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Line Stations Pay the Price

Basically what i think is happening is that the pli group studied other carriers and found out they hardly had any class 2 stations left and they are just copying them. Airline Executives rarely have a original idea they just copy each other. The only reason we still do our heavy maintenance is they are fine tuning it to spin it off.
Basically what i think is happening is that the pli group studied other carriers and found out they hardly had any class 2 stations left and they are just copying them. Airline Executives rarely have a original idea they just copy each other. The only reason we still do our heavy maintenance is they are fine tuning it to spin it off.

You hit the nail right on the head. The overhaul bases are being setup to be spun off and then be sold to someone like AAR or ST Aerospace. TAESL will become a full subsidary of Rolls-Royce and the engine shops in Tulsa may be sold to Pratt or GE. As far as line stations go, they will be wittled down to basically DFW,ORD,JFK,SFO,LAX,MIA. All other line stations will be closed and maintenance done by contractors. The TWU will agree because they will still get most of the dues money. It might take awhile yet for this "EVIL" plan to unfold, but it is the "PLAN"
You hit the nail right on the head. The overhaul bases are being setup to be spun off and then be sold to someone like AAR or ST Aerospace. TAESL will become a full subsidary of Rolls-Royce and the engine shops in Tulsa may be sold to Pratt or GE. As far as line stations go, they will be wittled down to basically DFW,ORD,JFK,SFO,LAX,MIA. All other line stations will be closed and maintenance done by contractors. The TWU will agree because they will still get most of the dues money. It might take awhile yet for this "EVIL" plan to unfold, but it is the "PLAN"

I dont know about that.

Tulsa provides AA with a automatic yes for whatever they want to do.

Spin off Tulsa and the company upsets the TWUs fine balance.

Also if someone else bought overhaul and they are not a carrier they would no longer fall under the RLA. Oklahoma and Texas are RTW states, the TWU would be history.

The TWU would then lose line maintenance. So now the TWU would be confined to around 18,000 FSCs at AA. Without Tulsa roll call vote the Presidents of the remaining Locals could present more of a challenge than they have in the past.

Its hard to figure out what the comapny is at. Is the threat of closing class 2 stations and having company moles that carry union cards spread rumors that the company wants to get rid of all line maintenance, along with the PLI pony show, a last ditch effort by the company to get line mechanics to accept the pay and benifit cuts? The fact is that everyone knows that the work is not getting done. Airplanes that typically would be fixed sit on the ground for days. Thats fine when they have plenty of extra aircraft, but its not the most effecient way to run an airline.People do as they are told, not what they are capable of doing, thats it.

Will they spin off OH? I dont see the benifit at this time. As the number of $30/hr mechanics retire off the company simply will not replace them. The percentage of OSMs can increase with Gary Yingst's signature. The only thing that may make him hesitant at signing off on it is the fact that his address is on the LM-30. So AA will have labor rates that are in line with Timco and Line maintenance rates like Jet Blue with the experience and expertise of AA, that is, if the mechanics "come around".(Not gonna happen)

So as it stands the company can get whatever it wants as far as concessions. If they spin off OH the whole game changes. The question is "Is management satisfied with the performance they are getting on the line and how much more will it deteriorate over time?" While they are getting what they want as far as concessions are they getting what they want as far as performance? Clearly despite all the threats and closures our best move is to make sure that they dont. Since we know that the TWU will never get us back what we lost the only way the company will ever agree to do so is to make sure that the concessions do not pay off. In other words stay on the same trajectory.Just as the company does not give away first class seats for coach fares we should not go above and beyond while the company seeks to gives us the minimal amount of compensation that will keep us from quitting.
I see too many parallels to what happened to us at Braniff and what is happening at AA. When I hired in at Braniff, I had a Braniff ID badge and Braniff Uniforms,but when I left I had a DALFORT ID and DALFORT uniforms. I had lost my flight + health benefits after Braniff was sold off as a separate entity, but the Teamsters were still there taking my dues money. I believe that the TWU is planning to get most of it's line maintenance dues from American Eagle. As AA line stations are shut,AE stations generally taking over. Since MCI+TUL? are working on AE aircraft, will they be considered an AA,AMR, or AE bases in the future? AFW is a dead duck at AA. We cost AA too much in hanger rent. Why pay the City of Ft.Worth millions in rent when you can get your rent for a dollar a year or less in Tulsa and K.C.? AA is becoming an International-Trans Con airline only. AE will/is taking AA's domestic routes over one at a time, city by city. The TWU stands to lose nothing as they plot with AA management how to keep Jimmy's dues money rolling whether it be from AA or AE.
One thing to keep in mind is that should maintenance be pulled out of a station, flight crews will be aware that they should not write up items unless they are "no-go!"
They will adapt to no more maintenance and will not be writing discrepancies they otherwise would have had mechanics been available.
Should a "no-go" or airworthy problem arise, they would call a contract maintenance outfit.

With respect to overnight maintenance, not every station has mechanics where aircraft spend the night. These stations coupled with not having a crew base strentghen the argument. A crew terminating an aircraft at a non-crew base, non maintenance station would also be aware that he/she will be flying that same aircraft out in the morning.
Now if the aircraft terminates with a "no-go" or airworthy problem, mechanics from Class I stations could go on a field trip for the repairs.

Need I remind you, there is no more Double Time for field trips!


The only problem with your scenario is typically flight crews that bring in the terminating A/C, are not the ones flying the morning kickoff flights. If they are not flying the a/c out in the morning, and they have a pirep - they write it up. During the day, it's totally different - unless they know MX is there, and the problem can be resolved without too much trouble or delay. The MSG 3 mx program will fail as will the pull back of class IIs. 😉
I see too many parallels to what happened to us at Braniff and what is happening at AA. When I hired in at Braniff, I had a Braniff ID badge and Braniff Uniforms,but when I left I had a DALFORT ID and DALFORT uniforms. I had lost my flight + health benefits after Braniff was sold off as a separate entity, but the Teamsters were still there taking my dues money. I believe that the TWU is planning to get most of it's line maintenance dues from American Eagle. As AA line stations are shut,AE stations generally taking over. Since MCI+TUL? are working on AE aircraft, will they be considered an AA,AMR, or AE bases in the future? AFW is a dead duck at AA. We cost AA too much in hanger rent. Why pay the City of Ft.Worth millions in rent when you can get your rent for a dollar a year or less in Tulsa and K.C.? AA is becoming an International-Trans Con airline only. AE will/is taking AA's domestic routes over one at a time, city by city. The TWU stands to lose nothing as they plot with AA management how to keep Jimmy's dues money rolling whether it be from AA or AE.

Good point, and AA gets to continue to lower wages by substituting Eagle workers for AA workers.AMR is using Eagle the way Texas Air used Continental.AMR has been using Eagle to post higher losses at AA by having AA buy all the seats on Eagle, while at the same time transferring routes to Eagle and buying new aircraft. Thats one of the reasons why our full airline is losing money. The question is do we fight it before its too late? That was the IAMs mistake at Eastern. So I guess the strategy has to be to try and get Eagle line mechanics to reject the TWU as the AA line mechanics have.
You hit the nail right on the head. The overhaul bases are being setup to be spun off and then be sold to someone like AAR or ST Aerospace. TAESL will become a full subsidary of Rolls-Royce and the engine shops in Tulsa may be sold to Pratt or GE. As far as line stations go, they will be wittled down to basically DFW,ORD,JFK,SFO,LAX,MIA. All other line stations will be closed and maintenance done by contractors. The TWU will agree because they will still get most of the dues money. It might take awhile yet for this "EVIL" plan to unfold, but it is the "PLAN"


I agree, except I'd add BOS to your list, due largely
to the 777 International flights !

Good point, and AA gets to continue to lower wages by substituting Eagle workers for AA workers.AMR is using Eagle the way Texas Air used Continental.AMR has been using Eagle to post higher losses at AA by having AA buy all the seats on Eagle, while at the same time transferring routes to Eagle and buying new aircraft. Thats one of the reasons why our full airline is losing money. The question is do we fight it before its too late? That was the IAMs mistake at Eastern. So I guess the strategy has to be to try and get Eagle line mechanics to reject the TWU as the AA line mechanics have.
AE Mechanics are just happy to have a job, they have no heavy jet background and no where to go with so many experenced mechanics on lay off, they dont know who AMFA o whoever is, they do what they are told and little fight. Weak, look at starting wage with licences 15.00 give me a break............
AE Mechanics are just happy to have a job, they have no heavy jet background and no where to go with so many experenced mechanics on lay off, they dont know who AMFA o whoever is, they do what they are told and little fight. Weak, look at starting wage with licences 15.00 give me a break............
Starting wage at AA is $14.10 for an AMT, $9.16 for an OSM.

I believe that the starting wage for an Aircraft Mechanic in 1982 was over $14.00hr.

Can you think of a job in any other industry where the starting wage is the same today as it was 24 years ago? even the minimum wage has doubled!
I believe that the starting wage for an Aircraft Mechanic in 1982 was over $14.00hr.
That would make Horton's salary of $286.46 an hour a mere $286.36 an hour in 1982. Somehow I don't believe our CFO back then was making that much. 😛
Good point, and AA gets to continue to lower wages by substituting Eagle workers for AA workers.AMR is using Eagle the way Texas Air used Continental.AMR has been using Eagle to post higher losses at AA by having AA buy all the seats on Eagle, while at the same time transferring routes to Eagle and buying new aircraft. Thats one of the reasons why our full airline is losing money. The question is do we fight it before its too late? That was the IAMs mistake at Eastern. So I guess the strategy has to be to try and get Eagle line mechanics to reject the TWU as the AA line mechanics have.
What do you mean by "that was the IAMs mistake at Eastern"? Lorenzo got a hold of EAL in 1986 and the strike happened in 1989 when the IAM contract became amendable. If I remember correctly, that last IAM contract was in force from 1985-1989. So the IAM struck EAL at the first legal opportunity. Also, it is interesting to note that there was a one day wildcat strike in MIA before the contract became amendable.
What do you mean by "that was the IAMs mistake at Eastern"? Lorenzo got a hold of EAL in 1986 and the strike happened in 1989 when the IAM contract became amendable. If I remember correctly, that last IAM contract was in force from 1985-1989. So the IAM struck EAL at the first legal opportunity. Also, it is interesting to note that there was a one day wildcat strike in MIA before the contract became amendable.
"Wildcat" means that it was not sanctioned by the IAM leadership.

It was apparent what Lorenzo was doing from the start. The transfer of the reservation system was one such move along with the transfer of other assetts.

Bryan was a good leader, about as good as they come, but the IAM International and the AFL-CIO didnt give him the support he needed. Instead unions like the TWU were drooling over the prospect of EALs demise. The number of FAs they would lose would be more than made up by the increased number of Mechs and FSCs at AA where the International had the membership under control due to the fact that the International owned the contract. The demise of the EAL flight attendants, who enjoyed independance, unlike those in the AA system, consolidated power in the International.

Thats one of the reasons why the SWA TWU represented workers should beware. The TWU will assist AMR in destroying SWA should AMR decide to take on SWA. When they do they will do it with Eagle. Low wages at both AA and Eagle, all negotiated by the TWU will help AMR go after SWA. In addition to much lower wages AMR will have the advantage of revenue from International trips from AA. The Eagle flights will continue to be sold to AA, depressing AAs earnings and keeping their employees expectations low or even extracting more concessions. AMRs international revenue from AA and very low TWU negotiated wages will be used to allow AMR/EAGLE to undercut SWA by a wide margin. As Eagle grows it will offset membership losses at SWA. It goes without saying that this strategy can also be employed to kill off USAIR and other domestic rivals but with SWA high wages and the fact that AA employees look at those wages and ask why SWA can pay it and AA cant it makes it more imperative for AMR to eliminate them.

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