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Local 70 race gets childish

With the issues that Philly faces and the amount of flight attendants, I would say it's a full time job for everyone. I don't mind if the elected people fly every now and then. Why not as long as the office is covered?
With the issues that Philly faces and the amount of flight attendants, I would say it's a full time job for everyone. I don't mind if the elected people fly every now and then. Why not as long as the office is covered?

With 2,200 active f/as in PHL, furloughees, retirees, medical leaves, 2 domicles...the officers should be in at least 4 days a week or at least the Pres in every single day except maybe Friday for half day. The budget can afford to appoint folks for coverage in the office, answering the phones, resolving issues, confiring with the MEC, processing paper work, grievances, meetings, sharing information with all officers is a 24/7 job.

Fly ETB on your own time.
Receiving either full flight pay loss or 70% fpl from dues $$ should bring a reasonable and fair return for the members... for essential and productive representation. The elected prsident needs to be a FULL TIME REP/ FULL FLIGHT PAY LOSS to be a great, knowledgable representative and become an expert in representation.

When I was there...my first two years we had between 2,300 to 3,000 fa/s and International domicile. Wouldn't trade the experience for anything in life, and those years were my most formidable years refining and building character, communication with peers, members, management, writing and strategizing arguments on the management/ local, MEC and International, public levels.

Believe me...it will keep the reps busy beyond comprehension. Cohesive team work unifying the group, and preparing to argue your case with all levels of management and the MEC.
After having a productivity break in PHL and listening to the flight attendants based in PHL, CD is far from the front runner.

Also someone who constantly has to leave meetings to make phone calls to find out information and direction should throw up a big red flag. Can you leave a meeting with a supervisor when fighting for someones job to ask for direction? Makes you wonder if she can think for herself on her feet quick enough.
I heard she took the VPLOA for a few months to concentrate on school because school and commuting was too stressful. If she thinks that is stressful, God help the flight attendants in PHL if she is elected.

From what I understand, she was leaving the meeting to call her good buddy TX for advice. She CANNOT think on her feet quick enough and needed direction. Someone heard her say "I have to go now T." When I flew with her she admitted that she took VPLOA when she was in school because the commute was too hard for her. So my question is, if she wins will she be moving to PHL to be in the office 4 days a week ? I don't think so....she will still be having to deal with the commute. I don't think she can handle it. I said it before, she needs to take her carnival junk and go home.
"When I flew with her she admitted that she took VPLOA when she was in school because the commute was too hard for her."

Commuting should not be an issue for office. As long as someone is willing to put the time in the office,fine. However, if someone can't hack the commute already, would they be willing to represent people going into the office through their entire term?
admitted that she took VPLOA when she was in school because the commute was too hard for her. So my question is, if she wins will she be moving to PHL to be in the office 4 days a week ? I don't think so....she will still be having to deal with the commute. I don't think she can handle it. I said it before, she needs to take her carnival junk and go home.

I believe that in the past 2 terms, all the elected LEC Officer in PHL were commuters. I know that the current MEC Officers are commuters.

Celine flies out of PHL every week. Nursing school clinical demands every day. She postponed school to run for office. If she wins...leading and being the voice of PHL will be HER job as it should be for those who make this commitment. There will be no other distraction.

Hey "good buddy"...your next...hope your ready.
From what I understand, she was leaving the meeting to call her good buddy TX for advice. She CANNOT think on her feet quick enough and needed direction. Someone heard her say "I have to go now T." When I flew with her she admitted that she took VPLOA when she was in school because the commute was too hard for her. So my question is, if she wins will she be moving to PHL to be in the office 4 days a week ? I don't think so....she will still be having to deal with the commute. I don't think she can handle it. I said it before, she needs to take her carnival junk and go home.

Why do you insist on being such a chickenshit?
You are scared out of your mind.
Put something positive out about your choice for President.
Don't keep trying to bash the clear Leader.
Work is not so bad, you'll get used to it again.
Your fear is palpable.
That speaks volumes about your character.
You need to go and when CD wins, you will.

Anyone reading these posts should have a clear indication of who to vote for.
She is not wanted by management, as witnessed by them perusing this thread.
She is not wanted by some of the existing "leadership" because she intends on changing it with the help of others.
If you want TRUE CHANGE in your representation then vote for her.
IF NOT, then vote for your choice and prepare to be fed the same old shiit.

Why insult and degrade!

People have and are entitled to their opinions without you attacking them.

They have refrained. you shouod too.

Some are only entitled to insults; their opinions are not based on fact but instead are SELF serving based on their own agendas.
This punk is one of those.
Well then the ballot box will address that will it not?

Only if the voters understand the situation BOB.
The past history in this base indicates that they do not.
Look at the current state of this MEC.
If it keeps going the way it has and we won't have a chance at any wage increase or better working conditions for a long time.
Elect AP or JM and that will assure it.
Christ, AP's last e-line was the longest most childish rhetoric I've had the unfortunate cause to read in some time.
JM is flat out full of shiit.
TG is for TG,
The only time that fear is shown on this thread is when you bring up CD,
So BOB, to answer your question, the ballot box doesn't always address it.
"When I flew with her she admitted that she took VPLOA when she was in school because the commute was too hard for her."

Commuting should not be an issue for office. As long as someone is willing to put the time in the office,fine. However, if someone can't hack the commute already, would they be willing to represent people going into the office through their entire term?

Commuting while attending school AND working is different than commuting to work FULL TIME representing the FA's.
It is quite different actually.
I'm not sure I understand your logic, care to expound?
From what I understand, she was leaving the meeting to call her good buddy TX for advice. She CANNOT think on her feet quick enough and needed direction. Someone heard her say "I have to go now T." When I flew with her she admitted that she took VPLOA when she was in school because the commute was too hard for her. So my question is, if she wins will she be moving to PHL to be in the office 4 days a week ? I don't think so....she will still be having to deal with the commute. I don't think she can handle it. I said it before, she needs to take her carnival junk and go home.

First, you have no idea who she was calling or why unless you were on the other end of the line.

Secondly, since when has it EVER been a bad thing to seek guidance, insight or background info? If you had your way the US Pres wouldn't be allowed a cabinet.

There in no one who knows everything, however, those who know where to go to find an answer come the closest.

I know that if I am ever in front of my supervisor with my job on the line I WANT MY rep. to call the AFA international, the MEC, another LECP or even the DOL if it will help save my job.

I think it speaks well of CD that she KNEW MF and LA were playing fast and loose with the interpretation of the Constitution in order to keep LA in office. It also speaks well that she Was the ONLY one who wasn't falling for the BS and was looking for Union Leadership support to help challenge their interpretation.

Remember that as a line FA CD does not have the authority to interpret the constitution and therefore would HAVE to find someone who did.

There are some personalities in this race that are way too egotistical or arrogant or management minded to ever question a position or ask for quidance.

Haven't we had enough of that already?

Wouldn't you rather have a rep who thinks more about you than what management or others think about them?

I would.

Which is why CD is the only answer.

There is no one perfect candidate BUT in my opinion, CD comes the closest. She is the ONLY one who is in it for ONLY the right reasons.
First, you have no idea who she was calling or why unless you were on the other end of the line.

Secondly, since when has it EVER been a bad thing to seek guidance, insight or background info? If you had your way the US Pres wouldn't be allowed a cabinet.

There in no one who knows everything, however, those who know where to go to find an answer come the closest.

I know that if I am ever in front of my supervisor with my job on the line I WANT MY rep. to call the AFA international, the MEC, another LECP or even the DOL if it will help save my job.

I think it speaks well of CD that she KNEW MF and LA were playing fast and loose with the interpretation of the Constitution in order to keep LA in office. It also speaks well that she Was the ONLY one who wasn't falling for the BS and was looking for Union Leadership support to help challenge their interpretation.

Remember that as a line FA CD does not have the authority to interpret the constitution and therefore would HAVE to find someone who did.

There are some personalities in this race that are way too egotistical or arrogant or management minded to ever question a position or ask for quidance.

Haven't we had enough of that already?

Wouldn't you rather have a rep who thinks more about you than what management or others think about them?

I would.

Which is why CD is the only answer.

There is no one perfect candidate BUT in my opinion, CD comes the closest. She is the ONLY one who is in it for ONLY the right reasons.
Agreed. After questioning all of the candidates, she received my vote. Go get 'em, CD.

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