By the way Itestwell, cute picture. I respect your chosing the candiate that you want, but do not attack Celine DeLuca when you obviously do not know her as well. You should take the time to talk to her sometime. You would be impressed and would understand what I mean. She has the chutzpah that we all need!!!!!!
When have I ever attacked Celine? Show me one post. What I DID do was shoot holes in each and every one of your accusations against AP, that's all. If you read one of my recent previous posts, you will see that I *like* Celine's ideas. I have spoken to her, and AP, and will cast my vote accordingly. I just don't believe your accusations of AP are accurate, and since this is a democracy, I called you on it and proved you wrong. Period. Moving on....
Anyway see the recent
Crew News Session in CLT? Just an FYI, the PHX FA's raised a lot of tough questions with regards to compensation. DP still feels that he has already retained the best in the business, and that we are
100% "on par" with the legacy airlines with regards to pay and benefits. He said this numerous times as he was questioned. No, this is not a joke, this is what he is saying.
In terms of fair pay, "we are there."
One newer FA stood up and said she cleared $10,000/yr her first year, and did he think that was fair? His response: That is AFA's fault. He claims AFA "inflates" the higher yearly pay scales so the more senior FA's will vote for the tentative agreement, leaving the lower paid FA's something to look forward to. It is AFA's fault for the compensation scale, not the company's. Yes, folks, he said this, Crew News PHX, 2/14/07. Check it out. Thoughts?
Also, One FA brought up a good point about asking for reciprocal jumpseats on other airlines, as AA, DL, WN have, etc. to help commuters. DP referred to Miss Shamblin, who had no idea what the word reciprocal means, and said "It's contractual, nothing we can do!", her typical response when she has no clue what she is talking about. Point being it is not contractual, and it has never been discussed, but S. Shamblin is going to "look into it." Once she figures out what it is.
I know, a little off topic, but just wanted to bring people up to speed that
a...don't have access to these sessions,
b... didn't know that they were already 100% on par with the rest of the majors in terms of pay and benefits.
Thanks for listening.