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Local 70 race gets childish

Hey Mustang,

You have a problem with the contract being written in English? Hmm, well maybe if you received 45 calls a day from FA's asking what this section "means", you would change your tune. This helps everyone, not just AP....Catch up....

Ok let's all call Mike and ask him why we don't have professional negotiators. It's about time, and again, at least Andy is pressing it. I guess you will now as well, since he brought up the idea...wake up...

Let me get this straight. You believe that no one has brought up the idea of professional negotiators and that Andrew is the first person to come up with the question....what have you been smoking....
From what I witnessed Celine DeLuca comprehends the contract just fine and does not have a problem understanding it. I want someone who does not have a problem with understanding and reading the contract to represent me. I am sure that others feel the same way. Maybe Andrew needs to be actively involved a lot longer with union activities so that he does not have such a problem understanding the contract. Bet Celine would let him assist her by him serving on a committee. Heck she would probably let you help out too.
Our contract should be written in plain English. Period! It should be black or white so there is no room for a fuzzy interpretation by anybody. Flight attendants should not have to ask a union rep for help with interpreting a section of the contract so that they don't get screwed by the company. I can think of a million ways we can make better use of our time than having to spend our precious time interpreting the contract.
Someone recently asked me about changing there vote... You are able to modify your vote until the polls close on the 26th as many times as you like.
Just go back to the site www.ballotpoint.com/afa-usa and using your AFA member number 12, and your employee number log in with your secret PIN that you changed on your first visit and cast your new vote. If you have any problems in logging on call the AFA International Headquarters at (800)424-2401 and dial extension 706.
I cannot stress the importance of sending this new management the message that we are involved, we do care and we will not be walked over anymore!

Absolutely, if anyone voted for this wiener, please change your vote.
The guys on the other side of the table are dying to eat this kind of self serving hyperbole for breakfast.
Jeezus, it's actually embarrassing and naïve.

OK, here’s my take.

Vote DeLuca in Philadelphia. Philly will understand the name in regards to unions,
Out of all of them she is the one that has the “ballsâ€￾, so to speak.
Read the letter.
That will take care of Philly.

Vote Campbell in Charlotte.
AC you got to go.

MF if this comes to fruition speed up that job search, or you could always be a Flight Attendant again.

These two along with Boston and LaGuardia will end the clusterfock this MEC has turned into.

Do these two things and we may be able to gain back some of respect we had when TX was fighting.

PS: You will never have a contract that isn’t written in legalese, Attorneys write them and I would not allow anyone else to do so.
Our contract should be written in plain English. Period! It should be black or white so there is no room for a fuzzy interpretation by anybody. Flight attendants should not have to ask a union rep for help with interpreting a section of the contract so that they don't get screwed by the company. I can think of a million ways we can make better use of our time than having to spend our precious time interpreting the contract.

The contract is written in "plain" English by the negotiators both company and union...attorneys on both sides of the table. The language is approved by the MEC before it goes out as a "tentative agreement" T/A.

The contract provisions provide examples to clearly delineate meaning.

Let me get this straight. You believe that no one has brought up the idea of professional negotiators and that Andrew is the first person to come up with the question....what have you been smoking....

First, I never said that "no one" has brought up the idea. Have you been contacting MF daily about this, or are you just thinking about it now, because Andy brought up a good question? That's what I thought...

From what I witnessed Celine DeLuca comprehends the contract just fine and does not have a problem understanding it. I want someone who does not have a problem with understanding and reading the contract to represent me.

Andy has no problem comprehending the contract either. Andy never said HE has a problem interpreting the contract; he is saying that he wants a contract in plain english so line flight attendants can understand it. Get it yet? Where is the problem?

Andrew needs to be actively involved a lot longer with union activities so that he does not have such a problem understanding the contract.

How long should he been involved? He has been involved since he has been on property. Since you are so knowledgeable on the subject, how long should he be involved? 10 years? 20? What's the cutoff, Sally?

Your points are completely meritless. Good luck to all, and let's hope the best (wo)man gets elected.

Let me get this straight. You believe that no one has brought up the idea of professional negotiators and that Andrew is the first person to come up with the question....what have you been smoking....

First, I never said that "no one" has brought up the idea. Have you been contacting MF daily about this, or are you just thinking about it now, because Andy brought up a good question? That's what I thought...

This is a topic that I have been saying since the beginning of negotations and know of others who agree that we need professional negotators. As far as contacting MF daily no I have not. There really is no need because he is going to do what he wants until there is a change.

From what I witnessed Celine DeLuca comprehends the
contract just fine and does not have a problem understanding it. I want someone who does not have a problem with understanding and reading the contract to represent me.

Andy has no problem comprehending the contract either. Andy never said HE has a problem interpreting the contract; he is saying that he wants a contract in plain english so line flight attendants can understand it. Get it yet? Where is the problem?
Then if you feel that he does not have a problem with comprehending the contract then he should be able to find the questions that he was raising in the contract language.

Andrew needs to be actively involved a lot longer with union activities so that he does not have such a problem understanding the contract.

How long should he been involved? He has been involved since he has been on property. Since you are so knowledgeable on the subject, how long should he be involved? 10 years? 20? What's the cutoff, Sally?
The cut off should be when he finally knows the answers to the many questions that he was presenting that he could find in the contract or by knowing the right party to contact(referring to the door bypass)

Your points are completely meritless. Good luck to all, and let's hope the best (wo)man gets elected.
My points are very clear and if he does put that letter out he will not get into office. The letter will hurt him not help him. We need to have a union that stands together not divided. We need someone to represent us that has been a reserve and a blockholder and understands both systems. We need a strong leader that has chutzpah and will fight for us and stand firm when representing us. We need someone who will not be spending their time flying ETB trips and will be spending their time representing us.
My points are very clear and if he does put that letter out he will not get into office. The letter will hurt him not help him. We need to have a union that stands together not divided. We need someone to represent us that has been a reserve and a blockholder and understands both systems. We need a strong leader that has chutzpah and will fight for us and stand firm when representing us. We need someone who will not be spending their time flying ETB trips and will be spending their time representing us.
Ok, agreed, but, in his defense, AP has been a reserve and a blockholder.

I am confused by the word "chutzpah".

What makes you think he will fly ETB trips while in office?

You just make no sense. I am fine with you rooting for Celine, I think she is great. But, with regards to AP, you are making accusations that you simply cannot back.
Ok, agreed, but, in his defense, AP has been a reserve and a blockholder.

I am confused by the word "chutzpah".

What makes you think he will fly ETB trips while in office?

You just make no sense. I am fine with you rooting for Celine, I think she is great. But, with regards to AP, you are making accusations that you simply cannot back.

Itestwell, the word chutzpah is a nicer word than BALLS. With regards to ETB I was referring to JM. What we need in office is someone who will be able to stand strong and firm and has the chutzpah to represent us. This is a time for all of us to stand up and stop the bickering between us and join together as a group. Nothing against Andrew as a person if it came across that way I definitely appologize, but I do not believe that he is the one to be in office at this time.
By the way Itestwell, cute picture. I respect your chosing the candiate that you want, but do not attack Celine DeLuca when you obviously do not know her as well. You should take the time to talk to her sometime. You would be impressed and would understand what I mean. She has the chutzpah that we all need!!!!!!
Why are people even thinking of voting for John McCorkle. Hasn't anyone learned he's anti union / anti company? Read his old emails! He always takes swipes at AFA.
Laura A is the person who talked him into running, this is her way of getting back in the AFA office. The company wont take him serious and nor will the MEC. Is that what we want?
By the way Itestwell, cute picture. I respect your chosing the candiate that you want, but do not attack Celine DeLuca when you obviously do not know her as well. You should take the time to talk to her sometime. You would be impressed and would understand what I mean. She has the chutzpah that we all need!!!!!!

When have I ever attacked Celine? Show me one post. What I DID do was shoot holes in each and every one of your accusations against AP, that's all. If you read one of my recent previous posts, you will see that I *like* Celine's ideas. I have spoken to her, and AP, and will cast my vote accordingly. I just don't believe your accusations of AP are accurate, and since this is a democracy, I called you on it and proved you wrong. Period. Moving on....

Anyway see the recent Crew News Session in CLT? Just an FYI, the PHX FA's raised a lot of tough questions with regards to compensation. DP still feels that he has already retained the best in the business, and that we are 100% "on par" with the legacy airlines with regards to pay and benefits. He said this numerous times as he was questioned. No, this is not a joke, this is what he is saying. In terms of fair pay, "we are there."

One newer FA stood up and said she cleared $10,000/yr her first year, and did he think that was fair? His response: That is AFA's fault. He claims AFA "inflates" the higher yearly pay scales so the more senior FA's will vote for the tentative agreement, leaving the lower paid FA's something to look forward to. It is AFA's fault for the compensation scale, not the company's. Yes, folks, he said this, Crew News PHX, 2/14/07. Check it out. Thoughts?

Also, One FA brought up a good point about asking for reciprocal jumpseats on other airlines, as AA, DL, WN have, etc. to help commuters. DP referred to Miss Shamblin, who had no idea what the word reciprocal means, and said "It's contractual, nothing we can do!", her typical response when she has no clue what she is talking about. Point being it is not contractual, and it has never been discussed, but S. Shamblin is going to "look into it." Once she figures out what it is.

I know, a little off topic, but just wanted to bring people up to speed that
a...don't have access to these sessions,
b... didn't know that they were already 100% on par with the rest of the majors in terms of pay and benefits.

Thanks for listening.

Tne newer FA stood up and said she cleared $10,000/yr her first year, and did he think that was fair? His response: That is AFA's fault. He claims AFA "inflates" the higher yearly pay scales so the more senior FA's will vote for the tentative agreement, leaving the lower paid FA's something to look forward to. It is AFA's fault for the compensation scale, not the company's. Yes, folks, he said this, Crew News PHX, 2/14/07. Check it out. Thoughts?

Thanks for listening.

That is the epitomy of CEO "CRAP"! AFA does not negotiate lower wages for junior f/as and higher pay for senior f/as. Senior f/as are topped out at 14 years, which in today's standards is about the medium career span. The most senior f/as get no more compensation unless there is a contractual raise, which is amendable approx every 5 years. Senior f/as at current levels are back to their 1986 top wage levels.

The CEO is arrogant and a pompous azzz. He could care less about employee compensation. His focus is on his compensation and the share price value. Profits increase shareholder value, whereby increasing his compensation 10 fold.
That is the epitomy of CEO "CRAP"! AFA does not negotiate lower wages for junior f/as and higher pay for senior f/as. Senior f/as are topped out at 14 years, which in today's standards is about the medium career span. The most senior f/as get no more compensation unless there is a contractual raise, which is amendable approx every 5 years. Senior f/as at current levels are back to their 1986 top wage levels.

The CEO is arrogant and a pompous azzz. He could care less about employee compensation. His focus is on his compensation and the share price value. Profits increase shareholder value, whereby increasing his compensation 10 fold.
I just hope that FA's are starting to realize that this is going to be a long fight, and FA's are going to have to be involved. It is inconvenient to attend meetings, picketing, etc, but when will the membership become outraged enough to stand up to this way of thinking? From what I see, many FA's are just concerned with their PHX transfer clearing.

Outraged yet?
Respect the union; or hate the union...the union is all the f/as have to at least give them an oopportunity to obtained improvements to their wages and working conditions on the property.

It is so blatantly apparant that this CEO is antagonistic with is divisive remarks, ptting junior f/as against senior f/as in this type of public forum.

Typical anti-union strategy 101.
For those that attended the "fashion show" yesterday in Philly, did you think about this? Isn't it funny how many showed up to see the uniform? Imagine if all those that are "mad as hell" would show up to have their voices heard when it comes to protecting their job! ! ! ! It was practically standing room only yet NOBODY (the majority) cannot show up for any kind of rally or anything around our bases. It's a joke.
For those that attended the "fashion show" yesterday in Philly, did you think about this? Isn't it funny how many showed up to see the uniform? Imagine if all those that are "mad as hell" would show up to have their voices heard when it comes to protecting their job! ! ! ! It was practically standing room only yet NOBODY (the majority) cannot show up for any kind of rally or anything around our bases. It's a joke.
Bingo. Could not have said it better myself.

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