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Local 70 race gets childish

I just thin it is interesting how emotional ya'll get in pit and philly over these union elections. honestly. why can't people just say what they feel and believe in and leave personal stuff out of it? if you are a candidate and you take a swipe at someone who is running against you, I just think that says more about you then the person you are taking a swipe at.
I dont think it's interesting how emotional people get about the election, I think it's great! People are getting involved, getting the facts, and making informed decisions. It's about time!

With regards to JM, I received his newsletters for years, and while I appreciated the information, I do remember him constantly and consistently trashing the AFA, both on the Local and National level. He ridiculed the Association as a whole, and drilled it into our heads monthly that we should overthrow them, asking what are they doing for us? Now, that said, he is entitled to his opinion, but do you not find it a little strange that JM now wants to be involved with the AFA at such a high level? I think he is doing it for a sort of silent revenge; "Haha look at me, I was voted in to LECP PHL and I have just shown you just how much of a joke Union you and your members are involved with!!!" Could be wrong, but that's what I feel, and at critical times like this, we do not need more infighting and knitpicking. Time to act like adults, and take this company to task. Do you remember JM's newsletters publicizing his issues with the company in his newsletters? Now why exactly was that our business? Were we supposed to be impressed, sympathetic?

With regards to Pitbull, while sometimes I agree and sometimes I disagree, why would she be making this stuff up about JM? She has no dog in this fight, and has repeatedly said PHL has a choice to make: Go forward, or step backwards.
PitBul, did you not see JMs campaign letter? I was flying in the PHL T/A division before I transferred to CLT. A long time ago, JM sent out a newsletter telling f/as that he had discovered that the company was cheating us out of CSD and Purser pay. He said to look at your trip sheets to remember if you flew CSD or Purser and then check your time and pay report from each month to see if you were paid for those positions. I went back and discovered that the company had cheated me out of hundreds of dollars. Yes, H U N D R E D S. JM wrote how to claim the back pay on the green claim form, and to submit it to inflight. I remember eveyone in the division talking about JMs discovery and everybody I talked to said they were cheted at one time or another when they flew those positions. I was paid for the money that I should have gotten originally and the AFA never said anything about this. Not even national. So, had JM not brought this to my/our attention, I would have never known about it. Yes, it is my responsibilty to check my time and pay report but come on, who really does that. We just look to see our hours and move on. He single-handedly got the company to admit there was a problem and the company obviously fixed it. To this day, I still check my time and pay report carefully each month to make sure I what I earned, thanks to JM. If that is not doing something for all the flight attendants in all the bases, I don't know what is.

He single-handedly did nothing but jump on an early band wagon, my friend. No. I didn't see his campaign letter, he surely wouldn't be sending it to me.

That issue was brought to the MEC. Carol A and Terry Graff brought that up to investigate. If John got the message through the early grape vine he's once again taking credit, typical John style. Plus, there were only some f/a that had pay claim. WHich occurs even to this day. So f/a should always check their pay.

You need to get this info form the MEC, they have it documented.
PitBul, did you not see JMs campaign letter? I was flying in the PHL T/A division before I transferred to CLT. A long time ago, JM sent out a newsletter telling f/as that he had discovered that the company was cheating us out of CSD and Purser pay. He said to look at your trip sheets to remember if you flew CSD or Purser and then check your time and pay report from each month to see if you were paid for those positions. I went back and discovered that the company had cheated me out of hundreds of dollars. Yes, H U N D R E D S. JM wrote how to claim the back pay on the green claim form, and to submit it to inflight. I remember eveyone in the division talking about JMs discovery and everybody I talked to said they were cheted at one time or another when they flew those positions. I was paid for the money that I should have gotten originally and the AFA never said anything about this. Not even national. So, had JM not brought this to my/our attention, I would have never known about it. Yes, it is my responsibilty to check my time and pay report but come on, who really does that. We just look to see our hours and move on. He single-handedly got the company to admit there was a problem and the company obviously fixed it. To this day, I still check my time and pay report carefully each month to make sure I what I earned, thanks to JM. If that is not doing something for all the flight attendants in all the bases, I don't know what is.
You only started scrutinizing your paycheck because JM told you to? :unsure:

See, here's the problem, IMO: FA's are followers. They hear things on the jumpseat, in the crew room, and take it as Gospel. I mean, how many times do I have to hear FA's swear that there will be 50 openings in PHX in May for transfers? This whole crew swore up and down this was fact! They have no clue that the contract needs to be resolved first, and that is a loong ways away! Also, when LA was recalled, EVERY SINGLE FA on my London trip that week had no idea who LA was, let alone she was recalled. Point being, FA's are worried about their commuter flights, bidding, etc, not the every day workings of the Union which they only bash, simply from the "facts" they get in the galley. I am assuming that the majority who even bother to vote will treat it as a popularity contest, or base it on what they "heard". Hope I'm wrong. Frightening.
I dont have a vote in PHL so my opinion doesn't mean much. I'm just telling ya'll that I think you are going to be in for a big surpirse come election day or when ever they count the votes. This is just my observation from sitting in the crew room up there and listening to people talk and flying with philly crews. he has a lot of respect from a lot of people. and like I said before, yes he did bash the union a lot and they deserved it. i was not happy with the union and if I had a newsletter list I would have put my two cents out there to.
I dont have a vote in PHL so my opinion doesn't mean much. I'm just telling ya'll that I think you are going to be in for a big surpirse come election day or when ever they count the votes. This is just my observation from sitting in the crew room up there and listening to people talk and flying with philly crews. he has a lot of respect from a lot of people. and like I said before, yes he did bash the union a lot and they deserved it. i was not happy with the union and if I had a newsletter list I would have put my two cents out there to.
Ok he did not necessarily just "bash" the Union, he wanted them out. Gone. They are useless. Complete waste of $$$. If you feel that, great. You are entitled to an opinion. But now, all of a sudden, you want to become incredibly involved with an organization that you claim is corrupt? Do you honestly think he is looking to right the wrongs of AFA? Gimme a break! Hello!! If you can't see that something is not right here, then you are wandering around with your eyes closed. 🙄
With regards to Pitbull, while sometimes I agree and sometimes I disagree, why would she be making this stuff up about JM? She has no dog in this fight, and has repeatedly said PHL has a choice to make: Go forward, or step backwards.

Thank you. This is the main point.

I have tens of f/as every week that e-mail me with issues. I wish I had the guts to say, I am not there anymore, but, I just can not dismiss it. Most often, I tell them what I think and say to contact their LECP with the issue and get their take.

I have great hope for the f/as this year, as there are 3 elections in 3 bases. I believe that change at the table with new fresh innovative ideas will move the negotiations in a more positive direction for all f/as.

Then, finally, I just may shut-up and put this entire union stuff to rest and make that final exit 😉 .
PitBul. All I can tell you is this: I never got any word from AFA about CSD and Purser pay discrepency. I got it and we all got it from JMs newsletter. If the MEC knew about this, WHY didn't they tell us? It looks like you are taking credit for something JM discovered. He told me, not AFA and I suspect that if AFA was investigating it, like you say, they got it from JM. This has been several years ago but I get all my Elines and during that whole process of claiming that pay, I never got anything from AFA about it. And if AFA did send something out about it, that maybe I didn't get, I bet it was long after JMs newsletter.
AS for Itestwell: yes, I admit to you that I didn't 'CAREFULLY' check to see if I was paid my CSD or Purser pay for EVERY flight. I admit that. If you check every flight, every month on your time and pay report, then kudos to you you are a good person.
I really wish I could tell you.
But it would jeopardize the "anonymity" of this site.
The only "dirty dealing" is your recent posts, as a newbie and "dancefever" pretending to be someone other than JM. :shock:

Never piss off a Wolf, they travel in packs.
I really wish I could tell you.
But it would jeopardize the "anonymity" of this site.
The only "dirty dealing" is your recent posts, as a newbie and "dancefever" pretending to be someone other than JM. :shock:

Never piss off a Wolf, they travel in packs.
Didn't mean to hit a nerve, but I will consider myself warned. Thank you.

For the record, everyone was new once.
Dirty laundry? C'mon, spill the beans...inquiry minds want to know..

Let's see..hmmm, your not from PHL...hmmm could you be from CLT???? yea, I get it. Makes sense to me now...THAT FLYonthewall...newbie,wish-to-be..."fresh as a daisy". B)Getting worried are we? So, who is TX supporting in CLT? Have any names?

You know the MEC frowns down on you posting on aviation. Wasn't that YOUR rule?
Dirty laundry? C'mon, spill the beans...inquiry minds want to know..

Let's see..hmmm, your not from PHL...hmmm could you be from CLT???? yea, I get it. Makes sense to me now...THAT FLYonthewall...newbie,wish-to-be..."fresh as a daisy". B)Getting worried are we? So, who is TX supporting in CLT? Have any names?

You know the MEC frowns down on you posting on aviation. Wasn't that YOUR rule?
Guess again.
I dont think it's interesting how emotional people get about the election, I think it's great! People are getting involved, getting the facts, and making informed decisions. It's about time!
I wish that in 2008 People across the United States do this too. They sure didn't in 2000 & 2004. Look what's in there now.

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