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Line Maintenance Strike

j7915 said:
Bob, I guess you must have been voting for the winner in the last several elections :down:

I don't feel my vote counts, either because of the elaborate, electoral college scam innitiated by the founding fathers to keep the masses in their place, or by questionably voting procedures. Go to Blackbox.org for further refference.

Feel free to leave at any time!
Buck said:
Feel free to leave at any time!

Good response. Thats what Team TWU tells members who are not happy with the performance of the TWU.

The thing they forget is that when most of us were hired we got the job on our own merits. We went to school, we got experience and we applied for and got the job without any help from the TWU and, we have every right to try and get rid of them when we are not happy with their performance.
I've always wonder what would happen if every mechanic working for EVERY airline just did a no show on the same day. No phone call, nothing.

What would happen to the the airlines?
The travel industry?
The economy?
what would happen is all the certificated management would pencil whip items in quick order to assure planes fly, beyond that scabs and guest workers would do the rest! ........COUNT ON IT!!!!!!!!
Not enough of them to make schedule. And let's assume that every must remain legal as well. The company can't afford the fines from the feds anyway.
planemech669 said:
I've always wonder what would happen if every mechanic working for EVERY airline just did a no show on the same day. No phone call, nothing.

What would happen to the the airlines?
The travel industry?
The economy?

Interesting thought. What would happen is management would make it look like the AMTs were greedy and self serving. Forget about explaining the reason why every mechanic working for every airline just did not show on the same day. That would shine the bright light of truth on those who bend, break and minipulate it.

As for Local 12 Proud's reply he is correct. Each airline would have any and all A&P management types deferring things left and right. Delays would be rampant. You would also have a small % of self serving sob's at each airline work for the o/t. You would have this % in most any job. But if every mechanic working for every airline just did a no show on the same day you could bet that they were NOT led by the twu, iam or ibt.
yea and the really pathetic part of all this, is that we see places like FRANCE of all places show some backbone and unity when they feel like big brother or big buisness is putting the "screws" to them. no wonder our unions are considered nothing more than paper tigers, with catchy slogans..........the AFL/CIO SUX!!!!!!!
Ya know, instead of talking about it incessantly on a bulletin board, why don't you just not show up for work for a few days? Talk is cheap.