The company has never interferred with union campaigns, never had to get permission to stuff the boxes in my history. I sat in the crew rooms in all 3 concession campaigning for a NO vote, and Ashby and Siegel were in the crew room in PIT with me there in the audiance. I never got thrown out of a crew room. The only way a candidate can access the membership is through the mail files. I see now, with this new local interim President that allows the company to interfer with union business without a challenge, or a weak aszz MECP, the company has taken a new position. Why? Becuase the MEC has allowed it with no challenge. THe MECP is just not strong enough to oppose this management and is playing both sides. The AFA International now charges a member $75 for use of the E-lines and that's only if they return your phone call or e-mail from what I'm told.
What I see today is the company is riding a shot gun over the union and their affairs making it more difficult for the leadership and new leadership or potentially new leadership the ability to rperesent and conduct union business, without the company putting their thumb on you . Now, they say you have to have your material approved by the company before stuffing. That is total control of the information.
If that were the case in my day, I would have never been able to communicate to the members any kind of opposing view.
Mike will tell you that he had to go through his base manager while campaigning. OTher MEC members said they didn't have to go through any base manager for approval. Seems like the only idiot that did was Mike F who is being controlled by management.
Bottom line, imo, there is collusion going on between the co. and certain members of the MEC to control these elections by not giving candidates free access to the membership and thus, control their own current positions.
Otherwise, you folks will never have control of your union on this property and will be controlled by those who are being controlled and contantly running to the company for permission to take a shittt.