and, they think you can actually do something?
It is like the old "feed them fish or teach them how to fish". Apparently you guaranteed your union immortality by only "feeding them fish" instead of teaching them how to find out answers on their own. It seems sorta a Greek thingy.
Fresh has nothing to do with it. Smart does. Your protegee is fresh and brash. Her talents would be much better displayed on a negotiating team. When she settles down she might be a pretty good local president, after mentoring with TG. Just my observation.
The FAs can get positive. It will take more than smoke and mirrors like you seem to propose.
You have a lot to offer, much you have not even understood. Anyone elected to PHL will need a foil, an intelligent anti to their pro, a pro to their anti. It is the lack of debate that has crippled this airline.
If you exit, then go. No regrets.