I dont think it's interesting how emotional people get about the election, I think it's great! People are getting involved, getting the facts, and making informed decisions. It's about time!I just thin it is interesting how emotional ya'll get in pit and philly over these union elections. honestly. why can't people just say what they feel and believe in and leave personal stuff out of it? if you are a candidate and you take a swipe at someone who is running against you, I just think that says more about you then the person you are taking a swipe at.
With regards to JM, I received his newsletters for years, and while I appreciated the information, I do remember him constantly and consistently trashing the AFA, both on the Local and National level. He ridiculed the Association as a whole, and drilled it into our heads monthly that we should overthrow them, asking what are they doing for us? Now, that said, he is entitled to his opinion, but do you not find it a little strange that JM now wants to be involved with the AFA at such a high level? I think he is doing it for a sort of silent revenge; "Haha look at me, I was voted in to LECP PHL and I have just shown you just how much of a joke Union you and your members are involved with!!!" Could be wrong, but that's what I feel, and at critical times like this, we do not need more infighting and knitpicking. Time to act like adults, and take this company to task. Do you remember JM's newsletters publicizing his issues with the company in his newsletters? Now why exactly was that our business? Were we supposed to be impressed, sympathetic?
With regards to Pitbull, while sometimes I agree and sometimes I disagree, why would she be making this stuff up about JM? She has no dog in this fight, and has repeatedly said PHL has a choice to make: Go forward, or step backwards.