jerk response.

No smoke, no mirrors, just new representation.

Debate has nothing to do with it, cowards and attorneys debate, Leaders lead.

It seems your verbiage is cowardly. Are you running?

No war was ever won by debate, ask a warrior.

I am a warrior and your assertion is cowardly, aside from being wrong.

]This airline is far from crippled, the FA's are the crippled ones.
Lack of strong uncompromising Leaders.

I agree. That is why I said what I said.

You may characterize me as a "little pup" until that one day when we meet, and we will. Make sure you're drinking then too, you will need it.

OK, I will get drunk on the day we meet. In addition, I will tie one hand behind my back, and still "clean your clock" in ten seconds or less.

So what? Exactly, what is your point, pup? Fool. WATB.
After she paid her dues by cutting a deal with mgt. A deal she was so embarrassed about that she refused to tell her MEC about?

YOU are pretty distant from the facts. The MEC members did know about Jerry's offer of interline passes back in April 2005 when she signed up for the VFLR. The new members of the MEC who came in July of that year did not. (perhaps your one of them) Teddy was close to getting the company to reduce and change the DCP for f/as...there were some senior level managment that wanted her away from the table as soon as possible and furnished the letter from Jerry to TG in order to bring rise to negative speculation. TG just happens to have the right personality that when she gets a little information that someone may give her, with some of their spin...she jumps to conclusions. She has apologized for the personal attack, hence forth.

With regard to the letter Jerry sent, he didn't see anything wrong with it as she was in her 25th year, 3 months short of completion. Being that she doesn't use passes when she flys personal...to her, it was irrelevant.

So, why are your posts about Teddy? Do you think she still has some kind of influence with the f/as that you need to concern yourself with?

Wouldn't it be more prudent to keep YOUR focus and attention on the upcoming election...where you will really need to concern yourself on those who just may win, rock your world and "clean your clock" faster than you can say..."WATB".
Let the past die gracefully. Andy Perkins, John McCorkle, Celine etc etc are your future. Allow them to make their respective cases and choose who you feel is best for the ENTIRE F/A Group.

Every minute you spend dealing with the ghosts & relics of the past, Jerry Glass just gets a bigger woody and glassier eyes. Don't fall into his trap.

Good advice.
Something else that stands out about CD in her letters she admittedly tried to jump ship (nursing school) when she thought it was sinking…is she going to do the same if it gets to tough as LECP?

Does anyone know how far along in nursing school she was ? If she was close to being done then WHY ON EARTH would she quit to run for LECP ????

Dedication to the F/A group ~~~~ or just plain stupidity ??

As much as I love flying, everyone knows nurses now make big bucks due to the shortage. If I was getting my degree in nursing I would be out of here in a heart beat!
Does anyone know how far along in nursing school she was ? If she was close to being done then WHY ON EARTH would she quit to run for LECP ????

Dedication to the F/A group ~~~~ or just plain stupidity ??

As much as I love flying, everyone knows nurses now make big bucks due to the shortage. If I was getting my degree in nursing I would be out of here in a heart beat!
I feel the same way. Which is it CD? Represent the F/A group, or try union work and it that doesn't work, go back to nursing school? Sounds like she is just fishing for something different to do. Does CD really have the F/A's best interest at heart? Or, her own?

AP or JM is the only way to go. TG is outa here in a year or two. Sure she knows her stuff, I would like to see TG as VP, not Pres. Do the majority of F/A's know that TG has 40! years seniority. Hey, she looks great for 60!?, or however old she is, but eventually sooner than later she will run outa fight. AP may not yell and kick and fight and scream, but he is smart, calm - cool and collected and either one (AP or JM) will do fine in front of JG. CD - no way, she doesn't know if she is staying to be a F/A, or going to nursing school. She and her good friend GG should have left that out of her campaign letter...she may have screwed herself including that blip about quiting nursing school....

My opinion......

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