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Local 70 race gets childish

I've said it before and I'm saying it again a union is only as strong as its laziest, weakest member.
If this is true, then I hope that a certain person will not get voted in. I flew with this person several years ago when he got arrested from his room on our overnight. We had to cancel the following morning's flight. His job was saved by the union, but I am amazed that he would run for a position. No shame.

The company has never interferred with union campaigns, never had to get permission to stuff the boxes in my history. I sat in the crew rooms in all 3 concession campaigning for a NO vote, and Ashby and Siegel were in the crew room in PIT with me there in the audiance. I never got thrown out of a crew room. The only way a candidate can access the membership is through the mail files. I see now, with this new local interim President that allows the company to interfer with union business without a challenge, or a weak aszz MECP, the company has taken a new position. Why? Becuase the MEC has allowed it with no challenge. THe MECP is just not strong enough to oppose this management and is playing both sides. The AFA International now charges a member $75 for use of the E-lines and that's only if they return your phone call or e-mail from what I'm told.

What I see today is the company is riding a shot gun over the union and their affairs making it more difficult for the leadership and new leadership or potentially new leadership the ability to rperesent and conduct union business, without the company putting their thumb on you . Now, they say you have to have your material approved by the company before stuffing. That is total control of the information.

If that were the case in my day, I would have never been able to communicate to the members any kind of opposing view.

Mike will tell you that he had to go through his base manager while campaigning. OTher MEC members said they didn't have to go through any base manager for approval. Seems like the only idiot that did was Mike F who is being controlled by management.

Bottom line, imo, there is collusion going on between the co. and certain members of the MEC to control these elections by not giving candidates free access to the membership and thus, control their own current positions.


Otherwise, you folks will never have control of your union on this property and will be controlled by those who are being controlled and contantly running to the company for permission to take a shittt.

I agree with you. I do not believe that MF got the company's okay with the letters that he put in the flight attendants mail files. He was attacking DB in these letters and I find it hard to believe that the company would approve of the letters much less give him the okay to put the letters in flight attendant mail files. Our union is in big trouble if we continue to allow the company to control what goes on in union business.
Agree on the MF issue, disagree on the AP issue. Just because he wants the respect of management does not mean he is a p*ssy. So what if he called to let them know he was in the crew lounge campaigning? That in no way speaks to his views or his ideas for cleaning up the mess that LA left behind.

I think you are confusing being a p*ssy with being respectful. Believe me, AP is not "in bed" with management, if that's what you are implying. You are off track there.

In your opinion, Wolf, who do you think is the best candidate, the one that would really "shred" management like you seem to want?

AP should not be going to the company to ask permission to conduct union business. If he has questions that involve union business then he should conduct that quest with the union. MF should be standing up and fighting this issue. Geesh what on earth is happening to our union.
I like to live by the motto "It's better to ask for forgiveness than permission".

Dealing with the company is kinda like dealing with children. If you give them an inch they will take a mile. You just have to put your foot down and say "NO!" Oh, and never be complacent and turn your back or they will walk all over you.

I don't know why this is so difficult to understand! 🙄

We should not be asking the company for permission. PERIOD!

Too bad we don't have a F/A group consisting of all TX's or Piney Bob's. Then we would get our fare share.

We do have a candiate that will fight for us like TX did. That is CD. She also has spent alot of money (more than just the $75 dollar amount to the AFA International) and time campaigning. She has been handing out pens, can openers and magnets to flight attendants. To have had those items made took alot of pre-planning. That to me shows the seriousness and dedication that she has towards representing us. We do not need someone who has to go to inflight to ask permission to put union letters in our files. We do not need someone who is going to constantly suck up to the company when conducting union business. WE NEED A LEADER!!!!!!!!
What I noticed about CD at that meeting was reminiscent of watching TG speak at any meeting. She would interrupt, most times off point, and was far to emotional to make a strong point…anyone who was there to hang LA was there for the wrong reason…I don’t act on HEARSAY I wanted to see proof that she was doing what she was being accused of and brought a motion forward, that was approved unopposed, that prevented it from happening again and gave the f/a’s the ability to see how the dues were being spent.

Something else that stands out about CD in her letters she admittedly tried to jump ship (nursing school) when she thought it was sinking…is she going to do the same if it gets to tough as LECP? I have been in PHL for 10 years, have no plans of leaving…have been involved and focused for 10 years and that cannot be denied by anyone.
Many who have had me as their rep during a F/A supervisor meeting will tell you that the “biting dog†in me shows it’s teeth when it needs to…a highly trained calculated dog that will bite!

Don’t be fooled by fluffy emotional letters/candy and magnets that don’t even have a personal contact on them. Don’t make an emotional vote based on what others tell you and get the facts…please vote.

First of all you really need to get more facts before judging CD. You have stated "she admittedly tried to jump ship (nursing school) when she thought it was sinking" I want to know where on earth you came up with that. I have not seen one bit of information that states that nor have I heard her ever say such. You are a little man to say that about a woman going to school to get more education. It is very admirable of her to tackle school while flying and especially while being a reserve!!!!!!! She also was serving as the reserve chairperson in PIT while juggling school and work. She has managed to do it all. Bravo to her.
Were you aware that CD had gone to the MEC office and obtained LA's flight loss pay records before going to that meeting in which you critized her unjustly. You have not taken any initative on your own time to do the same. What are you waiting for? You do not need to be an officer to get the records.
We need someone who will take the initative and will stand up and fight for us. Not someone who waits and asks for permission to do so. You say that you go in with biting teeth when fighting for the flight attendants, yet you ask permission to put campaign letters in mail files. Please. Which is it? We do not need someone who is going to be always sucking up to the company. We need to have a strong and dedicated leader who will stand up for what is right.
CD thank you for all that you do.
I have not decided if I am going the AP or CD route, but I have to ask: Why is it such a big deal that AP asked to put flyers in the mail files? I mean what is the big deal? Are you saying that a mutual respect between the LEC and local mgmt is a bad thing? I mean really, who cares? Does not mean AP does not have the ability to fight, defend, or protect his members. Does this mean he will just bend over and take it from mgmt? No, it does not. Stop blowing it out of proportion, and focus on the issues.

I bet CD will win, tho, because I hear she is passing out can openers, and FA's do love a gadget... :lol:
After having a productivity break in PHL and listening to the flight attendants based in PHL, CD is far from the front runner.

Also someone who constantly has to leave meetings to make phone calls to find out information and direction should throw up a big red flag. Can you leave a meeting with a supervisor when fighting for someones job to ask for direction? Makes you wonder if she can think for herself on her feet quick enough.

I heard she took the VPLOA for a few months to concentrate on school because school and commuting was too stressful. If she thinks that is stressful, God help the flight attendants in PHL if she is elected.
After having a productivity break in PHL and listening to the flight attendants based in PHL, CD is far from the front runner.

Also someone who constantly has to leave meetings to make phone calls to find out information and direction should throw up a big red flag. Can you leave a meeting with a supervisor when fighting for someones job to ask for direction? Makes you wonder if she can think for herself on her feet quick enough.
I heard she took the VPLOA for a few months to concentrate on school because school and commuting was too stressful. If she thinks that is stressful, God help the flight attendants in PHL if she is elected.
When a FA starts a sentence like this (I heard), simply take what they are saying as pure speculation. In other words, bu!!sh*t....

CD left the room to call AFA Nat'l to dispute the garbage that LA was feeding us.
A lot of flight attendants in PHL better get their heads out of the sand. Just comming off of a two day trip let me just say how UNinformed our members are. I can't BELIEVE the rumors that go around about anything from folks running for the union to service, destinations, etc. There really are a bunch of morons out there. It's scary actually. I must have asked a hundred times during the trip, "Where do you hear this stuff"? I agree when I hear someone say, "I heard" I pretty much drift off. These people don't know who's running let alone who LA was who regigned. It's pathetic.
After having a productivity break in PHL and listening to the flight attendants based in PHL, CD is far from the front runner.

Also someone who constantly has to leave meetings to make phone calls to find out information and direction should throw up a big red flag. Can you leave a meeting with a supervisor when fighting for someones job to ask for direction? Makes you wonder if she can think for herself on her feet quick enough.
I heard she took the VPLOA for a few months to concentrate on school because school and commuting was too stressful. If she thinks that is stressful, God help the flight attendants in PHL if she is elected.

Your really reaching, there Sparky...shaking in your shoes right about now I suspect... B)
As someone who has benefited from the knowledge of TG. I can attest to the fear and I mean fear that I have seen in the eyes of the 2 different(revolving) supurvivsors? Everyone has thier personal experience. I have a very good record but I no longer hesitate to have union representation? with me for the least of incidents(low block in one year period- Late check in one year-no sick calls) Not to get too far into this high class p-match I know what has helped me. Everyone who votes, knows who has helped them.
After having a productivity break in PHL and listening to the flight attendants based in PHL, CD is far from the front runner.

Also someone who constantly has to leave meetings to make phone calls to find out information and direction should throw up a big red flag. Can you leave a meeting with a supervisor when fighting for someones job to ask for direction? Makes you wonder if she can think for herself on her feet quick enough.
I heard she took the VPLOA for a few months to concentrate on school because school and commuting was too stressful. If she thinks that is stressful, God help the flight attendants in PHL if she is elected.

Vote DeLuca in Philadelphia.
Out of all of them she is the one that has the "balls", so to speak.

Vote Campbell in Charlotte.
AC you got to go

CD must be a front runner because you my fearless warrior are scared shiitless.
You are afraid to go back to work.

Nothing I hate more than a Hypocrite, except maybe an Illinois Nazi.

Another thing, don't keep making me repeat myself, just do it.
If this is true, then I hope that a certain person will not get voted in. I flew with this person several years ago when he got arrested from his room on our overnight. We had to cancel the following morning's flight. His job was saved by the union, but I am amazed that he would run for a position. No shame.

Not sure who "He" is but it doesn't matter.
None of the "men" running have the grit needed for the position.
Do you all think the local president should work in the AFA office full time and not fly at all or do you think he/she should still fly some to stay in touch with "reality" so to speak?

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